Reviews for Keep Them Guessing
MamzelleCombeferre chapter 3 . 1/16/2012
Scooter12345 chapter 1 . 11/4/2009
I like the Double Charlie I think it's kind of sweet. Charlie never gets cretit you did him a service
SilentNoMore23 chapter 15 . 4/25/2009
Please write another chapter. I am dying here waiting for one! I am all for Anderson x Charlie pairing. I think they are too perfect for eachother. I am also a total sap and think it would be cute. Anderson is hot and I love him. I want to take him home with me. I had a total Charlie moment the other day and it was amazingly liberating. I liked it. But honestly, on a more serious note, I rarely like original characters because they usually end up slightly mary sueish or the guys end up carbon copies of their dads, but this one has managed to keep my interest. I want to give my condolences for your friend. It is always sad to lose a loved one and it isn't something you should go through alone.
girlonthehill chapter 1 . 3/13/2007

i love this story, and have also just reread it. will there be more?
annecordelia chapter 1 . 2/16/2007
Ah i really like your story so much im reading it all the way through AGAIN is that a kind hint to update? cos i konw i could love it
Corey chapter 22 . 1/4/2006
No more hiatus for KTG! Am I right?

Haha...Anderson and Dalton. Awesome stuff.
Antilles chapter 22 . 12/29/2005
Quote/Charlie: Oh... Anderson: No/End quote. You know, I agree with that. It can't end up good. not for these two, at least. Keep at it, we really need school humor -especially at Welton
annecordelia chapter 22 . 12/28/2005
Oh PLEASE write more it was bad enough leavig all your reading on a cliff hanger for MONTHS please write lots kroe soon, it's so interesting and fun!
annecordelia chapter 21 . 7/13/2005
Yea! #clap# I wanted Charlie and Anderson to get together if only she didnt fight with everyone, but I suppose that would be chnaging her natuire, do reallt ghood!
Burnt Hamster chapter 21 . 7/6/2005
Wow. Awesome. I NEVER read stories like this. I really hate new characters but somehow you have draw my interest! What's more is the main charater is female and I am so put off by female characters cause they are so freaking annoying. But I like Charlie! You don't understand it's a rare occurance that I like a female character. It's even more rare that I don't mind the romance. Which I don't in this story.

I loved every poem you put up! And I loved every scene with the 'Dads' Though I didn't quite get how the kids kept ended up plastered. They are younger then me! Well just a little. I loved it anyway! Very funny. I like how you described each of the parents too. Cause I could picture them being that way. Chralie (The dad) With a lamp shade on his head. Meeks without pants. I think I laughed out loud at that one. And Todd constantly 'mordifide' I loved that.

The mysterious poem at the first meating where they can't read the signature... You have to have them figure it out! I loved it! I Want to know which one of them wrote it!

I love it all!

The part where you had Dad Charlie resiting the poem. It was perfect. I could feel the pain you were describing in his face and in his voice. And the part where he slows down when he gets to the death part. It was perfectly done.

I also loved the part where Rob got up and yelled at the teacher and broke out into monolouge. I wish I had the gull to do it myself to my freaking factual teacher. Instead I just mumbled under my breath and talked to her after.

I also loved the part where the 'Dads' have the kids give each other those books! I LOVED IT!

I feel for the group. I think I understand Andersons frustration that Charlie would rather be with her old friends. I would feel badly too.

I agree with that other comment. Get over your pity party Charlie. We're sick of it. ;-) Just kidding. Actually I am moving away for my senior year and understand the sadness of leaving my friends behind. But look at the cool friends she's aquired!

I am going to stop now. This is way to long.

Awesome job.
Lovebuggy chapter 21 . 7/2/2005
o, harsh! although, i can't really blame him for doing that, although it was pretty low. charlie's gotta snap outta the pity party she's had going on for a good 2 1/2-3 months now.
Allaloneinthedarkandstillhere chapter 21 . 7/2/2005
THat charlie dalton? lol. itys like no not that one the other one. sheesh people these days. great chapter. update soon it is reallyt good. well i should update my story but seeing as i'm at my grandma's at the moment it won't happen at least until monday. oh yeah monday fourth of july. well if i don't update b4 then HAPPY FOURTH OF JULY ON MONDAY WHEN I WILL BE HOPEFULLY UPDATEING BUT CANT BE EXTREMELY SURE ABOUT IT! oh and myu next chapter is really random so yeah. well update soon your story is really good. bye ~Allaloneinthedarkandstillhere
annecordelia chapter 20 . 6/22/2005
I've been reading like thunder on your story and now suddenly a cliffhanger! Get a writing! It's getting reall really really interesting!
Lovebuggy chapter 20 . 6/19/2005
owch! caught by the sub! lol, i like it! keep it coming!
annecordelia chapter 2 . 6/15/2005
I like it vibrant, keep on
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