Reviews for Forgiveness
thetreasure11 chapter 1 . 7/20/2011
Those were the Oracles right? If I'm right, I really like how they were written
BarbMacK chapter 34 . 3/1/2008
Okay so I got a we bit distracted by a movie called Mr Bones (a VERY corny movie!) between last BMQA and this one...but here it is now for ya...the last of Forgiveness!...well you know, till it's updated again (I'm fine if that doesn't happen for a while still :p)

**A/N: yes I know but I was bored so here's another chapter**

Uhuh, I know you were just trying to get more BMQAs :p

**She sat on the bunk eyes closed trying to meditate. Hoping against hope that she’d be able to contact someone else. But she was finding it hard to do anything with the magick field surrounding her room.**

This so reminds me of the adventure the Doc was part of :p

**She couldn’t understand. The moon never affected her before. Maybe it’s because Oz isn’t here, ‘I’m usually watching over him on the full moon. That’s got to be it.’**

Knowing you there's more to it than that :p

**“I feel like we get so far but something is blocking us or her.” Oz stood and threw back his hood. “It’s no use. I’ll have to start from the beginning again.” He undid the clasp on his cloak and threw it onto the sofa.**

Oh dear...

**“We. We will have to start from the beginning,” Buffy said. “There is no way I’m going to let you do this by yourself. She saved Angel. And you love her. I’ll help save her in anyway I can.”**

Gotta love Buffy :)

**“Great, when do we get going?” Dawn asked excitedly.

“We? Oh no you’re staying here.” Buffy’s tone was stern.**

Lol love that the 'we' she just itterated has already changed ;) And poor Dawny ;)

**“I got it,” Oz said calmly, starting up the stairs. “Might as well be some use to somebody.”**

Aww poor Dawny AND Ozzy!

**“Well come on, I mean he promises one of the baddest vamps around that he’ll take care of his little sister thinking he had the wolf on his side for extra support only to have it ripped away. And to top it off the same group of nasties steal his girl too. I wouldn’t wana be Oz when Angel finds out,” Xander mused.**

M...could get messy :(

**“Angel isn’t gona be mad at Oz. And you talking like that isn’t helping. I think Angel should know. I mean think how much madder he’s going to be when he finds out that not only is she missing but that he wasn’t told and we were. Oh God you’re right. He’s going to kill him,” Buffy realised. “We need to tell him.”**

Lol starts off with 'not a chance' then at end 'definitely!' Hehe...oh dear, VERY messy! And Oz might not be the only one in the firing line!

**“Oh…. N…no. Will and I enjoy Thanksgiving kn….knowing that one of us was in t….trouble,” Tara interrupted with a tentative smile at him.**

Rofl, gotta love Tara :)

**“Sometimes. That’s our coffee shop,” he said pointing to a well preserved ancient building as he jumped out the van.

“Whoa, wait. You have a coffee shop?” Buffy jumped out the van calling after him in complete shock.**

Hehe, forgot about the groovy little coffee shop :)

**“Oz and coffee shop? Nu-uh gotta have it wrong,” Xander said watching in disbelief as Oz unlocked the front door to the shop.**

Lol or possibly you the majority of the time in Beck's Buffiverse ;)

**“It does ok. We kind of cheat though. Night time it’s a bar. Kids from around here and the next town come in to perform. Kinda like the Bronze only not as big, or full of bugs. Tea?”**

See - groovy :)

**“Gotta have roots somewhere. And an income. Plus Cath and I get to work together.” He looked up from the counter as the bell rang announcing the others entrance. “Cookies and cakes on the table. Tea and coffee on its way.”**

Did I mention I've started looking at cars and houses despite wanting to be off traveling again in a couple years? Okay I can't afford either...or any actually if you count the this point, but now I know what I want, so once I start making money off my writing, it'll just be a matter of getting it all bought ;) (yup I'm very optimistic when it comes to my house and car and travel and hunky lover ;))

**Buffy gasped. “Mocha lattes! Oz I think I love you.”

“Get in line,” Xander said tasting his drink.**

...only slightly worrisome ;)

**“Please tell me you bake as well,” Buffy begged.

“Not guilty, sorry. That’s down to Cath and the others. I don’t look good in the apron.” He nodded to the coat rack where the pink apron hung.**

Lol positively flirtatious!

**“I take it they don’t know about the whole wolf and witch thing?” Xander asked.

“Some do. The people here aren’t as good at ignoring things as they are in other towns.”

“You mean they know and they haven’t hunted you down for killing their babies?” Buffy asked sarcastically.

“Luckily no. But then I don’t think anyone has had their baby eaten.**

Nice town...worrisome Buffy-thought-process ;)

**“Wow a regular little…. I’m trying to think of a creepy corrupt town but drawing a blank,” Xander said.**

Lol nice :)

**“Are you guys gona have a Christmas party? Halloween was the best, did you guys see it?” Sam’s face broke out on a huge smile as he regaled them with details of the night.**

See, I TOTALLY want this cafe in my town! It's one of those other random things I'd love one day is to have a groovy little cafe that I can run all on my own...well not all on my own, it'd have staff and stuff...and still give me time to write and all...big ask I know, but I'm hopeful ;)

**“You ok, man?” Xander asked.

The werewolf gave a brief shake of his head and started for the stairs.

Willow and Buffy stood to go after him.

“Wait,” Giles said calmly “give him some time.”**

Aww poor Oz :(

Well that's it chicken-licken! Forgiveness is all caught up till you update (once again, no rush! Still got a huge chunk of Madness and Fillers to catch up yet!) Hope you've enjoyed reading the BMQAs as much as I've enjoyed writing 'em ;) The others (M & soz, just the M/F thang...seriously think I'm over sleep deprived...which is more than a pinch slightly worrisome) will have to wait till tomorrow since I'm planning on an early night (see sleep dep comment in last ())

Have a super awesome day :) yeah no idea why said that either, but still mean it :p
BarbMacK chapter 33 . 2/29/2008 I miscounted...forgot that 31 & 32 were already done...well 32 more so than 31, but hey, it woulda just ended in a lot of hassling if I did it now :p How freaky is this? Only two to go and this fics all BMQAed up!

**A/N: So what have Oz and Cathy get themselves into now?**


**“Yup, it’s a 10 minute walk east. Should come to a clearing. Are you sure you want to do this?”

“Absolutely.” Oz grabbed his cloak and jumped out the van.**

...oh wait, this is where we find out about it isn't it? Oops ;)

**Oz looked around the clearing in awe. There were lanterns and candles everywhere. The ground was littered with flower petals. In the centre of the circle there was a large, flat stone. A candle on either side and a third in the middle.**

Pretty :) I want (well if I end up getting married) to have it amongst cherry blossoms that are at that point where they're falling down...the blossoms not the trees :p ...kinda like that scene in Heroes...

**Oz almost didn’t recognise his magickal name. The rest of the ceremony was done on auto pilot for him, he answered when he needed to and said all the right things, but he knew the Deities would forgive his distraction and know how committed he was to them and to his mate. The whole experience was almost overwhelming.**

Tsk tsk tsk :p

**His reverie was broken when they suddenly found themselves surrounded by vampires.**

Oh great, look who forgot to RSVP :p

**“Yeah I’m pretty sure among your kind guys are witches too!”**

He better not be trying to say what I think he is!

**“Not you sweetheart don’t worry. We want your little Samantha here.”**

Sa...oh as in Bewitched right?

**Kneeling beside him she felt his face, it was soaked. The metallic smell hit her seconds later as she wiped his face with the corner of her cloak. Slowly she stood.**

Let me guess, liquid silver or equiv?

**“Ok. You have my attention. What do you want?” She felt her fangs growing as she glowered at the vampires, and if her fangs were growing she knew her eyes were glowing golden.**

...isn't she meant to be human now?

**“I think they put far more silver than water. Or was it the other way round? I dunno, all I know is leave it long enough and the wolfie side dies. And I don’t think either of you wants that now, do you?”**

What's my prize for getting it right?

**“Help them raise some demon.”** know, something beginning with S demon guy who was Cordy's guide and was watching over that demon Angel had to free to save her that time? That scene came to know...the funny I'm descriptive aren't I?

**“We finish him off.” A satisfied sneer distorted the vampires face even more. “And no funny business. We know all about your parlour tricks.”**

Which means she SHOULD be able to kick their asses and still have time to save Oz! What' the point of super powers if you don't use 'em?

**“In perfect love and perfect trust.”**


**As she stalked towards them one creature threw a sack over her head.

“Don’t want you telling your friend here directions now do we?”**

And yet a blindfold wouldn't do?

**“Does Angel know?” Buffy asked.


“Don’t you think he should?”

“What am I supposed to say to him? ‘Hi Angel, how are you? Oh by the way I lost your sister while we were sort of getting married.’ I don’t want to tell him until its absolutely necessary.”**

Can see why you wouldn't wanna...but you're asking for an ass-whipping by keeping it from him!

**“At least you’re keeping the wolf at bay on the full moon. That’s something, especially with all this going on,” Willow said. She was trying to give him something positive.

“That’s the kicker. I’m not.”

“What? But you’re you so you’re in control of the wolf,” Dawn pointed out talking to him as if he were stupid. Anyone else would have snapped but Oz didn’t care anymore. He just shook his head.**

The wolfie died? I know I shouldn't be, but almost a bit sad bout that :p

**“He’s not fighting the wolf. The liquid they threw at you was silver, to disarm the wolf.” Oz nodded, so the watcher continued. “The problem lies in that it has worked too well. There’s hardly any wolf to control anymore.” Giles said gravely as he processed it all.

“That about sums it up. Just when I need it the most, it’s not there. I live for irony.”**

Nice line!

**Cordy’s scream woke him.**

Oh and the other reason you can't keep stuff from Angel...

**“What was it?” The vampire rose to get her a drink. They’d been researching a demon when they’d fallen asleep.**

Rofl, right ;) ...actually they tend to do that a lot don't they?

**“It didn’t make much sense, which I guess is a little weird because they have been recently. But there were three of them, all in robes, hoods up and everything. It looked really pretty. Then these Vampires appeared. Next thing one of the hooded guys is on the floor and the other is walking away with them.”**

Lol doesn't even need to attend to see the wedding :p

**“None. But who ever they took away was scared. I get the feeling they went to save the other. Angel this is going to sound crazy but I feel like we’ve met them before.”**

Bum bum ba...

**Cordy shook her head. “No, this was lighter than a lot of the druids stuff; this was light and happy until the vamps took one of them.”

Angel stopped pacing. “Can you describe the surroundings?”**

Bet ya a pack of Dr Who stickers he knows what the ceremony is :p

**“There are a few pagan covens and sects in L.A but they stay underground mostly to keep away from the darker strains.”

“Wait, pagans are nice?”

“Yes Cordelia, pagans are good people. They worship the earth and the sun and moon,” he explained, drawing on the patience of a saint.

“Huh. You learn something new every day.”** umm...did I win or lose that bet then? Cos I don't know if I can get DW stickers here :(

**“You think they’re going to tell us?”

“I don’t honestly know, but we have to try. If a group of vampires took whoever it is then they are working for someone else.”

“And that’s never good.”

“No. Not good.”**

And helping a vamp when vamps took one of the 'coven'

**“It’s taken you three days to ask for help?” Buffy was stunned.

“I…I was incapacitated. I wanted to handle it myself but got no where. Then I got your invite.”**

Sigh...Ozzy Ozzy Ozzy, you gotta learn to ask for help!


“Redwoods state park? Have you been there for autumn? I have only ever seen pictures but it looks beautiful.”

Oz just smiled at the watcher. He was right it was beautiful, but he didn’t really want to think about it.**

Lol poor Giles, always getting excited...kinda like the Doc and that coincidence? More than likely ;)

SQUEE! Just got the call to let me know I made it through application process - I am now (well will be in 8 weeks time anyway) a volunteer at Reef HQ! :) Yes they actually go through a whole application process...but mainly cos they can only accept 40 a year and they get a lot of interest...and it requires 7 weeks (not solid, 3 hrs every Wednesday night) training before you start...and then cos of the area I'll be in I've gotta do another 4 weeks training after that :) Yes I'm fully stoked!

...and then made the mistake of calling dad to tell him...sigh...

Reason for iffiness mentioned in last BMQA was issues with mum. Though no real issues with dad, part of me feels like I should have known better than to call him to do my happy dance with...

Anyway, back to BMQA...

**“H…have you t…tried contacting h….her?” Tara stammered.

“He doesn’t know where she is, remember, what’s he supposed to do? Phone every nasty in the country?” Xander asked sarcastically.

“There are other ways and there’s no time like the present. Be right back,” Willow said disappearing upstairs, Tara hot on her heels.**

Go Tara! And 'ha ha' to Xander! :p

**“Ok, anyone not happy about doing this?” Willow asked.

“Are we likely to end up talking to some stranger?” Xander asked.**

Lol that could be humorous ;)

**“Can’t we just use Oz?” Dawn asked. “I mean he’s gota be personal and important.”

“It has to be an object. Nice thought though Dawnie,” Willow said.**

It 'twas a nice thought :)

**There was something hard wrapped up in the velvet. Unfurling the cloak he searched for the pocket hidden in the lining. Reaching in his hand closed round something wooden and he knew instinctively what it was.**

Mr Pointy?

**“It’s the last thing she said. ‘In perfect love and perfect trust’.”

“That’s part of the Wiccan Rede. Why would she use that line?” Willow asked.**

M the plot thickens!

**“Why the laughyness?” Xander asked, completely lost.**

Has he not watched Harry Potter yet?

