Reviews for Of Christmas 1876
hollybridgetpeppermint chapter 1 . 2/13/2007
good job!

i shouldn't have read this, cause it's rated t and i try not to read those, but... oh well. it was good...

and, again, i think you should move this fic so that all the russell fans can find it :D


Lady Razorsharp chapter 1 . 4/6/2005
This was a lovely look into the past! And ooh, nice foreshadowing...
Neoholmesz chapter 1 . 3/7/2005
O...I liked this one too! very good idea to write a fic on the event! I think you did a wonderful job writing Holmes' POV _Will there be more? I really enjoy your writing!

Hermione Holmes chapter 1 . 1/25/2005
This is excellent. You managed to write an otherwise awkward scene by giving just enough details so that it was still tasteful and yet full of information. Nice twist with Moriarty at the end there. Holmes was in character, which is always good. I hope you update your other story soon!
violet lily13 chapter 1 . 1/11/2005
Awesome story! I liked the way that you told it from Holmes' point of view (which sounded strangely like Russell's, but no matter) and also the way that you gave him so much emotion and feeling. The ending conversation with Mycroft was a really good scene, and the tie-in to Moriarty was a very clever idea. There was only one typo I saw, and funny enough, it was in the first author's note ("rare" instead of "rate", though it is a rare book). Anyhow, great story! :-)