Reviews for The Power to Kill
Aiedail01 chapter 2 . 7/17/2008
I love that you realized Dennis spelled backwards is "sinned." ]
Aiedail01 chapter 1 . 7/17/2008
Hey! I was re-reading this, and I definately forgot how much I liked it. Still amazing. ]
Faceless Storyteller chapter 3 . 4/12/2008
This is really good! When I was little at summer rec me and my friends would reinact the Spongebob movie. I always was Dennis. (Who knew?)
Yves Adele chapter 11 . 9/12/2007
AH my gosh I LOVED the story! From the looks of your page you haven't really been writing...but please do! This story sent me into insanity...I couldn't read it fast enough! Anyway, from 1-10 I give it 100 ;)

Kezaroo chapter 11 . 2/15/2006
This is really a review for the whole story. I noticed that there was a sequel, so decided to read this one first. So...Here it goes...

You are an excellent writer! This has to be one of the best stories I've ever read and I have no idea why I didn't read it sooner!

I've not started to read the sequel, but when you said no licence, I immediatly thought of SpongeBob...

Mabye SpongeBob was driving...I don't know...

This is like 5 years to late, but it would be cool for Dennis to still want to get SpongeBob...If he doesn't already...

Brill story overal and I will read the sequel right away!
Bladequeen2000 chapter 11 . 8/29/2005
interesting put a lot of yourself in there which is very good to put yourself in stories...(somehow,lol) poor dennis... almost every aspect of his life is violence and tragedy but those elements alone are very good to use in his past to say how he is the way he is... You're very good at getting people's pasts like this the whole thing is just awesome! and it fits...go figure... You should do a story on Squidward's past... tell us why you think he's so pessimistic and the way he is... That would be very interesting...well keep up the good work! (btw, this is my longest review yet!)
Kraven the Hunter chapter 11 . 7/7/2005
You don't say why he stopped his own suicide.
Kraven the Hunter chapter 10 . 7/7/2005
NO! You can't off the main characters! (I know that with the next chapter whatever happens will already be decided, but still)
Kraven the Hunter chapter 8 . 7/6/2005
Bitter much Plankton? That explains the boots. (I've only just rented the game, I'm starting to think about the movie itself. I take it you recommend it.)
flaming-1251 chapter 11 . 6/23/2005
WOW!I loved your story! But I did think you got a little too into death. As for your next story's, I will have to go with Imagination (but please make a sequal to this when your done!). Anyway, you are an amazing author and you really bring the story to life. I will never look at Dennis the same now, and I love how you took a little character and made him into a full blown story. Keep up the great work!
Spongegurl13 chapter 11 . 5/15/2005
OMG I LOVE YOUR STORY SO MUCH! i read it all in a day! Your story just wanted me to keep going! omg i love it so much(did i already say that) i cant wait for the sequal! This is the best story ever!It almost made me cry!Keep up your awsome work!

Behind These Eyes chapter 11 . 5/2/2005
Wow, I really loved this story. And I also like your idea for you next story involving Dennis's father. My friend (DiamondTopaz, the one who reccomended the story to me) let me read the dialogue you have for it, and I think it sounds really good! I can't wait to read it!

Great job and keep up the great work!

MichellesPenScratches chapter 11 . 4/27/2005
Oh, gosh, thanks for mentioning me in your epilogue. No one has ever done that for me before.

And, uh, sorry I haven't been able to speak to you in a few days. My last day of school is a week from tomorrow, so it's been something else around here, y'know?

Ah, I've *so* got my fingers crossed for "Imagination." It sounds just like a classic horror film: old house, sudden storm, poltergeist and all. And of course, as usual, "why must every eleven minutes of Squidward's life be filled with pain and misery?" This is gonna be hilarious.

Later, then. Do keep me posted.
luigifan2234 chapter 11 . 4/26/2005
YAAY! SEQUEL! I am so glad you're planning on doing more stories! I will definitely be reading them. I am reviewer 51!
northernlight33 chapter 11 . 4/26/2005
Sorry that I forgot to review,anyways,i read the chapter and it was a masterpiece,wonderful story dude
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