**“A Wiccan’s wand is something that calls to you. You don’t just go out and buy one. It’s made for you. If it’s pre-made then it calls to you the minute you see it. If they want her to do magick they are going to have to find her another wand. Even if they do, it won’t be hers so it won’t be as powerful which means they are either going to have to keep searching for the right one or be patient, the spell will take longer,” Giles said, a small wry smile tugging at his lips.**

See, I knew that already :p ...I am such a geek :(

**“Exactly.” The watcher looked up at the werewolf. “She’s a very clever girl.”

“That’s my Rowan.” Oz smiled his half smile back at the others.**

We just get used to calling her Cathy again and you go and change it on us...AGAIN! Sigh...

**A/N: something tells me Angel's not gona be happy when he founds out who the folks in the vision are.**

Hmm, something tells me you're right...and not just cos of the gutt feeling I've got, but cos you're the author too ;p

**hm, shall I post the next chapter? hmm...oh what the hell**

The last one to be's kinda...freaky really! Lol though it's not like I don't have another two waiting many a BMQA once this one's done :P (So that would be a 'No' to posting the next chapter as soon as I've done the next BMQA...but a 'Yes' to same question once you change 'next' to 'all the other'...hehe I like writing it in a way that makes it sound more confusing than it is ;)
BarbMacK chapter 30 . 2/29/2008
Hey chickadee,

Just watched Last Man I am impressed! Got me all weepy at the end! Burn is an amazing, just like you said! Even the small clips he was in just couldn't help but feel bad for him after the whole pilot thang...and he was there for Tosh. She didn't a brilliant job too! Hehe looks like Rhys finally finds out what Gwen does and gets to remember it huh?...don't answer that :p

**A/N: This scene is dedicated to my good friend Purplepebble who has sat with me forhours walkingscenes through, especially this one. Balloon juggling isstill one of my favourite games!**

Once again, such a dork! But in the nicest sense of the word of course ;)

**Cathy watched as Oz finally spoke to Willow and smiled as he hug her a quick hug.**

'as he hug her a quick hug' huh? Impressive :p

**“Anyone heard form the ‘prince of Darkness yet?” Xander whined.

“No!” everyone chorused for the tenth time.**

Seriously, can we just bitch slap him now?

**“So, any thoughts on the ice cream?” Willow whispered as she reached Buffy’s side.

“Nothing. I could just be being silly. Maybe it wasn’t déjà vu, just my brain playing tricks.”

“You think?” Willow wasn’t convinced.**

STILL gotta see that ep!

**“Bad vibes. Something’s upset our slayer.”


“Only logical explanation.”

“Plus he’s late. He’s rarely late.” Oz observed looking round the warehouse.**

M...poor yes I feel worse for him than Buffy...but still!

**Cathy looked over at Buffy and Willow. “This could be bad. Do you suppose…..”

“Uh-uh. No supposing. I don’t suppose. Gets messy.”**

Lol, cute ;)

**“I can’t read minds this far away.”**

Was just bout to ask about that ;)

**“I have an idea.”

“I was afraid of that.” He mumbled following her lead.**

Lol was thinking the same as Oz there too ;)

**“…..skinny dipping with a chocolate elephant.” Angel heard Oz’s distinctive mono-tone voice cover the distance between him and the group of teens. He let the manhole cover slam down as he watched them collapse into laughter.**

Do I WANT to know what question that was the answer for?

**“We’re playing a game. It’s like truth or dare only without the dares.” Cordy said brightly.**

Could be hazardous to ones health!

**“Come on Angel. Have some childish fun for once in two hundred years.” Cathy begged.**

Hardly a child anymore though is he?

**“Ok.” He shook his head in bewilderment. How did she get him into this?**

Cos she's your little sister of course! We're good at that ;)

**“Hey no fair! Slayer, Vamp and Wolfboy have extra good reflexes.”

“Ok, supernaturals, one hand only.” Cathy grinned.**

Lol fair enough ;)

**“Skinny dipping with chocolate elephants?” Angel questioned Oz, eyebrows raised.

“Moments gone.” Oz said simply, tapping his balloon into the air showing complete control.**

Evil woman :p

**“What’s the most cringe worthy thing Dead boy did when he was alive?” Xander asked, giving an evil smile.

“Um… probably,” A wicked smile spread across her face. “Yup, hitting on mama’s best friend!”

“What! When was this? Where was I?” Angel exclaimed, feigning ignorance and dropping his balloon.

“That’s just sick. Unless she was hot.” Xander said, fishing for details.

“She was!” Angel and Cathy chorused.**

Lol nicely done Xander, getting juicy gossip from Cath ;) ...well not exactly juicy, but could lead to some ;)

**“Angel, you dropped your balloon. Buffy your question.” Willow said cheerfully.**

Cathy is so smart with her timing ;)

**Cathy stared at Buffy so hard her eyes began to sting. Then she heard it; ice cream, ask about the ice cream. He freaked last night when you asked. He cant freak or run now.

“Oh lord.” Cathy whispered to herself looking over at Oz.**

You started it :p

**“What kind of question’s that?” Cordy exclaimed, plucking at the knot, avoiding looking at anyone. She knew where this was going and it wasn’t somewhere the others should know about.**

Lol seems everyone but the one that should know knows :p

**“What?... um…Well I..” Angel stammered.

Articulate as ever brother dearest. He’s never going to talk his way out of this.**

Lol though he has managed to on weird occasions ;)

**I’ve gotta go to work.”

“Now?” Oz said following her to the door.**

Aww, poor Oz...

**“Cant leave ‘em high and dry on caberet night. I worked my butt off learning it over the past two days. Nicely done by the way.” She looked at her own balloon.**

Trust you to keep her at the job :p

**Cathy had barely moved two paced when Xander tackled her and they fell laughing to the floor, the balloon exploding beneath her. They heard the others giggle.

“Smart move.” Oz said sarcastically.

“You dingus! Get off.” Cathy said good humouredly, Oz helping them to their feet.**

Could earn him a wolfy bite if he's not careful!

**“Sorry.” Xander whispered. “Breaking tension.” He nodded towards the Slayer and vampire.

“I got it.” She whispered back. Winking at Oz she left praying all would be quiet and harmonious for all concerned.**

:O Sorry, just somewhat speechless at Xander's smartness...

**“It’s always the quiet ones.” Oz ignored the others as the all raised their eyebrows at him.

“Oh yeah? Something you wana share Oz?” Buffy teased.

Oz simply pursed his lips and looked the slayer straight in the eye before looking back at the big dipper.**

Lol cute ;)

**Angel laughed out loud at the comedian as the others felt very lost.

“Guess you have to be a demon.” Xander observed.

Buffy had never really seen Angel laugh out loud before, it was very surreal.**

...yeah it is when it happens!

**Oz slowly shook his head as he stared. There Cathy was. Perched cross-legged on the bar dressed like a showgirl; a deep purple satin corset, what looked like a pair of frilly French knickers, suspenders holding up black fishnet stockings and a pair of calf high boots that matched the purple of her outfit.

Oz shifted uncomfortably in his seat when she winked at him before jumping down from her perch.**

Oh dear...

**“Well it’s certainly got the demons attention. Maybe I should wear it patrolling, you know, shock ‘em, stake ‘em. Hey Will, Whaddaya think, wana try a double act?” Buffy grinned.

“Dear God please don’t let that be a joke.” Xander drooled, his eyes never leaving Cathy.**

So wrong and...even wronger :p

**“She’s a regular?”

“Oh yeah- been here about a year. Never on the full moon at night though. Something about a friend.”**

Always wondered why you chose this particular career path for her...I mean I didn't think her an accountant or or a librarian :p...but this?

**“She’s not her usual self though. She’s putting up a happy front but she’s miserable.”

“How can you tell?”

“Empathy demon. I can read people’s emotions.”

Oz took a step away from her.

“Chill. I already got your number. You’re her werewolf. And yes she’s unhappy ‘cause of you.”**

Not good, not good at all :p

**Oz thought locking eyes with her. He felt his muscles tense, feeling very uncomfortable at being turned on by her with her brother so near.

“Right there with ya.” Angel murmured sidling up to the bar next to him.

“Huh?” Oz uttered praying Angel didn’t know what he had been thinking- had he said it out loud?

“Cathy and what she’s wearing-or not in front of so many people.”

“Oh- yeah.”**

Rofl nice timing :p least Angel thinks the best of Oz ;)

**She thinks you’re going without her jerk! You never asked!**

Is that all? Oy curumba!

**“I think we can guess what he’s off to do.” Xander grinned wickedly earning him a look of disgust from Angel.

“Hey, that’s my sister.”**

Which is why slugging Xander before saying that would have been an acceptable response :p

**“With the look on Oz face I don’t think that was on his mind when he took off anyway.” Buffy said grimly. “Something’s upset our puppy.”

“He hasn’t asked her.” Angel said simply.

“Asked her what?” Willow looked up at the vampire.

“To go with him. She thinks he’s going travelling without her.”**

He really knows everything doesn't he ;)

**“How’d you know?” Xander challenged.

“I lurk.”

“You mean eavesdrop.” Buffy tried to hide a smile.

“That too. Waitress was talking to him.”**

And he's admitting that way to freely these days :p

**“I say he throws her over his shoulder and carry her off with him, specially in that outfit.” Xander wiggled his eyebrows.

“Still my sister.” Angel growled glaring at the boy.**

Slugging still an acceptable response ;)

Not sure how many BMQAs I'll get through today...specially since it's taken me till 1715 to do one! Just feeling rather lethargic and iffy...the former is surprisingly easier to get past than the latter :p ...only four to go though, so might push myself through it...not like it's hard...just easily distractedable at mo :p
BarbMacK chapter 29 . 2/25/2008
**Chapter 29**

Again no intro AN? What's going on huh?

**“Oz? What are you doing?” Buffy called from the sand, trying not to shiver in her wet clothes.**

Told ya! Bet Angel's hearts a racing at the sight of her...well you know...if it did beat :p

**“What were you doing?” Buffy tried not to laugh at the sopping werewolf.

“Helping you.” The corner of his mouth twitched in a small smile.**

Lol nice.

**“Looks more like skinny dipping.” Cathy said trembling in the cold.

Oz looked down in the dim light from the pier, his wet shirt looked see through.**

And I thought it would be the boys doing the checking out!

**“You could’ve run round.” Angel said opening the back doors.

“Lacked drama.” Oz said reaching for the blankets left over from the full moon.**

Lol and required observation skills :p

**Angel watched Buffy as she gingerly hopped in. her wet clothes making her feel self-conscious. She looked just like she did on her seventeenth birthday, the only difference was her hair was longer and now he couldn’t hold her to warm her up.**

KNEW he'd do some checking! :p

**As he drove he watched them huddle together in the back sharing the blankets and body heat.**

And wishing he could be part of that huddle :p

**“Ok, I’m sold. Caravan heaven it is.”

“Strange interpretation.” Oz said quizzically.

“Anywhere with dryness and heat is heaven.”

“Point taken and noted.”**

Good call ;)

**Oz huddled the girls closer as they continued to shiver.**

And Angel looked on jealously ;)

**“Thanks Oz. You are officially my favourite werewolf.” She smiled.

“I can live with that” he nodded as she headed to the bathroom.**

Cheesy corn!

**Cathy watched him with an amused look as he padded into his bedroom to change. She followed and closed the door behind her.**

Bow bow chica wow wow :p

**Oz just looked at her for a moment before peeling off his wet t-shirt, trying to ignore the shadow of purple that tarnished one side of her face. Testament to the violence the wolf inside could launch on others.**

Wet t-shirt competitions followed by strippers, where will this fic go next? ;)

**“I hurt you.” His voice mono-tone as ever.**

Lol in my head that came out as 'more mono-tone than ever' and I was trying to figure out how you could get more mono-toned for a second :p

**“That’s why I love ya. Now can we get changed. Wet jeans are really nasty when they dry. Sea salt is not skin friendly.”**

Not at all :p

**“What’s this? ‘Look ma, no hands’?” She said catching her breath. They both looked down at Oz’s hands still firmly clutching the comforter they were sitting on.**

Lol good to see she's observant :)

**“Still cold and wet.” Cathy reminded him.**

And not easily distracted too apparently ;)

**“Hey” Buffy said emerging from the bathroom.

“Hi” Angel stood from his place on the sofa. “Feeling better?”**

Could it be, could you let us have just a little B/A action?

**She smiled moving closer to Angel.**

How close exactly?

**Hot chocolate?” he asked clumsily pointing to the tub on the side.**

Cute :)

**“I’m on it.” Oz said as he stepped out of his bedroom followed by Cathy.**

Oh come on! They could have at least had a few more minutes alone!

**They’d been waiting for a good moment to leave when they heard the two talking.**

See! Even THEY thought something might be going on :P

**Angel sighed as he sat back down. He’d have liked some time alone with her.**

Me too! You'd think the other two woulda known better!

**He didn’t know what he would have said but then she sat next to him and he couldn’t think straight.**

Tehehe :)

...wait, I KNEW there was something about Cathy reading Angel's mind - how can she when Buffy couldn't?

**Angel took off his coat and placed it round her shoulders.

“Look cold.” He explained at her quizzical look.


Too cute :)

**Buffy looked at the clock. “Where are the others? I thought they’d be back by now.”**

You want more people around? Man, I'm still trying to get rid of two!

