Reviews for What Might Have Been
Peeta's Lover chapter 1 . 3/15/2010
Oo la la! Slade is too sexy for his own good... and Robin's apparently. Good job!
Jordancatgirl7 chapter 1 . 12/28/2006
I like this idea. This was really well written and such a good read!
Iamfraeiam chapter 1 . 10/8/2005
Wow, I really liked it. I wish now I had seen that episode even more.

Dick is always too easily manipulated. Its what makes him fun :)
Rosadina chapter 1 . 10/7/2005
O. Loved Slade's reflections on how different Nightwing is from Robin. I with you would continue this. I'm putting it in my c2 archive and putting you on my author alerts!
dlsky chapter 1 . 3/19/2005
wow, pretty poetic and the imagry, you have a way with words, must have gotten good grades in English, hu?

Age of a charactor plays a good base for what you can write. It's tough to write a child charactor but an older one give possibilities to the depth you can go, I like your comparision's

D. aka dlsky
shamenteen chapter 1 . 3/13/2005
Asome story. This is one of the best Robin-Nightwing/Slade stories I ever read. Hope you make more.
Velvet Death chapter 1 . 12/11/2004
...*shudder*. I... I... can't... breathe... it's... so... *shudder*

I love it. I love it so so so so so so so so so so so so much. Oh, wonderful. Wonderful. *Clapping*

Now, onto the analyzing. Brilliant descriptions. I could just see them... *hem.* Maybe I'm seeing them too much. *Mind wanders into places that it shouldn't go* The experience is so vivid. Good job!