Reviews for Wings
Anilyn Shaw chapter 1 . 7/4/2011
WHY? WHY WAS YOU RAISE ME UP TAKEN DOWN? that's my FAVORITE SONG! (cry cry) i loved this story. it took a lot of courage to decline an award and i'm so impressed that Kim did. and the fact that ron was brave enough to sing that song (even though the lyrics were taken out grrr) is impressive as well. i might have missed it but where was rufus? i'm guessing he's a part of the award too but the governor just felt awkward about letting a Naked Mole Rat speak. ah well say la vi. I Favorite this story! and you!

CastaS chapter 1 . 8/28/2006
great work
Ranchero D chapter 1 . 7/30/2006
Aw, Cap, ya finally got me. Reading this one, the tears started welling up. Your wonderful description of such camaraderie just got me going. Standing ovation!

Shannon chapter 1 . 8/1/2005
I can't believe that Fanfiction management made you remove You are the wind beneath my wings. That is one of my favoirte songs. Bad bad bad! But, It's not your fault. Oh well, I feel bad for Ron but good job! I really loved this one. It was a real pick me up after High on That Mountian. Good job again.


Avalons-Healer chapter 1 . 7/21/2005
AWESOME! *jumping up and down with joy* I don't know why, but every time I read your stories, they just inspire me to do write more fantastic stories like yours! The series, Lotus Legends, was actually inspired by your stories of the mystical things that happen in some of your stories! I hope you continue! If you're a fan of Miyazaki, I just finished the Kim Possible version of "Castle In The Sky," entitled "Kingdom In The Sky." It is completed, and I will be working on the companion novels, "The Winged Castle" (Howl's Moving Castle), and "Kim's Delivery Service" (Kiki's Delivery Service). I'm guessing you'll really enjoy "Kingdom In The Sky." I hope you do! And keep up the great work, mister! I bet you'll become a great author some day! ;-)


Aero Tendo chapter 1 . 5/18/2005
awesome one-shot, I really enjoyed it! :)

Words can not express how much I liked it! :)
dbfox007 chapter 1 . 5/17/2005
You have such a beautiful with words, heartfelt and sincere.

Keep it up!
Go-Colts chapter 1 . 1/26/2005
This looks oddly like Zoken's work...
goofmore chapter 1 . 1/26/2005
Awesome! *claps*
Geor-sama chapter 1 . 1/25/2005
A great lil ficlet, like always. Good job, now just keep turning them out like this and things will be fine. :D
umokay chapter 1 . 1/24/2005
ok. this is really really good and cute and all, but it looks ALOT like the songfic by Zoken in songs of him. Its got the exact same plot and song... its like the same thing but a different version. Im not saying you did copy Zoken, and if you didn't, im really really sorry for saying this cause your story is really good, but if you did take his/her idea, thats really really low.
Forlong chapter 1 . 1/24/2005
I can only say one thing: aw.
ToxicGalaxy chapter 1 . 1/23/2005
Yay! The error was fixed! Whoopee! Is there going to be more? This is so good! please let there be more!
fanjimmy chapter 1 . 1/23/2005
Great story you should write a sequal.
Doug4422 chapter 1 . 1/23/2005
AWESOME! To have Kim sing "Wind Beneath My Wings," that was completely in character with her, and to have Ron sitting in the shadows, again, completely in character, you did a good job in writing this story, I LOVE IT! I'm beating a dead horse here, but; going on my favorites list.