**“They went back to the hotel.” Angel said quietly, rubbing a spot on his mug. “I called Cordy to tell her we were all okay so they decided to call it a night.”**

Good man Angel :) pire to quote him ;)

**“Guess I’ll make a move. See you guys tomorrow?” Buffy stood looking at Oz and a sleeping Cathy.**

No you can't! Unless Angel goes with you, then it's okay ;)

**“I’ll walk you back.” Angel mumbled, nodding goodbye to Oz.**

Once again, good man pire Angel :)

**“No. It’s ok. No need for you to go out of your way.”

He cleared his throat. “You’ve got my jacket so….”

“Oh right. Sorry.” She begun to shrug out of his leather coat.

“No, it’s fine it’s in my direction.”**

Sneaky Angel, coming up with excuses ;)

**“Buffy just let the man walk you back!” Cathy commanded exasperated, from Oz’s shoulder, “Geez. Everything’s a drama.” She tried not to smile as she kept her eyes closed. She felt Oz’s cheek move against the top of her head as he smirked a little at her outburst.**

Lol go Cathy :)

**“Thank the stars!” She exclaimed easing herself upright. “Those two are a nightmare.” She looked round at Oz to find him smirking at her, one eyebrow raised. “What?” she realised how much she’d missed those eyes. Oz’s eyes said everything his expressions, or lack of, didn’t.

“You realise you’ve just caused mischief.”

“Maybe.” Oz kept looking at her. “Okay, look they have GOT to get used to being around each other. They’re fighting the same fight, same side and everything!” She made her eyes go wide trying to look innocent but the twinkle gave her away. “They have issues. They need to talk.”**

Talk is so overrated! A good dose of action will fix things right up...well not an entire dose since Angel's soul isn't locked in tight...but maybe a little dose?

**“As long as they behave.” He said, a small lop-sided small twitched at the corner of his mouth.

“They will.**

No! No behaving, misbehaving is GOOD!...have you noticed I've suddenly become B/A obsessed?

**“You think they’re going to get themselves into trouble, don’t you?” Buffy knew Angel’s unconvinced tone.

“Only if they look for it.”

“Oz doesn’t look for trouble.” Buffy told him, confused by his statement.

“No. But she might. She is my sister after all.”

“And nothing like you.”**

Lol cute ;)

**“She’s open about almost everything. She follows her heart and what’s right….eventually.”

“Following your heart can be deadly.”

“So can doing what’s right. If you follow your heart at least you’ll have enjoyed life and not regretted doing the other because ‘it’s the right thing to do’”

“Buffy I….”

“Oh great!” Buffy exclaimed looking towards the sky as rain began falling again.**

Stalling the convo with RAIN? Come on Becks, you can do better than that!

**“Someone really wants me wet tonight!”

“Come on. My place is closest.”**

That could be taken SO wrongly :p

**He nodded and padded over to the kitchen stripping his rain soaked shirt and hanging it on a chair.**

M, Angel ;)

**Buffy had been so preoccupied with his naked back she had heard him.

“Huh? What?” Buffy moved in behind him as he bent to look in the refrigerator for his glass of blood.**

Even time to check out the butt too! Nice! (I'd go for Angel over a poodle any day ;))

**Buffy stared for a moment, a serious case of de ja vu washing over her.

“Got any cookie dough fudge mint choc chip ice cream?”**

I've really got to see that episode at some point!

**Angel spun a little too quickly in his wet shoes and lost his footing. He reached out to steady himself and ended up taking Buffy down with him.**

Bow bow chica wow wow!

**He didn’t have time to finish his thought as Buffy suddenly kissed him.

He knew he should stop it, it was wrong but it felt so good to have her this close again. He knew he’d regret it but he allowed himself a few moments feeling her hands on his face and chest.**

About bloody time!

**But as always for Angel, common sense kicked in pretty soon.

Reluctantly he pushed her away. “Buffy we can’t.”**

Ugh, I thought common sense wasn't meant to be that common these days!

**“Sorry.” He stood in front of her suddenly embarrassed about being shirtless. Crossing his arms to cover himself a little the slayer couldn’t meet his eyes.**

M, so you should be! I wanna kick your ass for stopping!

**“I should go.” Her voice cracked as she spoke, stepping backwards.

“Buffy wait. I’ll walk you.” Angel moved to his wardrobe.

Buffy didn’t wait. She was out of the door and heading for the street before Angel knew she’d moved.**

SIGH! Stoopid stoopid stoopid, the pair of ya!

**A/N: althogether now... ah.**

...see this is why I use aw instead of ah, cos in Buffiverse it looks like you're yelling at some monster ;)

**but poor Buffy, so confused**

RIght, 10 minutes to get to meditation! Wish me luck!
BarbMacK chapter 28 . 2/25/2008
**Chapter 28**

That was weird - no intro AN?

**Cathy listened to Oz’s heavy, steady breathing as he slept. She was so entranced by it she almost forgot to breathe herself which, in the past wouldn’t have been a problem but now it was essential.**

Lol I guess of 200 years experience to go against, must be tough :p

**Trying to get her head round it wasn’t as easy as she thought it would be. All the things that plagued her as a vampire no longer were an issue, so why wasn’t she jumping for joy? Why did everything seem so depressing?**

Oh no, doesn't sound good :(

**It felt like the walls were closing in on her, she needed to get out.**

Seriously not good!

**Damn! She’d forgotten Xander had stayed, still he was snoring so loudly she was sure the people across the trailer park could hear him. Keeping as quiet as possible she crept passed him and out into the dark, early hours of the morning.**

Pity Angel hadn't stayed! At least he's good at watching!

**She had a grave thousands of miles away back home in Ireland along side her parent’s and Liam’s. And like Liam’s her grave was empty.**

It's a good thing she wasn't gone long enough for them to setup a grave for her this time or she'd end up with three graves in the end!

**Xander looked at Oz and saw the worry lining the boy’s face. A twinge of guilt passed over him as he realised Cathy had snuck past him in the night and he hadn’t stirred.**

Yeah, and a werewolf jumped around in a cage in front of you and you slept through that too :p

**“We don’t actually know.” Xander shrugged. “We were in a place where the outside world just didn’t come into it.”

“Meaning you were asleep.” Willow surmised.

“Pretty much. Come on I mean it was gone three am easy.”

“Just amazing how so many things happen while you’re asleep.” Buffy teased**

Very true...I'm might have to add something in my fic with stuff happening him to sleep ;)

**“One thing at a time. First we find Cathy. Then we worry about getting home.” Buffy said, smiling softly at the werewolf.**

Oh NOW they're gonna stay till the end? :p

**Sat perched on the rail of the pier she was staring out to sea. The world around her was bathed in gold, pink and purple as the sun set. She didn’t hear the blond girl approach.

“Don’t do it” the blond said, a smile touching her lips. The girl looked to her side where the blond now stood.

“Jump I mean. It’s really not worth it.”

“No guarantees.” The dark haired girl responded.**

Wonder what Buff woulda done if she had!

**“Have you been here all day? People were beginning to worry. Cotton candy?” Buffy held out the bag to Cathy.**

Very like Buffy!

**“I love him to pieces; don’t get me wrong, it’s just….” Buffy looked at her expectantly. “I don’t know if I can deal with the wolf anymore. For the last year I’ve been with him every full moon. Originally keeping the wolf in check. Oz can keep it at bay now but what happens if he loses control? Any powers I had- if they still exist are pretty weak for taking on a six foot werewolf. I can’t protect anyone from him. And I can’t protect him from the wolf.” Cathy’s eyes twinkled in the fading light as she felt them prickle with tears. “Then there’s the whole being alive thing. For two centuries I spent what there was of my afterlife following Liam and worrying for everyone he met. Then you came along and made me worry even more. But there was another part of me that wanted it to go wrong the way it did. I knew it would be the end for me so when he turned I waited to be called, for them to end it all for me, to let me rest but they didn’t. Now I am free I don’t know what I’m doing. I was listening to Oz’s breathing and I almost choked forgetting to breathe myself. What am I supposed to do with the next sixty years or however long I make it for in this life if I have trouble remembering to breathe? Everything’s different now. I only had to worry about him so he was the only problem before, now I have a life to work out, everything just seems….. huge. You know?” Cathy had spent the whole speech with her eyes closed and barely took a breath. Buffy just sat and listened.

“You sound like Oz and a little like your brother.” Buffy said warmly.**

Yeah like leaving to 'protect' the 'other' person :p

**“Good advice Buffy, ever thought of listening to yourself?”**

Lol good call ;)

**“Not until listening to you. I guess I never really thought about it before because I didn’t want to. Angel really did do all those things he always said were for me because it was what was best. I always thought it was because he was a coward or because he didn’t care.”


“I know, I feel really stupid and selfish. All the time I was thinking about how much he’d hurt me and how I was feeling and coping when he was probably hurting too.”

“Yup, he was.**

So how bout we make this better and get both couples back together by the proper end of this fic huh?

**He loves you and always will. But he has to do right by the rest of our world that means not having you. I’ve known you all a lot longer than you’ve known me, I’ve seen you all grow up together and your heartache. No one has ever loved him the way you do and never, ever in two hundred and fifty odd years has he been as in love with anyone as he is with you.”

Buffy looked at Cathy and they gave each other watery smiles.**

Yeah I know they can't be together...but still!

**“Well, well. I’d heard the slayer was in town. Never thought I’d be the one lucky enough to have a nibble.” One of the vampires taunted.

The girls jumped down to the pier floor and adopted fighting stances.

“There must be at least fifteen against us two.”**

Unfair the vamps I mean ;)

**I’ll try to get help.”


‘Like this’, a voice said inside Buffy’s head. I’ll try to get in touch with Oz and Angel.**

Aww but that's cheating! :P

**“Thanks. Taught myself.”**

...don't know why but that just made me think of all those times Angel's taught others to fight and it's been semi-romantic and all...wouldn't have quite the same affect seeing his little sister practicing in the background :p

**“Girl…on her own…in L.A.”**

With special powers though :p

**“Dangerous? Pointless?” Cathy finished.**

Definitely not pointless ;)

**“The only way appears to be down.” Cathy said looking around as they backed against the pier railing.

“Where’s Angel?” Buffy whispered.

The girls suddenly heard the squeal of tires and the gunning of an engine as Oz’s van barrelled onto the pier.

“Right on cue.”**

Lol yup ;)

**“There goes another van hood. His insurance must love him!” Buffy pointed out. “Every time he comes to L.A he rams something.”**

Not to mention the door Angelus knocked himself out on ;)

**“Vamp convention?” Oz looked at Angel.

“None that I was invited to.”**

Ba doom doom tish :p

**“Not all the time, no.” He could feel the wolf just below the surface sparking his adrenalin that block the pain he knew he’d feel later. The vampire loosened his grip slightly as an animalistic growl erupted from deep within Oz’s chest.**

Lol none of the four fighting are really human :p

**“You’re not that widely acknowledged as non-fiction yourself.”**

Lol nice point ;)

**Suddenly the Vampire exploded and Oz fell to the floor.

“Interrupting?” Angel said helping him up.

“Not an unwelcome interruption.”**

Lol you've got A/O and B/O (that came out wrong :P) down to an art ;)

**“You know…..if you can hold your own with this lot, Oz will be easy…to handle.” Buffy called as she threw a few more punches.

“You think?”**

Lol just what I was thinkin ;)

**“BUFFY!” Angel yelled.**

Pity she couldn't have at least half drowned then he could given her the kiss of life which could lead to just plain kissing and all...yeah I know, the fact he doesn't breath might be a bit of an issue, but he DOES still have functioning lungs, so if he concentrated on it he could do it ;)

**The water was as black as ink and very still. All Oz could hear was the water lapping against the pillars and the disturbance his own body made. Everything else was deadly silent.**

You just love trying to make us think you're killing people off don'tcha?

**A/N: O where are they?**

Drying off on shore maybe? Okay got group mediation in 35 min, (it's about 20 min away from where I live) so I'm gonna try get another one in before I go, but if not, that'll be the time gap 'kay?
BarbMacK chapter 27 . 2/24/2008
Only SIX to go :D (Yes I know, I'm saying that like it's a bad thing...which it isn't, it's just MAN I would love to be on top of BMQAs again!)

**A/N: Only about three chapters to go.**

Liar liar, your pants on fire!...well I hope not really cos that could be hazardous to your health!

**Any ways here's the next part, lots of Angelness for you purplepebble and all other Angel fans.**

Aww, I didn't even notice how much I'd been missing him till you said that!

**“I’m here baby.” He whispered in her ear as he kissed her cheek. He didn’t notice Buffy, Giles and Xander leave. He lay down next to her and stroked the top of her head as he watched her sleep. After a few moments Cathy curled into the warmth of his body nestling her head under his chin.**

Naw, aren't they too cute!

**“Maybe we should leave. I mean it’s cramped, I’m tired and this should be a private thing shouldn’t it?” Cordy ventured earning looks of shock from most. “You’re still not over this? Ok look. Contrary to popular opinion I do actually care about people, generally, sometimes. I have to, working for dead guy walking. And thanks to Doyle I have to work for Angel because there is no way I am putting up with those mind exploding visions without getting something out of it!”

“I think, e gods I can’t believe I’m actually going to say this, Cordy is right.” Buffy interjected.**

Evil considering the speech she just gave :p

**“I’m going to hang around for a while. I want to be here if she wakes.” Angel said quietly.

“You two boys better play nice!” Buffy warned, looking at Xander.**

Can't Xander just leave instead since Angel's staying?

**“As long as he keeps his fangs to himself everything will be copasetic.”

Angel hadn’t been listening, Buffy thanked her lucky star… assuming she had one.

