Reviews for More Than That
lunar koi chapter 1 . 9/2/2009
oh, poor odd, well, it was a good story. ty for the entertainment, and keep it up k? ;)
OddObsessed chapter 1 . 2/10/2008
Yay, OddxAelita.

I dunno how come I'd never read this fic before. It's good. I'm adding it to favourites as well as my C2 Loved it!

-OddObsessed _
Dragon C. Chan chapter 1 . 11/10/2005
Mayday Parker chapter 1 . 11/2/2005
*sniff sniff*

Beautiful! I love it! Sad yet sweet. The situation was handled perfectly. Excellent job.

Please promise me you'll do more Odd/Aelita things. Pretty please? You do them so well.

Cookies n' Hugs!

Purple Lurker chapter 1 . 10/10/2005
Dude! That rocked! And since I hate one-shots with cliffhanger endings I of course have to command: MAKE IT A TWO-SHOT, YOU! I'm done now. Eh, if you get published for real someday, email me the title.
becky chapter 1 . 6/29/2005
it is so good,i think you should carry on with it
ShadowGryphyn chapter 1 . 3/15/2005
aweman! what a story!
IllegalDayNightSnappingIguana chapter 1 . 2/3/2005
and i'm not really an odd/aelita supporter. and i liked it. got me all choked up. its just something about it not being able to happen that makes it so amazing. wow i liked it. but i was confused... they were talking about materializing aelita, even though she was in the real world, and that just confuzzled me a bit. well anyways, i liked the story a lot
Ransomed Heart chapter 1 . 1/15/2005

I'm crying, so all I can say is wow.

While I don't technically support the pairing, I am one of the viewers who has caught little hints of it and wondered about Odd's true feelings for Aelita, and this fic captured that very well.

Excellent writing, I am very impressed.

Ransomed Heart
Ded Account iz Ded chapter 1 . 1/13/2005
You are an amazing writer.
Curingangelx3 chapter 1 . 1/13/2005
WOW, this was so well-written! I'm not really a huge fan of this couple, but I could actually feel what was really going on. I hope to read ur future fics! GREAT JOB!

Wind91Rider chapter 1 . 1/12/2005
Wow, this is powerful! I've never read and Odd/Aelita fic before, but it's alright. You're a great angst writer. I look forward to reading more of your fics!
Flying Star too busy to sign in chapter 1 . 1/12/2005
And another great songfic! Personally I'm not an Odd/Aelita fan, but this again brough

out such rich emotion as Odd did what he had to do, but still felt crushed by his decision.

Awesome job.! _

PS. Still trying to login in the post that Jeremie oneshot, but still having some problems.

And again, sure you can send me that fic. _
Little Vili chapter 1 . 1/12/2005
I loved this story. And I think it was good as is, being a one shot and all. You dont need to go on IMO, I like how it ended, and I think thats all that need to be said.

In a way, this reminds me of me and my ex-girl friend (who I still love with all my heart, and atleast we are still friends). I was kinda sad, infact, very sad. I like when the mood is set in this fasion, I really like those kind of stories (but then again, I like many kinds, but this being CL, it emphasizes that a great deal. And its easier to understand.

I loved your story, and all of your others. I didnt even mind the Odd/Aelita semi-pairing (because it fit). You are very good ay making thses kind of stories, and I hope to see more. Good luck on all of your future titles.

Linii-chan chapter 1 . 1/12/2005
Wow! That was spectacular! Honestly, it was really, really awesome! You are such an unbelievably talented writer! And Odd/Aelita is one of my favorite pairings, too! As cute as Jeremie/Aelita is... for some reason, I've always loved Odd/Aelita more.

Anyway, as I have said, this was absolutely beautiful and terrific. Please keep writing! As wonderful as your one-shot's are, perhaps you should write a multi-chapter fic? I, for one, would be interested in reading it.

Linii-chan ~*
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