Reviews for Change
Pirika Anna Usui Kyoyama 0116 chapter 24 . 2/18/2012
you made me cry to your story...I cant take it ...very touching...keep up the good work
teshichan chapter 24 . 9/17/2009
i just read this in one day...

it's really good (_) i really like it.

but could you explain to me why anna left in the first place? (reading the whole story in one day gave me an information-overload)
Babsi-Flocke chapter 1 . 7/2/2009
hey its me again

i dont if you still look at the reviews, but if you do, could you please contact me? Because I want to ask for permission that i am allowed to translate the story into german and uptade it in a german fanfiction internetside. I think many of our readers would love that story) Please respond if you read this. Thanx to


bye bye

Babsi-Flocke chapter 24 . 7/2/2009

Oh my god! This was one of the absolutly best stories ive ever read! In almost ever chap I was nearly at the edge of crying! the drama was really real and fantastic. I really enjoyed reading this story!

I love it that finally anna returned to Yoh. Theyre simply meant to be together!




twinkletwinkee chapter 24 . 6/4/2009
WOW. i've read the whole story in just one day. it was really nice. :D hope u write more.
twinkletwinkee chapter 5 . 6/3/2009
wow. i liked this. :)

i hate Aya though.
Lilium's Reign chapter 19 . 3/28/2008
sad but good. tragites are usually the best kinda writing.
scalpels chapter 1 . 9/3/2007
hey, i've been looking for this fic... i read the first few chapters but then i cannot continue due to my internet connection.. now, i got a faster one, i found this fic and i this looks interesting to me..ehehe! )
xXWaterpeltXx chapter 24 . 6/19/2007
Loved ur story!

Plz write a sequel. Please, Please, with a cherry on top?
Fox-Sin chapter 1 . 2/21/2007
this is so cool and she still laves
denytheworld chapter 24 . 2/17/2007
So...uh...what happened to Aya?
denytheworld chapter 15 . 2/17/2007
I though Anna just wanted the inn...ah well.
denytheworld chapter 1 . 2/16/2007
To the next chapter!
divinekid chapter 24 . 1/8/2007
Love it! you rock! write more YohxAnna Fics! i would glaaddly read it..
Soy Soy Joo chapter 24 . 12/17/2006
it was soo gr8 make more yohxanna ff plz plz ur soo good!

unlyk me hahahaha
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