“Xander, don’t start. You two sure you’ll both be ok here? Together?”**

Couldn't she just have knocked him out to be on the safe side?

**Buffy wanted to put her arms around him. She felt a little jealous of Oz. He could have what he wanted. She wanted to feel safe and loved in Angel’s arms but she knew it would only spell trouble.**

Well unless Angel took a page from Spike's book and fought to own his soul!

**She knew him well enough to know he must be feeling guilty and nervous at least, if not terrified, that Cathy would never speak to him again.**

Course she's gonna talk to him again! She knew everything that was planned to maybe she'll want to kick his ass for killing her the first time, but I'm sure he'll survive that :p

**Angel looked up and saw her staring at him. He tried to stay expressionless but when she looked at him like that it took every ounce of strength not to reach out for her so it would all go away.**

Couldn't he have at least given her just a little smile? Just an iddle widdle one? And to answer the question you're probably thinking, No, I have no idea where that came from!

**“Angel, what are you doing about getting home?” Cordy asked the vampire.**

Isn't she cute looking out for her boss ;)

**“Donuts?” Xander asked. “Of course, you don’t eat donuts. Dumb question.”

“Donuts sound good.” Xander looked at Angel in surprise. “I like comfort food as much as the next guy.” They looked round as Oz’s bedroom door slid open.**

Rofl too cute...Angel not Xander :p

**“Back in a bit. - Oh Oz, can I borrow your van? It’s dark and kinda scary out there.”**

And yet he manages to go on foot in Sunnydale? Wus!

**“Yeah. They figured there were too many people.” Angel followed him to the sofa.**

Yay, another A/O moment...and now I'm not gonna be able to not think of them doing...stuff...

**“How are you doing? Everyone seems so concerned about me but she’s your sister. Its gotta be fairly freaksome for you.”**

Aww, isn't he seet for asking :)

**“It’s strange. Mostly I feel sad. I’ve killed her twice and she’s still here. She….” He was cut off by a crash coming from the bedroom. Angel and Oz scrambled to the door.**

Think you might have spoken a moment too soon on that last one :p

**“What the….?” She moved towards it, her eyes never leaving her reflection. All colour drained from her face. “This is just so not funny. What are they trying to do to me? Send me completely off my rocker?”

Oz looked at Angel. What do I say?

Angel sighed. “It wasn’t the PTB. Willow did a restoring spell. She didn’t mean to hurt or upset you. She thought she was doing the right thing.”**

Lol I guess it would be just a wee bit weird changing appearances every other day :p

**So I look like me again but I sound American. Confusion abound today.”**

Very much so!

**Oz smiled his lop sided smile. “I’m better now.” He kissed her quickly and pulled her as close as he could.

“Um, Oz, honey. Oxygen is a bit of an issue these days.”**

Not to mention big brother just on other side of door ;)

**“Didn’t know what you guys liked so I got some of everything. Hey Cathy. Looking good for a human bar-b-que.” Xander smiled.**

Nicely done Xand :p ...although all that comes to mind is the Doc saying it...m Doctor (yes that was said in the way those fairy ladies do the Angel one ;))

**Cathy gasped alarming the men.

“Chocolate iced with sprinkles! My favourite.”

Xander, Oz and Angel all looked at each other and chuckled as they sat themselves down and reached for a donut each.

“Paranoia running high today fellas?” Cathy teased in between bites.**

Lol considering the week they've had, it's only fair really ;)

**“Thanks Xander. Sorry ‘bout flooring you back in Sunnydale.”

“No big. I look at it this way. If a girl floors me it means she likes me.” He grinned like a Cheshire cat only less creepy.

“Lots of girls ‘like’ you then?”

“Oh yeah. Got the scars to prove it.”**

Lol okay THAT was actually funny for him ;)...pity I've already forgotten her beating him up though :(

**“M. Not many things better than a chocolate donut.” Cathy slid Oz a cheeky look. “Except…” Her eyes twinkled mischievously.

“Ice cream.” Oz interjected knowing what she was getting at.**

Although you better hope for your sake her big brother believes that, cos it didn't sound like a sentence that would end in ice cream! :p

**Keeping it on the inside in front of people. Angel almost smiled to himself as he realised they had that in common.**

Well yeah, she has been following you round for the better part of 3 centuries! Only fair she picks up a few of your habits :p

**“No more blood.” Cathy suddenly said after the conversation lulled.

“Random comment.” Oz looked at her quizzically.**

Oh come on, I'm sure Oz woulda figured that one out :p

**“Never mind." She stopped herself from elaborating for Angel’s sake. There was so much she wanted to ask him and tell him but now she was no longer ‘undead’ she felt awkward and thought it’d be insensitive. She had hardly spoken to her brother in over two centuries. Just those few moments before she ‘died’ again.**

I'm sure he'll understand.

**Which begged the question, if she is now alive and human….

“How old am I?” Cathy asked.

Angel could tell by the look on her face, it was never meant to be said out loud.**

Lol good question none the less :P

**“Well how old were you when you died?” Xander asked. “The first time I mean.”

“Fourteen.” Cathy and Angel said in unison causing them to lock eyes.

“Well you definitely don’t look fourteen.” Xander pointed out.**

Not to mention putting her age as 14 MIGHT just get Oz arrested :p

**“You must be 20 by now I guess.”

“June 22nd” Angel said simply.

“Uh-huh. You wana let us in on the rest of that thought there?”**

Her birthday doofus :p

**Oz smiled a little as Xander desperately tried not to finish with ‘Dead Boy’.**

Wish 'Dead Boy' would kick 'doofus'' arse!

**“Cathy’s birthday. June 22nd.”**

See! I am so smart, I am so smart. S-M-A-T, I mean S-M-A-R-T...the down side to TYPING that song, is you spell 'smart' right twice before spelling it wrong :p

**“We missed your birthday in the summer.” Oz jumped up and almost ran to his kitchen drawer and rummaged, ignoring the bemused looks of the others.

“Full house” he said as he returned to the table, stabbing the remaining chocolate donut with a cake candle and lighting it.

“Where’d you get that?” Cathy giggled.

“You. Left over from my birthday.”**

Lol aren't these two just too cute...and haven't I already said that at some point in this review?

**“Isn’t it bad luck?” Xander asked.

“Not if you don’t sing.” Cathy replied looking at Angel. “Which is lucky for all concerned.”**

ROFL! Okay that's brilliant logic to get outta singing, and hugely funny cos of the Angel singing reference! Rofl I LOVED that ep where he was gonna have to sing again and the others all upset I GOTTA find that quote!

Yes, I spent half an hour going through Angel quotes before I finally found it...okay so it wasn't just hunting it down but enjoying the quotes too (woulda shared more of 'em but I figured after the Spike edition, I'd save you the Angel one :P):

Angel: There's only one thing we can do now.

Cordelia Chase: Oh, God. Oh, no!

Wesley Wyndam-Pryce: The karaoke bar.

Charles Gunn: Angel's gonna sing?

Cordelia Chase: Isn't there some other way?

Wesley Wyndam-Pryce: There has to be. Think, damnit!

Angel: Hey! Come on.

Okay ONE more...cos it's from the same ep but I can't actually remember the end part of it happening:

Cordelia Chase: Soup and salad, too? What is going on here?

Angel: I forgot what you liked.

Cordelia Chase: Why didn't you ask me?

Angel: Well, you said, why is everyone asking you if they can get you anything. I-I didn't wanna do that.

Cordelia Chase: So you did this instead.

Angel: Yup.

Cordelia Chase: I love you.

How cute is he? Lol and it was probably a big moment for her last words as well...yeah I became a huge A/C shipper by the end of it...ooh 5 minutes of work to go! Um...

**“Make a wish.” Angel said. His voice level and completely unfazed.**

Cute that it's him who says it :)

**“I don’t think I need to. Be pretty greedy to keep wishing after the last week. Even if it has been scary as hell, it’s all worked out ok in the end. Everyone is safe and well, disasters were avoided. All in all it could’ve been worse.”**

Aww, ain't that lovely :)

**Cathy simply blew the candle out and split the donut into four pieces. She pushed the plate to the centre of the table and indicated for the boys to take a piece.**

M 1/4 donut, how filling!

**“You’re a true lady.” Xander said round his mouthful. The others just looked at him in mild disgust.**

Lol good on the other two! ;)

**“She’s going to be fine. “ Angel said.

“M maybe.” Oz was sure some of that was an act.**

They can read each other's minds now?

**Cathy was gone less than a few minutes when she suddenly darted back out of the bed room. She grabbed Oz’s and Angel’s hands and pulled them towards the door.**

Trying very hard NOT to think bad thoughts!

**“Wow” Oz said stepping outside. They all stood in silence staring up at the sky. A section was covered in so many stars it looked like someone had painted it white.

“The Milky way.” Cathy whispered.**

Pretty :)

**“What scorched ground?” Oz asked touching the lush grass beneath his feet.

“Huh? You do remember what happened right? I mean you just explained it to Cathy.”

“Rhetorical question. Pointing to the lack of scorch.”**

Xander, you're a gimp!

**“Mislead. Weird things are pretty much everywhere. People just pay a little more attention in the Hellmouth, well sometimes anyway.” Oz countered.**

Very true!

**“Big cities equal big bads in a more spread out area. Easier to ignore, so people do. Right Angel?” Cathy looked at her brother for confirmation while Xander looked back up at the sky in awe.**

And big brothers to come to the resuce :)

**Angel watched the pair. She can still read minds. He thought. I wonder what other powers remain.

Cathy looked at him again. Mind reading isn’t a demon power it’s a gift from the PTB so I can read YOUR mind brother. As for the other powers, I’ll find out in time.**

Groovy :)

**“’Bout 2.45 am.”**


**Xander noted Oz never wore a watch. “You can tell that from where the moon is right?”

Oz merely shrugged resisting the urge to smile. He took Cathy’s hand and headed inside.

As Xander turned he saw the digital clock on the microwave through the window.

“Oldest trick in the book.” Angel said over Xander’s shoulder, clapping him on the back before heading in.

“Outwitted by a wolf. No change there I guess.”**

Rofl, brilliant :)

**A/N: Poor Angel, alone again. So, any thoughts?**

I'm SO not letting him be alone in my fic! Even if it means multiple women chasing after him :p

**Anyone still reading?**


**Be nice to hear from you. All comments given a loving home...**

Okay, so the other five will have to wait till later, or tomorrow, cos for now it's HOME TIME!
BarbMacK chapter 26 . 2/24/2008
So, how was your weekend darling? Hope you didn't get up to any further mischief :p On with reviews, only seven to go :)

**A/N: Oz has a visitor.**

Another one...oh wait, the impending lightning right? for a second I was like 'I can't write that, that's a spoiler for someone who hasn't read it yet!' then realised, even if someone DID read my BMQAs, they wouldn't read the review prior to the chapter (unless they just have a weird fascination with my BMQAs :p ...scary thought!) so it doesn't matter ;)

**“Hey.” She replied, twisting her ring round and round on her finger. Now he was closer he could see how tired she looked, her eyes were red rimmed and her face tear stained. The bruise on her face from the chair looked incredibly sore.**

Doesn't sound like she's had a fun time of it!

**“I was just coming to see you.” Oz said tentatively.**

Well she beat you to it didn't she ;)

**“I would’ve thrown me too.” She carried on, not letting him interrupt. “I was so scared you’d hate me if I came back. I figured you should hate me for something I could control instead of not.”** hating him for the whole getting bit rather than inadvertantly killing him right?

**“I could never hate you. I can’t hate anyone.”**

Which is one of the things we love about him ;)

**“Never thought I’d be the one who almost killed you.” She paused and almost looked at him. “I just wanted to make sure you were ok.” She stood up ready to leave. “Goodbye Daniel Osborne. Good luck.” She leant down and kissed his cheek before leaving him sitting on the edge of his van.**

NEITHER of them are gonna at least try?

**“Cathy” Oz called after her but she didn’t stop. He broke into a trot, grabbed her arm and pulled her back against him. “Don’t turn around, I have to say this.” He wrapped his arms around her for fear she might bolt.

She allowed herself to relax against him a little. Happy just to feel his warmth surround her.**

Hehe, they're gonna make it after all...yeah it came out in the song way in my head too ;)

**“I…. I don’t know what I’m doing when you’re not around. It’s like only half of me works. I keep going but I don’t seem to get very far. Like my van when it has a flat tire. When you died…. I wanted to kill Angel for doing that to you. I’ve never felt like that before. Punch someone yeah but not actually want to kill someone. I was a mess. I cried! I never cry. Not in front of people anyway. It’s hard to say this facing you ‘cause you don’t look like you and I haven’t had time to get used to it yet.” He heard her let out a little laugh.**

Aww isn't he so sweet :) yeah telling a person you've thought about murdering their brother, reeaal sweet :p

**“You think you got problems. I wake up and wonder who I am.”**

Lol fun!

**“I….” Oz took a deep breath. “I love you.”**


**When she didn’t say anything Oz released her and stepped away, allowing her to run. But she didn’t. She just stood there. Slowly she turned to look at him.**

...oh right, so she's had her back to him that whole time then?

**As she looked into his eyes Oz saw his Cathy. Suddenly she leaned forward and kissed him. It took him a few seconds to respond. He was certain she was going to run. When the shock had passed he pulled her against him and slid his hand into her rain soaked hair at the side of her face.**

Bout damn time woman!

**Above them thunder cracked making them jump apart. Oz hadn’t noticed the rain had become so heavy.**

Pff, they coulda kept kissing :p

**“Go” she said giving him a push. “I’m right behind you” she was giggling. “GO!”**

Don't trust her! Willow's gone and done magic remember?

