Reviews for By Any Means Necessary
Cheea5 chapter 2 . 12/2/2007
Update? yes yes? Please? *puppy dog eyes*
Steeple333 chapter 2 . 4/18/2007
Wo! I lurve this! . I like your other works, too. ]
RandomTopic chapter 2 . 10/8/2006
This is really cool. I wonder how Eliwood and Hector will fit in. Will they be ruling neighboring countries? Or will they be like Lyn and be part of Nergal's country?

Please update soon!
Nariko.Hoshi chapter 2 . 6/15/2006
yay! as per usual, i love it. this time, i won't even go off and rant about how much i love it

just, don't ever lose the will to write, even if you can't find the inspiration. (btw, i copied that from a review i got once- it's true, though, you should always keep writing! that reviewer was smart!)

Innocent Guillotine chapter 1 . 2/27/2006
Wowza. I've only read the first chapter due to time constrants, but damn if that wasn't good.

...Can't find anything wrong. ;
Judy chapter 2 . 12/12/2005
SO COOL! What happens next, what happens next?
CrossoverQueen chapter 2 . 10/23/2005
O_o... They took Raven. And Guy's mother... and Matthew. And Heath and Legault. And Fiora... And Lyn...

... THEY TOOK LOUISE! BASTARDS! How dare you take the Mage General's wife! PENT SHALL BURN YOU ALL! BURN YOU ALL TO ASHES!

This is terrifyingly good. No matter how much I wish that Guy, Pent, Lucius, Priscilla, Farina, and Florina weren't separated from their loved ones, I do wish that everyone gets proper revenge on the bastard Nergal.
CherryMilkshake chapter 2 . 9/9/2005
CC: Very, VERY nice, Ammy. I like this most muchly.

Lyn: 'Most muchly'? Oy vay. *rolls eyes*

CC: If don't get the chapter out soon... you get whipped with this! *pulls out a cat o' nine tails* Muahaha!

Dart: ...I know 'ow that thing feels... *shudders* You'd best be gettin' that chapter out soon, miss... Or you'll be sorry...
Rockies chapter 2 . 7/9/2005
This is good so far, looking forward to more _
Dreamer of Riddles chapter 2 . 6/30/2005
Yay, another good chapter. *huggle* I wikes.

This is good, very good. You ended with a cliffhanger. That is the only thing I do not life. *looks at rotten fruit*

But I am not hostile. _ I do not approve in the throwing of fruit. I do, however, am not to egotistic to beg.

Dreamer of Riddles chapter 1 . 6/30/2005
Hey Amethyst,

I just caught sight of this when I chekced your profile for an update on Something Wicked. I'll admit, I'm hooked on this. It' original. Intriguing.

And so cute.

Can I take a guess and say that Nino plays a big role in the rescue of the doomed? She's like their connection to the outside.

*heroicly* To...the next chapter!

With Luck and Love,

Puppkid chapter 2 . 6/28/2005
Woah, hey! An update! (Awesome!)

It's about time, if you ask me. :p But I'm not mad or anything; I'm just glad that this has been updated. (I like how Nino is in this. Really good work there.)*counts in head for a moment* I thought that those others...Could, perhaps, three different rebellions be in the process of planning? 'Cause from the way Linus was acting, it sure looks like he's not just going to sit there...Him, and Nino, and Guy...that makes three! (If it's correct, that is.)

I have this strange feeling, though, that Nino's going to get caught. I don't know why, but I do.
Scarabsi chapter 2 . 6/24/2005
Eh, I'd actually. . . forgotten about this story. . . ; Well, it's a really good story, and now I'm itching to know what happens next. . . if the army or whatever that fighting force was that was going to come down and fight in the dungeons arrives while Nino is still wide open like that, she's doomed. I keep thinking that she was probably given the keys to the cell doors as well, but perhaps I am wrong. . .?

I'm sorry this review couldn't be more alive like I usually am, but I had just woken up and it is a hot day and my brain does not function properly on hot days. Please post your next chapter or you WILL hear from me.
Orm chapter 2 . 6/24/2005
If I was feeling pedantic, I could nitpick at you about some grammar.

But there's not enough to merit it and I like it too much besides.

... the fic, not the grammar.
Orahiko chapter 1 . 6/20/2005
Love it!
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