Reviews for Instructions for the Babysitter
Cookie Heist chapter 1 . 10/27/2012
This is delightful!
"Don't let Sanzo see you doing it, however, as he maintains a somewhat unrealistic notion that Goku should only eat when everyone else does. If the boy were restricted to Sanzo's dietary habits, he'd starve, but I've given up on pointing this out."
Very cute.
PsychoIdiotLady chapter 1 . 7/16/2012
too awesome!
InkDreams chapter 1 . 11/1/2011
_ That was hilarious reading. Poor Hakkai, taking care of the Sanzo-ikkou really is a handful. While reading your fic, I was somewhat reminded of those instruction-manual fics.
KaKashiisWifey chapter 1 . 5/11/2011
lml he found a good one cuz personally i would need like 10 million yen to consider taking a big job like this...Awesome one-shot
sekamu chapter 1 . 4/15/2008
There are two words to describe this story: Comedic. Genius.

This is completely in character, I'm surprised you don't like it yourself. I personally think this is hysterical, expecially the ending.

Everything you put in the lists is so true.

Props, Kudos, whatever you call it. GOOD JOB!
Mariphasa Hecatene chapter 1 . 4/6/2008
Simply delightful-very funny and the characterization throughout is spot-on. I think the omake is a bit intrusive, but it doesn't diminish the enjoyment of the fic proper one bit. Too many great lines to quote; I'm very glad to have been led back to it. )
kerumica chapter 1 . 4/5/2008
Granted, I'm three years late getting to this but it was awesome!
Raging Lulu chapter 1 . 12/23/2006
Loved it.
pcg chapter 1 . 5/9/2005
Oh, I am slain. This was hilarious. :D
Laura517 chapter 1 . 4/19/2005
Oh, that was fun.

b) Stay well clear of Gojyo while he is fighting. It requires empathy, good reflexes and a solid understanding of the shaku jou's relationship to the laws of physics to avoid either hindering him or becoming injured yourself.

d) Never fear enemies who attack in large numbers. The boys will dispatch them with ease. Any enemy who approaches alone or in a group of less than ten should be viewed as a major threat and avoided if at all possible.

Cracking up big time. Hakkai really is such a mother, isn't he? How else would the boys survive?
wingedkitten chapter 1 . 3/28/2005

refered by viridian 5
cawcawmf chapter 1 . 2/5/2005
Could you continue?That was simply fanfastic!

I love you!(Not in 'that' way of course!)
MsCongeniality chapter 1 . 1/12/2005
That was simply crack-tastic. Thank you :)
Gray Iris chapter 1 . 1/12/2005
lol! this was so hilarious... _ favs! love your other stories too. - write more sai!
rasinah chapter 1 . 1/9/2005
*giggles madly* Read this the other day but was in a rush so couldn't leave a review. Am feeling somewhat down so decided to reread this.

Thanks. This fic brightened me up instantly. *giggles non-stop*
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