**Oz ran for the trailer, he could hear her right behind him. There was an almighty clap of thunder and the scene around them was lit up as lightening slashed around them. Oz looked up as he heard a gut wrenching scream and saw Willow in the door way, frozen in horror. He looked back and saw Cathy fall to the floor as a gigantic fork of red lightening stuck her.**

Stoopid stoopid STOOPID Willow!

**“Willow!” Buffy went to jump out of the car.**

Oh yeah, cos WILLOW'S the one in trouble...unless you're yelling out to warn her you're about to kick her which please carry on :p

**Cordy, Giles, Buffy and Xander watched in helpless horror as Willow battled to get Oz inside.**

Oh I wanna kick her ass! Not evil letting him go to her? Gr!

**The ground around Cathy’s lifeless body burst into flames. Oz tried to get to her but was stopped in his tracks by streaks of fire falling around him.

“Oz you have to get inside.” Willow kept trying to pull him away.

“We have to get her out of there.”**

Seriously, THIS is why you don't mess with stuff you don't have the talent to mess with!

**“Wait what’s that?” Xander pointed over her shoulder.

“It’s a ring of fire bug boy. I’d have thought even you would be able to work that out.”

Xander thought about cutting her down with a scathing comment but he couldn’t think of one.**

Lol he couldn't even think of a comeback?

**“I’m meant the thing in the middle, miss ‘I’m special, I have visions’. Didn’t have a vision about this one did ya!”

“My visions come from the P.T.B. This is obviously a fluke occurrence.”

“Freak occurrence.” Giles corrected**

"Willow occurance," Barbara corrected them both


**“Buffy, I don’t think a little can of foam is going to put out that inferno.” Cordy said.

As if on cue the fire rapidly died down.**

...impressive that it kept going despite the rain too, that should have clued them on a bit!

**“Will, what’s going on?”

“I….I don’t know.”**

Like hell you don't!

**“Cathy?” He instantly felt stupid for calling her name. No one could live through that.**

Well 'cept when it's magic based :p

**“That’s what I’d like to know.” Oz muttered. Giles looked down at Cathy.**

Your pyscho ex-girlfriend, that's what!

**He stared intently at her face. “I don’t get it. How?”

“I…I did a spell to change her back. So she looked like her again.” Oz suddenly went still.**

Don't go still! Kick her ass!

**“But it didn’t work.” She finished quickly before he could say anything.**

It did something damn it and that something nearly got Cathy killed!

**“What kind of spell?” Giles appeared behind her.

“I… I reworked the one we used to restore Angel’s soul.” She looked round at Giles and saw the annoyance on his face. “Tara helped. We thought we’d missed something when it didn’t work so Tara went over it again. We’d done everything right. It said it needed to be done with pure intent and love.”

“You silly witch. When did you do this….spell?”

“Last night.” Willow whispered.

Oz still had his back to them.

“Is this because of that spell?” He didn’t turn.

“I’m afraid it may be. Black magic should never be left uncompleted. I suspect the love that was needed was your love for her. The spell must’ve been completed when she came to see you. After a few hours intermission between casting and completion the spell would have grown old and mutated in a way so the outcome was unfortunately a violent one. The spell appears to have done its job but we won’t know if any damage has been done until she wakes.”

“Should we take her to hospital?” Willow’s voice cracked a little.

“A hospital can’t help her. This has been done by a supernatural force. There are no medicines a hospital can provide that will help.”**

But I would very much like someone to send Willow to hospital! Wish Giles had just smacke her up the back of the head! Love how cocky she was when she first brought Buffy back and he told her off...I know they couldn't, but wish they'd rubbed her nose in it just a little more than just the singing ep!

**“Go away.” Oz said as calmly as his emotions would allow.

“Oz I’m sorry I was….”

“Get out.” He interrupted his voice little more than a whisper.

“I was just…”

“Willow. I think you should leave Oz alone for a while.” Giles ushered her out of the bedroom.

“I’m sorry.” Willow closed the door behind her.**

Good man Oz! And stay out!

**“Hey, What’cha doin’?” Buffy called as she climbed up onto the trailer roof.

“Watching the neighbours. Own private soap opera.”**

Lol nice :)

**“She’ll be ok.” Buffy blurted out. Way to play it cool Buffy! “She’d Angel’s sister, kinda runs in the family to survive.”**

Lol cute :p

**“Well her heart’s still beating…..Can I ask something?”

“You can ask.”

“What’s it like? You know, the person you love suddenly having a heartbeat.”**

Rofl, now THAT was an unexpected question! You and your necrophyliacs!

**“I want things the way they were.”

“All things?”

“Ok maybe I can live with the whole her being alive part.” He said with mock exasperation.**

Lol once again, I love the convos you have these two have :) Can't remember when last mentioned that, but I'm sure I have before :p

**She studied him for a moment with her piercing eyes. “I can never tell what you’re thinking but I know what I’d be thinking so…. No. You’re not like us.”


“You and Cathy are nothing like me and Angel. Ok there are a few minor similarities but there is a gigantic difference. You have a chance to make this work. She’s alive…. That’s a pretty good start.”**

Aww, isn't she lovely?

**“How’s he doing? Is he ok?”

“Hm. You’re asking the wrong person. He doesn’t really talk anything but shop with me anymore.”

“Must be hard. I mean how many guys do you know have sisters that come back from the dead twice and two women who beat him until he bites them?”

“How d’you….”

“Cathy told me. She said he tried to run. Never did make much sense for him to hurt you on purpose when he’d all but resigned himself to death. Not when he still had his soul.”

“Good old logical Oz.”**

:) I forgot they all thought it was Angel's fault...poor guy! That would really suck!

**This time nearly saw me” His face screwed in puzzlement at the flow of that sentence.**

Lol nicely done :p

**“Guess even the great and powerful Oz loses his head sometimes. At least your honey didn’t try to suck us all into hell.”


Lol these two really are too cute...I know it's twisted but I reckon you should write a really evil fic where they end up together (like post-W/O break-up but nearish to it)...I would attempt it...but hey I've got enough fics on my uncomplete plate as is!

**“I’ve decided everything happens for a reason. Normally sick and twisted and nasty reasons but there are reasons. I think.”

“I’m beginning to see that.”**

Lol I like that reasoning :)

**“You could be extremely dangerous, you know that?”

“Three nights a month.”

“No, I mean as a person. I think you have this whole thing worked out. No one suspects but behind closed doors you have a twisted streak just like the rest of us.” He looked a little confused. “Think about it. Xander makes jokes at really inappropriate moments and attracts weirdos and freaks. Will brings marshmallows to demon toasting. I date destructive guys and you…”

“Go out with witched who are likely to get me killed?”

“Well I suppose you could put it that way. I was just going with the theory you kind of like a bit of danger.”**

Lol yup, they're all twisted :p

**“Could be. Animal cracker?” he held out the box.

“It’s the last one. You sure you don’t want it?”

“Suddenly not hungry.”

“Hey look I got….” She held it in the light. “I got a monkey.”**

Lol it had to be zi French monkey didn't it?

**“Will didn’t mean to hurt her. She thought she was doing the right thing.”

“I know…I’m…” Oz found it hard to breathe. “I took it out on her and I shouldn’t have. I’ll talk to her.”

“You’re not wrong to be angry. I would be if she’d done it to me. I just thought you should know.”**

I agree with Buffy more than Oz on that one definitely!

**“Hey” he said simply. Typical Oz Xander thought.**

...what else is he supposed to say to that?

**“What are you two doing up there?”

“Neighbour watching.” Oz explained.

“Oh. Right. Makes…..sense. Oh…um yeah. Cathy’s moving around. Still asleep but she’d shifting.” Buffy looked at Oz. He just kept looking at Xander.**

Lol I wonder what Xander would have said if he'd replied 'Quick rooftop romp' :p

**A/N: ah i love buffy and Oz moments.**

I definitely love the way you write 'em!

**They should have had more in the show.**

I can't even think of any...well possibly one, off the top of my head!

**still reading?**

Seriously, what would you say if I said no to that?
BarbMacK chapter 25 . 2/23/2008
Hey darling, I am SO sorry these weren't all already in your inbox waiting for you when you checked. In my zombiefied state this morning mum convinced me I'd be able to get online out at the farm...getting back to town 12 hours later it's been a very yucky day :p I couldn't get online and it was HOT and I was TIRED and generally a day worth complaining about...well except for reading some of my old DC fics and really enjoying them, which was a bit of an ego boost as corny as that is...but whole time I was dying to get back here so I could do the last...eight...sigh, updated the first one so you know in advance ish, but sucks...was so hoping to have all of these plus the other fics BMQAs all done and in your inbox by now :(

Sigh...guess tomorrow's another day and all that though right? (yup, early night is DEFINITELY on the cards! ;)) And on with the last one for today (figure 7 is a luckier number than 8 and then I can start on the others and know when I'm done they're all done for the week since you'll have updated them by then (no pressure or anything ;))

**A/N: O Oz not being a good boy, no scooby snacks for him!**

Lol you are SUCH a dork!

**Without hesitation Angel threw himself at the lycanthrope knocking him to the floor. Oz growled and scratched at the vampire as they wrestled for control over the other. As Angel found himself on top he pulled his fist back but hesitated as he felt Oz’s body jerk underneath him, he saw the wolf’s eyes widen as he howled in pain.

“I barely touched him” Angel stood leaving Oz to curl into a ball.**

Lol...sorry but that is just such a humorous reaction!

**“What did she do to him? Hey wait. Where did she go?” Cordy asked looking at the broken chair where the blond girl had landed.**

No wonder they never thought she was smart, they miss when she's being observant!

**“Is he laughing? I can never tell with Oz.” Cordy stepped towards him, holding her sword high. “Hey are you evil Oz or normal Oz?”

‘Evil Oz!’ Buffy and Angel whipped round to face the lift.


Yay :) No more evil Oz!

**“Boy is it good to see you looking like you. Not that the other you isn’t nice but you look much friendlier and less crazy.” Cordelia rambled.

“Cordy, maybe you could fire up the coffee maker?” Angel said kindly.**

Lol she's so cute, and him getting her to go instead dig herself into a bigger hole...too cute :)

**“Oddly normal yet…..” He looked around him. From face to face. Angel’s eyes betrayed it first. Oz followed his gaze to the newly broken chair.


“Where’d she go?” He looked up at the slayer as she stepped towards him.**

So that should kinda answer Angel's question about his facial expression then shouldn't it?

**“Well that was rude. I’d at least expect a ‘thank you’ or ‘see you later’ from him. Just goes to show. You think you know a person…” Cordy twittered on as she fussed with the coffee machine.

“Cordy, shut up.” Willow said a little more harshly than she’d intended.**

Oh she tells CORDY to shut up but not Xander?

**“Hey, I’m just saying. Angel and I might have missed out on paying customers running around after him and the flake.”

“Oh do stop being tiresome Cordelia.” Giles scolded, trying not to raise his voice.**

Sorry, but I gotta back up Cordy up a bit. Other than Giles, at this point none of the others know what it's like to have bills to pay and all, and Angel Investigations has been broke before so a weeks worth of earning could be a lot for them!

**“I suppose we pack up and go home. We are no longer of any help. Angel and Oz are safe, the rest they have to sort through by themselves. Our work here is done.”**

They're not gonna stay till the proper end?

**“We can get a coach.” Giles sounded quite chipper about the idea.

“Why would we want a fat, balding man with a whistle screaming at us? Are we running home?” Xander teased.

“Fine. A BUS then if you must be pedantic. We can look into that in the morning. Willow any news from Tara?”**

Ugh could someone PLEASE slap Xander over the head?

**Willow shook her head. “Alls quiet on the Sunnydale front.”

“Wow, I’d be figuring for the nasties to party while I was away.” Buffy said puzzled but happy.**

Well she should just be grateful they didn't figure out she was away sooner ;)

**“Yeah. When did our lives go so ‘Dawson’s Creek’?” Cordy complained.

“Our lives are way cooler than Dawson’s Creek. We stare death in the face.” Buffy countered.

“Does that mean I’m Pacey?” Xander stood grinning. “Because I could live with being Pacey.”

“To be Pacey you’d have to be funny.” Cordy bit back with a little smile.

“Guess you’d be Jen then. Tart with a heart. A little tiny heart but you’ve proven it’s there!”

“Please. My hair would never see that much bleach and teasing and I have way better dress sense!” The twos banter carried on out the door.

“I guess Willow is Joey. Which leaves Buffy as Dawson!” Xander called out so they’d hear.

“Hey!” Willow called after them. “I am in no way like Joey! I don't whine that much do I?”

“And my forehead is no where near that big!” Buffy yelled after the three heading up to the street. “Is it?” She turned to Giles who smiled.**

Lol see and it was reading this scene this morning that got me reading my old stuff this arvo! I'd agree with Cordy being Jen cos I like Jen and she's cool, and I don't particularly like Joey so Willow can take that one...but Xander is SO not Pacey! That would have to go to either Buffy or Angel! Xander is definitely Dawson! ...although if we pretended I actually LIKED Joey, then you could have Oz as Pacey and Cathy as Joey and Willow as Andie...though Angel doesn't exactly fit Jack...wait...rofl yeah he could be Bessie and Buffy Bodie...and they have a little vamp baby named Alex since he's referred to as the demon spawn by Jo...rofl which is kinda funny if you think how Xander is short for Alexander...anyway!

The REALLY odd thing though, is rather than wanting to write more DC, I wanna write more of my Angel's a sneak peak...just cos I can...yes I know this should probably go in an email, but hey, these have become almost journal like BMQAs at this point!:

The woman stumbled down the stairs into the bar. She ignored all the patrons, demon and human alike, as she made her way to the stage thankful it was empty. She sat on the stool and looked warily at the computer screen in front of her before pressing a few buttons. Sighing, she picked up the mic and began to sing.

Picking up his drink from the bar, Lorne looked over at the woman sitting on stage, a frown crossing his face as he moved to his normal table and took a seat. She was tired, searching, and alone; and that was what he could pick up just by looking at her. The vibes he was getting off her were something else entirely, though she definitely knew how to sing.

“…every day I’m learning – all my life I’ve only been pretending. Without me his world will go on turning, a world that’s full of happiness that I have never known!” her voice echoed around the room, her audience spellbound, every being in the bar watching her now. But when she continued her voice was quieter, softer. “I love him,” she sang as she hung her head, “love him,” her words were barely audible as she finished, “I love him…but only on my own.”

The crowd applauded, most quickly wiping tears they’d never admit to having shed, but she seemed to take no notice as she replaced the mic and made her way back down the steps, searching the crowd. Though she’d never been here before, she clearly knew it by reputation.

Lorne raised a hand, trying to give an encouraging smile, but what he now knew plagued him. He watched her as she cautiously sat in front of him, not sure how much he should tell her. She finally met his gaze, her blue eyes piercing into him.

She didn’t smile, only sighed. “I know that look. It’s the ‘There’s so much I have to tell you, just where to begin’ problem isn’t it?” she asked, not waiting for him to answer before asking, “So where did you plan on starting?”

“You need rest, in fact a few days of sleep wouldn’t-“ he began but she cut him off.

“I’ll sleep when I get my answers. Do you have any?” she asked, only barely concealing her frustration.

“Not any that are on your mind at the moment,” he sighed.

She clenched her jaw, fighting back her tears. “Then I’m wasting my time here,” she groaned, standing up.

“I can tell you one thing that might cheer you up – Angel lives in LA.”

So whatcha think? Yes I expect replies to all these reviews!...oh wait, I already nipped in my Tardis and said that in the first one... okay was my laptops Tardis :p

**“You know talking helps” Angel voice came from behind him.

Oz shrugged. “She’s ok. No point in upsetting things.”

“You know better than that.”**

Did I mention how much I love the friendship you've built between these two?

**Oz sighed. He knew she was unhappy, that all the smiles were an act, he could feel it. But looking at her she wasn’t Cathy. She was Chrissy now.

Angel retreated to the shadows.

‘What will be will be.’ A voice said in his head. He watched as Chrissy and Oz’s eyes met. They just stared, neither moved for a while, then Oz dropped his head sadly and disappeared into the darkness of the alleyway.

Angel heard the van’s tires squeal as Oz sped off. He let out a heavy sigh and shaking his head decided to make sure Oz got home in one piece.**

But he still loves her! He can't just leave her! She's still Cathy underneath it all!

**“Just want to check in with her. I haven’t spoken to her properly since I hung up chasing after Oz.” Willow sounded twitchy.**

Other than the mind connection thingee.

**“I know. It’s just I…. and she…. and Oz….. and, well I just need to talk to her.”

“Ok it’s far too late for me to cope with nerd-weirdness.**

M ditto ;)

**I’m going home. As much as I love spending time with you guys, I like my bed a whole lot better and it’s been a while so, see you guys. Only not too soon okay? I’ve been frowning a lot since you arrived at that’s so not good for my skin. Bye safe journey.” Cordy said brightly as she flounced off down the block.**

Rofl, at least she's honest ;)

**“Nah. Any vamp would have to be crazy to go after her. It’d probably stake itself after getting a lecture on how not to dress.” Buffy said wearily climbing the stairs.**

She hadn't noticed the change in Angel's attire then huh?

**“Tara? Hi sweetie.” She said nervously. “So what do you think? Can we?”

“It’s do-able. I don’t know Willow, you know how they feel about things like this.”**

Oh no, this does NOT sound good!

**“But if it helps in a good way it can’t be bad. Please Tara. I have to do this but I can’t do it without you.”**

That's what you said...well will say about bringing Buffy back and look how well THAT turned out!

**“I’m still not happy about this but ok.”**

No, don't do it Tara!

**“It’s not dangerous is it? I mean as long as we know what we’re doing.”

“I guess not.”**

Doesn't matter, still dangerous! And how do you really know what you're doing huh?

**“I’ve got it all set up here. Ready?”

“Ready.” Willow smiled into the phone. She knew Tara would help her. She felt a twinge of excitement at what they were about to do.**


**“I’ve decided it’s time to go.” He started back towards his trailer, Willow following.

“You’re running away?”

“I’d call it moving on.”**

But you can't Oz! She still loves you and you still love her!

**“Why would I? She left me remember?”**

Technically she died for the greater good, doesn't mean she WANTED to leave you!

**“I can’t honestly say that. When I look at her I don’t see Cath. I see who she is now. So I’d be forgiving someone I don't really know. So how do I know that I do?”

“She’s still Cathy on the inside. She has the same memories and emotions as Cathy now; she just looks different and has a heartbeat. How will you know how you feel if you don’t talk to her? You’re not a coward Oz. Do you want to spend the next few years regretting not clearing the air before you leave?”**

...first time I've agreed with Willow in a long time!

**“I just don’t know what to say.” He admitted. “I can’t just say ‘hey you nearly killed me but it’s cool’, you know?”**

Why not? Others have said similar sorta things before!

**“No time like the present.” He left Willow standing in his trailer. She watched from the door as he rounded the back of the van to shut the doors when he stopped dead in his tracks.**

Oh no, come on, this has gotta be the turning point where happiness stuff begins right?

**A/N: Ok you all knew i wasnt really gona kill Oz right?**

Course, I told you so in at LEAST three different reviews!

**So will Oz sort things before he goes?**

Ooh wait I'm starting remember this bit...the lightnings coming isn't it? Oh dear, this can't be good :( SEVEN to go!
BarbMacK chapter 24 . 2/23/2008
**A/N: Hey kids. another chapter another step closer to the end.**

Back to calling us kids again huh? Well there's another gap between last review and this one...I feel somewhat zombie ish...didn't go for the run or anything, but haven't been able to sleep late either :( And unfortunately I've been dragged to the farm as well...thanks to some rather amazingly quick thinking I do have all the rest on my computer so can keep doing the reviews...but it won't be till I get back to the the flat that I'll be able to post them now :(

**Thanks to werewolf dreamwalker, I agree with you i began to dislike Willow after Oz left too.I think most people knew he'd come back, hence my writing that little argument on the beach when Cathy died.**

I agree too! Also thought it was very harsh of her not to tell him he was with someone else as soon as he returned!

**Anywayi'm almost finished another story about Oz set between his break-up with Willow and the wish, thought there needed to be a little more drama, Purplepebble seems to like it, it's not as long as this one though which is good news so keep an eye out for that one, see if you can figure out if a certain someone really is playing games! hehehe On with the show.**

Hm...I'm sure I remember that one, and I know it ended with the convo about her wanting to talk to make herself feel better...but can't remember too much more...might have to reread ;) Oh and cos I just remembered, it's so not cool that you couldn't read the Evil Wish! Dat's da one I'm most worried bout! Though is my fault for not changing it from ODT to Doc format...will send it through with next email!

**Who am I? What’s happening? She closed her eyes and lent back against the cool, tiled wall. She watched images pass across her eyelids. None of them made any sense. She opened her eyes again and fixed her reflection with a cold, hard glare. The girl glaring back at her suddenly had dark hair. Her eyes were full of sorrow, regret and a little anger.

“WHO ARE YOU!” she yelled at the mirror. She punched it causing the glass to crack, the image split into lots of tiny ones. Some complete others deformed. Chrissy wanted to scream.**

Naww poor Cathy :(

**“Trust us. We’re rarely wrong. So are you gona play nice or do we have to do things the hard way?”**

So much for no group attacks or anything :p

**If Xander hadn’t known better he could’ve sworn Angel was worried about Oz. “Hey Oz, buddy? How you doing there?” Xander climbed in and crouched in front of him. Oz didn’t respond.**

Could smack him over the head again! Course Angel cares! More so then he does most of the time!

**“Do or die huh?”

“Literally.” Angel said gravely.**

Bum bum ba...

**“No can do sweetheart.” Xander felt a little superior as he kept her pinned to the floor. “You need to help us with our little problem.”**

Ooh and I can see him getting in trouble with Angel for that later ;)

**“You know, as Cathy you were much more likable and you’re hair would look better without all the peroxide. But right now our friend is on the edge of death and it’s your fault. Now I haven’t been slaying for a couple of days so I’m just itching to fight this out, but we don’t have time so shut up and get in!”

“And if I don’t co-operate?”

Buffy punched her, knocking her out. “Told you I’d win.”**

Ooh not a happy Buffster either huh? Lol was about to type Angel will have to spank her for that too...and then realised all the conitations that went with it :p

**“Buffy. Isn’t that a dingoes song?” Angel leant closer to Oz so he could hear better.

“How would you know a dingoes song?” Xander asked as he and Giles struggled through the door carrying Chrissy.

“I lurk.” Angel explained.

“Recently?” Buffy asked quietly.**

Angel was around for the Dingoes though wasn't he? Lol though I can see why she'd be interested ;)

**“If he’s humming a dingoes song it means a lot.” Angel said looking over at Giles. There was a flicker of understanding in his eyes.

“Of course. It takes a conscious mind to remember a song written by yourself.” Giles said, taking the reins. “If Oz is humming his own song it could be to remind him of who he is. Oz is trying to stay in control.”**

Angel is so smart :) And go Oz!

**“Could be any number of reasons. This isn’t a common problem so there aren’t many recorded instances. It could be a form of meditation or comfort even.”

“Comfort? Acting like a crazy is comforting?” Cordy’s attention had been drawn to the real Oz.**

Says the woman who is more than a little used to her weird life ;)

**“When a baby or child cries, it’s mother will sooth it’s upset by rocking and singing to it.” Angel explained. “If that’s what Oz is doing then we have some time. As long as he’s humming his song it means he’s in control on the inside.” He turned to Xander and Chrissy. “Don’t tie her up.” He ordered.**

Anyone else surprised Angel had that answer?

**“Yes sir!” Xander muttered leaving the unconscious girl on Angel’s bed.**

Why couldn't Buffy knock him out too?

**“So what do we do now?” The red-head look from the vampire to the watcher.**

Lol you prefer saying red-head to Willow don'tcha just?

**“Obviously Cathy –or Chrissy is drawn to the moon Goddess by design.”

“Someone’s been helping.” Angel muttered, having a fair idea who. She promised it would work out and Oz just blurted out the story of his tattoo. How much of that was the Oracles? The corner of his mouth twitched as he suppressed a small smile.**

Yay for one good oracle :)

**“She’s reciting the words to Oz’s song.”

“A song he isn’t humming anymore.” Xander pointed out moving nervously away from the werewolf.**

First useful comment he's made in a while! You're so evil making it seem like we've lost Oz when they're so close!

**“I’m going with hit it in the head then run like hell.” Cordy offered.

“Works for me.” Xander looked at Cordy for a moment. Still makes me tingle.**

Poor Oz!

**“Cathy no!” Buffy lunged to stop the girl as she approached Oz.

“Buffy wait. We must let things take their normal course.” Giles said calmly as Angel gently restrained her.

“Giles, if she gets any closer he’s likely to kill her.”

“She might save his life Buffy.” Angel said quietly.

“And if she saves his life with her own we will loose him anyway. Oz killed Veruca and it was part of what drove him away. If he kills someone he loves…..”

“Shh!” Angel snapped as he watched Chrissy.**

...not to mention if she WAS to die it would be the second time she'd died for a man she loved in a week!

**She was kissing him. He was still semi-wolf and she was kissing him while rubbing a circle on his thigh.

Oz’s clawed hands scratched at her back as he returned her kiss.**

Naw, she really loves him! :)

**“This is obscene. I mean it borders on illegal doesn’t it? What’s the ruling on making out with wolfmen?” Xander sounded genuinely disturbed.**

Come on, Buffy knock him out? Or someone tranq him, either will do ;)

**Buffy looked at Angel who remained impassive.

‘You know what’s happening’ she thought.

He looked at her hoping she would know what he was thinking. Angel knew Buffy really loved him the moment she’d kissed him while he still had his game face on. He was sure that’s what this was about.**

So they're even more alike (Oz/Angel)

**With no other warning Oz stood suddenly, grabbed Chrissy and threw her over his shoulder slamming her down onto the chair he’d been sitting in, causing it to splinter.

“Definitely not good.” Xander reiterated.**

...slightly odd reaction too...

**A/N: Have the gang just made a major mistake? is it too late?**

Course not, you just love cliff hangers! :) I know you!

**have to wait and see, or maybe i'll be nice and post the next chapter. i'll have too look and see.**

Which is of course already up for me ;) Only 8 to go! :)
BarbMacK chapter 23 . 2/23/2008
**A/N: Another day, another chapter**

Well more like another 10, but still ;)

**another stop closer to our werewolf's fate...**

Not that you're trying to emphasise the doom and gloom or anything :p

**Lyrics By Sarah Mclachlan, "Building a mystery" from the album "Surfacing" .**

Hm don't know if I've heard it, but don't have it on my computer...

**“So, how long have you been working here?”

“A few months. Pretty easy to find work in the underground without any questions.”

“Really, so where do you hail from?” Xander flashed the barmaid a smile.

“Here and there. I travel a lot.” She flashed him an equally large smile that lit up her face.**

She's a demon Xand, has to be ;)

**her face turning green and blue spikes protruding all over. Xander had had know idea she was a demon until that moment.**

Lol toldja!

**Listen I gotta get back to work, maybe we could hook up later for a drink?”

“Sure.” Xander said trying to sound positive and laughing nervously as she smiled and went back to the bar. “Come on Cathy, where the hell are you?” he whispered to him self.**

Stoopid demon prejudices :p Has he not noticed all of his friends have at some point or another had a relationship with one? Or sort of ones anyway (sort of demons not relationships)

**Giles noted the twinkle in the imprisoned Oz’s eyes. He looked dark and dangerous and Giles felt scared for Oz’s future. For the first time he realised what lived inside Oz everyday. He’d heard every word said. Oz had more courage than he’d ever realised. Coping with full moons was one thing; fighting the thoughts it provoked the rest of the month was a whole different evil. This one could not be locked away for three nights, this one no one could help him with. There were no chains, herbs or incantations to control this evil. Oz had always been a little baffling to Giles. Such a bright boy but never made the effort to excel. Generally quiet and un-ruffled. He realised that most of them probably hardly knew Oz at all even after all they had been through.

“You would do well to keep quiet.” Giles growled at the imprisoned Oz.**

:) Nice to have it pointed out how fantastic Oz really is :)

**“She went behind the stage ‘bout five minutes ago. Just so we’re clear. You do realise we’re going on a lot of assumptions and coincidence here, right?” Xander looked at each of the friends.

“Pretty good odds though. Something here is new blood and it’s not a baby.” Angel said scanning the crowd for humans.**

I'd say it would be hellishly impressive if all those signs weren't pointing at Cathy...which of course we know they do :p

**“Okay that’s gross. You can smell blood even when it’s not… the open?”

Angel nodded. “Just like Oz can smell people’s emotions. Fear, happiness, sadness. Adult humans smell different to babies. Babies are new, their blood is pure. Someone here smells new but not in the same way as a baby, there’s something tainting it.”**

Pretty cool if you ask me :p

**“Huge coincidence if not. Willow’s seeker spell, Cordy’s visions, new blood. It has to be the right place and girl.”**

That's what I said!

**“Care to make a wager on that?” Xander challenged only to be kicked by Willow. “Oww! What?”**

Yeah, I'll take that bet, how's £1,0,0 suit? ;)

**Why that symbol? Of all the symbols to put on a drum kit, they’d picked the symbol that he had tattooed on his thigh that was currently tingling, making his leg twitch.

“Luna” he muttered to himself. Four fingers entered his field of vision on stage.**

Four fingers on stage huh? A thumb short of a hand! But nifty with him getting a tattoo...I like tattoos :)

**Above their heads the dark ceiling was dotted with more orbs. The two that flew round Oz took their place followed by a considerately larger one.

‘moon and stars. Cute’**

Very! :)

**Buffy scanned the room. There weren’t as many vampires as she thought there would be. Most had left when they realised she was staying.

‘Word gets around fast’ she thought.**

Lol cute :)

**As the blond stepped back up onto the stage Buffy looked at Angel and Oz. Angel remained un-reactive except for a glance at Oz and Willow. The longer she watchedthe Vampireshe saw him grow more anxious, his watchful eyes flicking from the girl to Oz and back again, his jaw clenching tighter each time.**

This doesn't sound like it's heading in the direction of good :p

**'It’s her’ his head screamed. He felt sick. He had to get outside. As he stood he felt his whole body complain. Every muscle and nerve was throbbing. The wolf was fighting back, fighting to get out.**

See the not goodness of this?

**“Too much excitement pup?”**

Lol almost like he's becoming the overprotective big brother already ;)

**‘That was creepily unlike me’ Angel groaned inwardly as he realised Angelus wasn’t as far under the surface as he’d like.**

You can't have the wolf and Angelus out at once!

**“You keep rescuing me and people are going to talk.” Oz quipped regaining his breath as the sickness and pain subsided.**

Rofl, bow chica wow wow!

**“Fleas?” Angel questioned, smiling a little.**

He's all about the wolfy jokes at the mo ain't he? ;)

**As Oz looked up at Angel there was no expectation on his face. Oz didn’t have to answer but for some reason he felt compelled to. Angel and Oz had always been fairly comfortable with each other. He figured it was because there wasn’t much personal history between them – no deaths, arguments, little danger, and as Angel said they had things in common.**

Yup, they're like two peas in a pod...and possibly in-laws if SOMEONE doesn't kill SOMEONE off too soon!

**“Gib Caine followed me to Tibet. In Sunnydale he stayed away after his run in with Buffy. When I left he figured I was fair game. Long story short he helped save my life instead of take it. I figure I might not be that lucky again. Werewolf pelts make a small fortune in perfect condition so in a moment of weirdness I had Luna’s symbol tattooed so if I ever got myself shot at least the hunter wouldn’t get as much for me.” Oz shrugged, closed his eyes and rested his head on his knees as his headache came back.**

Fair enough.

**No sooner had Angel and Oz left, Chrissy had bolted from the stage.

“Who said things couldn’t get worse?” Xander moaned.**

My bets would be on you, but I'm pretty sure you didn't...this time...

**A/N: not looking good for our little pup at all. Are they right? is it her? Is Oz doomed? Only two people know, i'm not telling you who the other is!**

Not really looking too good for anybody at this point...but it's bound to improve in a chap or two ;) Okay, sleep is being way too inviting...sigh...will have to finish the last...nine tomorrow :(
BarbMacK chapter 22 . 2/23/2008
Okay so there's been a fair few hours delay between the last review and this one...for one I finished work for the day and went out for drinks, was meant to be with Katie and Ben, but then was just Katie and all her mates (slightly awkward) and Ben showed up later said hello and then went off to hang out with all his achieved making me notice how few mates I had at the place and more positively get over that little crush :p

Oh and then after than I've been home a fair while, left some random voicemail's (;)), done a bit of texting, was a good Whovian and went to bed semi-early...then got a text and couldn't stop thinking how I still had ten more of these to do before morning...and then couldn't help myself and watched the first Ep of S2...oh it was so, so very very good :) Except all the hinting at Gwen/Jack :
BarbMacK chapter 21 . 2/23/2008
**Ok so we last left Oz attacking Angels furniture (Evil chair, it was giving him cheek.)**

Lol, you are SUCH a dork ;)

**And Cordy showing that she actually is useful!**

Hey she figured the car bit out earlier too you know :p Lol ya I'll admit it, I'm a Buffy fan...and surprisingly a bigger fan of C/A then B/A!

**“There’s a bar I wana go back to.”

“Will, this is no time for socialising” Xander quipped.**

Lol yeah cos Willow's the bar socialising sort :p

**“Tara.” She scanned their confused faces. “Tara ran this seeking spell and kinda projected into me. It couldn’t point her out but we got this really weird vibe when we walked in the bar. It wasn’t strong but it was there.”**

Bum bum ba...

**“Oz, I’m sorry we didn’t find her but we‘ve got tomorrow and the day after.”

She thinks I’m bailing. “Sun’s going down soon. I need to be someplace that’s not here.” He explained.**

Lol she tends to think he's thinking the worst doesn't she?

**“Xander last time you watched Oz, you didn’t. We ended up with Oz thinking he’d killed his friend.” Buffy pointed out.**

Lol love that they all remember that ;)

**“You got a dark corner with chains?”

“Yes I have.” Angel nodded.

“Did anyone else just have a really disturbing thought as to why Angel has them?” Xander asked, sounding more than a little uncomfortable. He looked around the group to see them nodding. “Oh good. It’s not just me.”**

Lol for once anyway :p ...considering Angel's line of work it's somewhat understandable though...also considering Angelus is never really dead and all...

**“I’m not gona ask.” Oz said as he noticed the chains weren’t far from Angel’s bed.**

Were these the one from the time Angel was the bodyguard for that actress and Wes & Cordy chained him up and then didn't unchain him cos of the nasty things he said?...that was funny ;)

**“Come on. Let’s leave the guys to their wacky fun.” Buffy ushered Xander and Cordy to the front door.

“Hey, quit pushing. What’s the hurry?” Cordy demanded. She was answered by Oz’s scream. “Okay, let’s go. I’m all over leaving. How bout you?”**

Lol yeah, as much fun as a poke in the eye and all :p

**“Rupert, I’m not sure he’s going to get through this. We don’t have long left and he’s loosing it. Oz isn’t violent but…” He looked over at the pile of wood that was once his chair.

“In all fairness we had just told him he’s going to die.” Giles tried to be rational but Angel's concern was well founded.**

Stop hinting that you're gonna kill him! It's not nice :P

**“A map. All the demon bars in town. They won’t attack unless you do. They like to take time out from maiming and terrorising as much as the next guy.”

“Right, indeed. Of course.**

By which he's really thinking 'Yeah right' ;) But they do!

**“Like I’ve been hit by a train.” He croaked. He watched Angel’s face intently but there was no flicker of a reaction at his appearance. He simply held the glass out to him.**

Dude, he's a vampire, he's seen many a game face, and they're not all pretty!

**Irish whisky, it’s good once you get used to it. It’ll help.**

Lol cos he's idea why the lol, but it amused me all the same :p

**“Sipping not an option.” He lisped trying to negotiate his lips round his fangs.

“Better just knock it back quick then. Just remember I warned you.”**

Rofl, nice Angel :p

**“The only person here you can hurt is you. I’ll knock you out if you get lippy.” He gave Oz a smile.**

Rofl he's too cute ;)

**“Besides I could use a hand reading through these books and you need to be doing something or you’ll go nuts. I don’t want to be replacing anymore furniture.”**

By which he means he hates the research side of the job :p

**“You’re worried what people will think aren’t you? That’s understandable. I was like that around Buffy with my game face. Ok so you have more hair than me but there’s only you and me here. You can hide back in your corner at any time. I just think maybe it’s time you pushed yourself a little further. Have a little faith in your ability to cope. You know Cathy would say the same. I’m positive she would.”

“She’d kick my ass.”**

Lol yeah well, she got that from Angel ;) Angel really has taken him under his wing a bit hasn't he?

**“Yeah, yeah ‘Cordy cares’. Big shock. Can we get over it now? I happen to like Oz. Okay?”**

Aww poor Cordy, no one knows how much you've changed :(

**“I’m on it.” Angel went to his weapons cabinet. He’d smelt the blood long before Oz noticed he was bleeding. He grabbed some pads, bandages and antiseptic and took them to Oz.**

That must be rough on the old vampy senses :/

**“You ok doing it?” Angel didn’t look at the werewolf as he handed him the first aid.

“Yeah sure.” He sat at the table keeping one eye on Angel. It hadn’t occurred to him until that moment, that his blood was remotely tempting to the vampire. Angelus had said it tasted bad but the blood is blood he shifted uncomfortably in his seat as Angel moved clear across the room and busied himself with his bookshelf. After a century of being good, Angel still found it difficult being around fresh blood.**

Yup, some things you gotta work on every day...

**“Oh good. I was so hoping it would be this bar!” Xander said sarcastically.**

Lol did he get shot down or something?

**“What makes you an authority on the supernatural happenings of the Powers That Be?” Xander’s voice bordered on snide.

Willow’s eyes widened in realisation. “She’s touched!”

“It wasn’t me” Xander automatically help up his hands.**

Rofl, nicely done Xand :p

**“This place has no neon sign and the drum kit is all wrong.” Cordy ignored the revelation. Normally she would lap up the attention but she was tired and wanted this over with. Her vision of Oz had disturbed her deeply. She felt sick just thinking about it.**

Aww poor Cordy...but not as bad as the one's Wolferman Hart sent her...or the one's just before her going demony...soz, I'm just craving a really good Cordy fic suddenly...

**“No it was definitely blue and part of it said ‘star’. My visions are sometimes off but never wrong. And there was way too much detail for it to be even remotely wrong. I know my visions. This was a good one.”**

Bet it was the sister oracle that sent it then ;)

**“But…. The vibe….it’s definitely here, so she has to be here. Seeker spell remember? It seeks.”

“We don’t have time to be wrong.” Giles said. “If this isn’t the place then we must move on. Oz is in grave danger.”

“We remember. Ok Will, concentrate. Could we be near the place rather than in it?” Buffy said as gently as she could over the music.

Giles remembered the map in his pocket. There are more bars than those you see. Many demons stay underground.**

Good diplomatic Buffy gets them back on the right trail without stepping on toes ;)

**“How long has it been since you looked?” Angel’s voice came suddenly from behind him. Oz jumped out of his skin.

“Jeez!” He caught his breath back and again looked in the mirror. There was just him. “I’ve never looked. Just under a year and it still hurts and I’ve never looked. It’s horrible. How could they bear to look at me? I’d be terrified.”

“You mean Cathy and Willow? I guess they knew it was you inside. Anyone who knows you will always see you, not the werewolf.”**

Cos they all love you Oz! Just like we love Angel so his game face isn't so bad :)

**“If you have no reflection, why the mirror?” He asked, staring at himself, taking it in.**

£10 says it's for...


**“Same place as always, with the books.”**

Funness :p

**A/N: ok so not a show stopper but i felt it was time for Angel and Oz the kind of bond. It's always struck me hoe similar they are so it seemed the perfect time to slip this scene in.**

Which you did superbly and showed a lot of their similarities :)

**Think there's bout 9 chapters to go now.**

Nope, DEFINITELY wrong on that offence or nothing ;)
BarbMacK chapter 20 . 2/23/2008
In a corny way I should be pleased since I'm now up to 20 ;)

**A/N: Well, poor old Oz is in a bit of bother isn't he! About to kill himself unwillingly and he needs Cathy to stop it.**

Well I'm sure by the time it actually happened, they'd both be more than willing to kill the other :p

**hm Will i kill little Daniel? wel it's possible, like i said he never turns up in Buffy again, and i never said it'd be a happy ending, but then again... you'll just have to read til the end to find out.**

Pff, I know you! You've never killed off any of the Tardis Trio, so I doubt you're going to kill off fact I don't even have to doubt, I KNOW you're not cos I've already read the rest so nee ner nee ner ne ner ;)

**over half way through now folks!**

Yeah, but that's probably gonna change some time soon isn't it :p

**and halfway through another Buffy story**

Have I read that one?

**hope you like and that you'll tune in for the next chapter next week.**

...and by next chapter next week, that kinda translates to another 12 already waiting for me to review :P

**“Whoa, wait. You’re saying the one thing that can save Oz is the one thing we don’t have? Oh that’s convenient. So who’s taking the trip to hell to bring her back from the after life? I’m guessing that’s where she is, after all she was a Vamp and she’s left our wolf with a death sentence.” Xander ranted.

“Xander, you’re not helping.” Giles glared at him.**

You don't like the helpful Xander do you? Just the annoying, wanna slap him over the head variety :p

**“Ohkay. I think I speak for everyone when I say, not a chance. She’s gone and last I was told bringing people back form the dead was a very bad idea.**

And you'll know that from personal experience soon!

**“Then I say we party.” Cordy said in the most cheerful voice she could muster. “Although it could take some time, there are a lot of bars.”**

Lol love her comments :)

**“Wait, are we missing something or is it just me? ‘**

£10 says that was Xander :p

**“How will we know who she is? Did they give any clues?” Willow asked hopefully

“They said we have to use our abilities. That one of us will be able to feel her presence more than the others.”**

And if I recall, using ALL their abilities was part of the key to that...which they do a fairly good roundup of :) Even Cordy's flirting skills get used ;)

**“M? Oh...uh… everything, she was an all rounder kinda girl.”**

So if I'm ever lost like Cathy I'm somewhat screwed :p

**“What are we looking for? I mean if she doesn’t look the same or remember any of us, kinda makes me think we don’t have a ….. much to go on.” Willow corrected herself at last minute, she almost said ‘we don’t have a hope of finding her’ and Oz knew the feeling.**

Slightly belated thinking, but slightly better than Xander's :p

**“How remarkable. If you really can control your Lycanthropy you can lead an almost normal…” Giles stopped himself. He’d momentarily forgotten Oz’s predicament.

“He can have a house and a dog and stuff.” Willow nodded trying to finish Giles’ sentence and keep the mood light.

“Advice? You might wana get a guy dog.” Xander quipped. “I mean he doesn’t wana wake up one day to find his dog is having his puppies.”

He knew Xander was kidding but Oz flinched any way. The thought had occurred to him last night in his drunken state. “That wasn’t funny was it?” Xander said. He knew the answer that was coming.

“No.” the other chorused.**

Kinda! Come on, it is a little funny...just not at the current moment :p

**“A monk in Tibet explained the basics while I was there.**

Lol unlike the 'friendly' monks Angel met when he was there ;) Lol he shoulda gone to Vegas :)

**Their way was much harder than the one Cath…” his voice trailed off at her name.**

Aww, if only poor Liam had talked to his sister :(

**“Hey” he added trying to sound as cheerful as he possibly could and looked at Willow. “I may be a cold blooded jelly donut, but I have common sense. It’s cool.” He smiled a little at Willow and Buffy. They let out little laughs in return, sharing his joke.**

Not as good as the puppy joke though :(

**“I suggest we split into groups” Giles said stating the obvious. He ignored the sarcastic looks from the others. “Buffy – if you take Oz. Willow you go with Xander and I’ll ….” He looked over at Cordy. How did he leave himself with her? Idiot! “Cordelia and I will team up.”**

Rofl, brilliant :)

**“Sure thing boss.” She took the map and jogged out the room and up the stairs.**

Surprised that didn't get a noticeable reaction from the others :p

**She saw Oz flash through. He was transforming into a full wolf. Then he was ripping at himself. Chunks of fur and flesh coming off in his claws.**

You're lying! Liar liar pants on fire!...I hope...not your pants, the lying part :p

**“NO!” she cried just as Xander rounded the door.

“Cordy?” he rushed to her side and held her up as the vision faded to black. “You ok?”

“No” she gasped “get Angel and be quiet about it.”**

Hehe, also forgot the others wouldn't know bout the visions ;)

**He had that soppy look he gets when she was being nice. “I don’t wana be cleaning it up, the carpet never looks the same.” She said looking down at the rug. She cringed. This is where he…..**

Rofl too cute...both of them ;)

**“Gotcha” Xander bounded out the office and back to the others.**

That's a first! Him taking orders without question that is...

**Giles looked from Cordy to Angel. Was this really Cordelia Chase? It seemed Giles had underestimated her. She really had grown up.

“Yeah shocked me too.” Cordy said exiting the office leaving a shocked librarian and an amused vampire.**

Lol yup yup yup, she's cooler now :)

**A/N: my how Cordy's grown!**

Yup, she rocks now! Lol she was funny before, but cooler now...and still makes jokes, it's a win win...well 'cept on the whole falling in love and then the Conner thing and Jasmine thing and then one proper kiss before she went off and had to raise her baby...Charisma, not Cordelia, since Jasmine was born fully grown and all...
BarbMacK chapter 19 . 2/23/2008
Before I start this review I'd just like to point out it begins on page 69! (I'm saving all these into a Word doc one cos technically I'm not meant to be on the net at work but mostly so that when I do finally post them, I want them to go all at the same time so your inbox is completely full of review alerts ;)) Admittedly some of the pages aren't full pages due to page breaks between chapters, but STILL! SIXTY EIGHT PAGES OF REVIEWS CHICK! And I'm only 2/3 done! And on a...somewhat related note - 69 Tehehe ;)

**A/N: Hey kids back again.**

Okay that's the SECOND time (that I've noticed) that you've called me a kid Missy!

**Angel entered the large marble room and placed his offering on the floor.**

...nope, strained my brain and can't think of where he might be :(

**“Youdesire answers from us? Explain yourself.”

“Brother, he is the Guardian. We knew he would come to us. The Blessed being was his sister in his former life.”**

Oh, the peeps from the prologue huh? Was wondering when they'd make a reappearance :)

**“What is it you feel you need to know, lower being?”**

For Angel to kick your butt for calling him a lower being!...not to mention what you've put them all through :p

**“The Blessed had passed onto the next life, she is of no more consequence or use to the Powers That Be. She proved her faith in you to be of the highest kind, she passed her test and is now to rest.”**

Yay, she passed :) Though like that they boot her off just cos they have no more use of her :p (sarcasm)

**“And what about Oz? What happens to him?”


“He speaks of the lycanthrope, brother.”

“What of him?” the man showed no interest in the conversation.

“We have two of him and the new one isn’t fluffy and cuddly like the original.”**

Lol a non-fluffy and cuddly werewolf, what do ya know ;)

**How do we ‘fix’ him?**

That sounded so wrong - poor Oz doesn't need neutering!

**Why is he being punished for loving her?”

“He is not being punished for loving. She is. She will spend her after life knowing she killed him unless you can stop it.”**

Yeah, that REALLY doesn't sound like he's getting punished...and if I recall, THEY brought her back rather than have her a vampire, so how come they get to make all the rules too?

**“Then how do I stop it?” he growled, just once he’d like a straight answer.**

Lol wouldn't we all ;)

**“The blessed being is the key. Find her and your Oz will be returned to normal state. Now comes your part of the test vampire. Can you save your friend?”**

She's back ;) And your sister in the process...

**With that he disappeared leaving his sister and Angel.**

Good, she's the nicer one anyway :)

**“She is in the life she should have had. She will feel the loss and guilt of Oz but won’t understand or know why she feels it. You won’t find her by looking. You have to feel her. You know who can feel her presence keenly, vampire. She will not remember any of you, not even the wolf. All will be well if it’s meant to be. You have four more days to save the werewolf. Use the skills you all have. I can help you no more. I pray that all will be well for you and your friends, you are a great warrior against evil.”**

Sounds like SO much fun! (sarcasm :p)

**So this is a game to you?**

Bout sums it up I wouldn't actually be that surprised if you scrolled out...zoomed out...well you get what I mean, of the universe far enough to find two guys/gals/beings named Good and Evil playing chess :p ...that could be a semi-interesting story if it was written right...course they'd have to be called Gud and Eval or something, just so it's not TOO obvious...but could be fun to write...remind me later and I might give it a go :p

**This was a complication that was unforeseen, much like your first fall from goodness. It was not in the plans by design. Not even the Powers That Be can change emotions in the living or the dead they can but try to control them.**

Yeah, they just make the rules that cause all the problems, but have no idea that it MIGHT happen :p

**Angel burst through his apartment door and threw his coat clear across the room, taking a lamp out in the process. “DAMMIT!” he yelled.**

Rofl, someone's a bit excited :p

**“Angel it was just a lamp, it can be replaced.” Xander quipped.

Angel shot him a cold hard look.**

Not the time for joking'd think he woulda learnt by now!...though this is the boy who is always attracted to demons :p

**“Well, yes I…I found a little about this test she speaks of although details are very vague. I phoned Stewart at the council and he says that it’s a type of sport for higher beings. They pit the chosen being against their greatest fear; in Catherine’s case it appears that Angelus was her greatest fear. Oz was a by-product of her fear of losing him.”**

I thought it was Will not Stewart?

**“I say we skin him and use him as a rug. Won’t have the same affect as bear skin but it'll still make the place look homier.”**

He just can't resist cracking a joke can he? :p

**Giles said watching Angel’s every move. He didn’t like the look on his face. Something was about to rear its ugly head and Angel looked like he didn’t have a handle on how to save the day. It had to be bad. “Angel? Is there something I can help you with?”**

Sigh, it's never a pretty head is it? Well I guess technically Evil was pretty for the boys, but still!

**“Buffy you and Cordy can use my bed.”**

Bow bow chica wow wow...oh wait, he's not joining them is he?

**Giles, Xander you can fight it out over the couch.”**

I keep forgetting that despite it being a hotel, not many of the rooms are operational :p

**“Man, he needs to work on his hospitality skills.”

“Xander…..shut up.” Giles snapped wearily.**

Go Giles! Lol considering he just opted for the floor rather than bed or couch, I'd say he's a pretty good host!

**“I guess. I mean if she looked the same then it’d make it too easy, and the PTB don’t do easy.” Angel’s voice laced with contempt.

“No, quite.”**

Stoopid PTB :p

**“It’s the logical choice.” The two men looked at each other, knowing that logic didn’t always work in their world. “But how do we tell him? What do we tell him? We can hardly tell him he’s going to kill himself in four days unless we find her.”

“Needle in Kansas then huh?” They both turned at Cordelia’s voice. “Where do we start looking?”**

Lol good to see she's back on the ball/ in the game again ;)

**“That silence doesn’t look good.” Oz ventured.**

M in their world silence very rarely is :p

**Giles, Angel and Cordy exchanged looks. “Ok, suddenly nervous. Did something happen to someone, because I swear I was chained all night!”

“It’s true, he was, I was there.” Willow nodded emphatically.**

Lol yeah, if only it were as simple as that :p

**“Gladness," He paused ashe scanned their faces."I can hear a 'but'.”**

Lol back to not quite full sentences and nice notings :)

**“They let her die for sport? What kind of sick pleasure is that? And where was I when this was found out?” Xander sounded almost indignant.

“You were snoring percepto boy.” Cordy threw him a cold look.**

Rofl, she's brilliant :)

**“Xander, be quiet.”**

Lol and in my head that was pretty much everyone else save Oz and Cordy talking ;)

**“He means we should never have slept with her moron.” Fake Oz had woken up. “Should’ve known something that good would cause trouble, buddy.”

Oz closed his eyes against the words and looks of the others.**

Gotta love you're evil half to pick up on what you're not getting :p

**“I’m gona kill myself. That’s what you’re saying.”

Giles nodded gravely.**

Though in a slightly different way to the norm...hey now Xander and Oz actually have something in common...well besides their previous feelings for Willow :p

**“She didn’t know this would happen, just like I didn’t know I’d lose my soul. She would never have knowingly put you in danger.”**

They're really against happy sex on the Buffiverse aren't they? Spike and Buffy? Sure, only one of them loves the other, be a normal couple and not so much...and you can't say Willow/Oz worked out cos it clearly didn't, nor did Xander/Anya or Tara/Willow for that matter!


“Sitting’s overrated.**

Lol Angel/Oz banter is nearly as good as the Buffy/Oz stuff ;)

**We’ll fix this I promise.”

“I think it’s beyond repair.”

“I was talking about you not the chair.”**

Lol see!

**“So was I.”**

Naww :(

**“We need to find the key to the problem.”

“Cathy.” Angel answered their questioning looks.**

Gotta love human keys :p

**A/N: AmI really going to let Oz die?**

Pff, na, you love him too much!

**Well he doesnt poop up in any more Buffy episodes...**

Yeah, but the Doc already told Rose they end up happily ever after so :p You're not fooling me missy!

**Confused? So are they!**

Lol not so much since I know what's coming...but man, no offence, but I wish I was further through than just number 19 :(
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