Reviews for The Truth and the Tempest
SonkaD chapter 43 . 5/18
Well first of all, congratulations for writing this story to the end. I understand it's quite a challenge, and you did well, did not lose your pace and tied (almost) everything up. It's true that the epilogue could have been more developped, of course I would have liked to read more about some pairings, but I've seen worse too, so it's ok. And I liked the final scene. The only thing that definitely calls for more is the case about Mousse: guess what Shingen and Reika saw in him is Hunter heritage?
Shingen was a really cool OC, and pairing him with Ukyo was a good idea. As well as the Kodachi/Ryu Kumon pairing: this one could be really fun, the lady and the bad boy, I'm sure you could have written downright hilarious scenes with them.
So all in all: thank you for this story.
SonkaD chapter 39 . 5/15
Eh eh, as soon as I read "maze", I thought Ryoga was going to lead the others out. However, that was a nice fight scene you had in store for him, well done! And who knows, maybe he is still going to be the one to find the way out? Anyway, you made my day with this scene (says a Ryoga-fan) ;)
SonkaD chapter 2 . 4/27
Wow, what a cute RanmaxAkane scene! And this is only the beginning? Hope the rest is up to those premises
Nathem chapter 25 . 8/8/2018
I officially ship Ukyo and Shingen
chris8124u chapter 31 . 7/1/2017
actually I think the way Kodachi is portrayed in manga is a sociopath she knows what is right and wrong and believes herself above and beyond it due to her social status
Guest chapter 42 . 10/17/2015
After all this time, still one of the best on FF.
Guest chapter 43 . 6/10/2014
really loved this story.

well paced, great plot line, and enough warmth to get me through the darkest of times

I'll never tire of Ranma and Akane stories.

I never liked any of the other fiances ... even as people ... and this warmed me a little to them. A little. Just a little. I still wouldn't allow Ukyo to babysit my cat, but /shrug.
Guest chapter 32 . 6/9/2014
beyond wonderful
Guest chapter 31 . 6/9/2014
loved the fainting after the kiss part
Guest chapter 30 . 6/9/2014
ohhhh I was on the edge of my seat.

I am SO glad you didn't kill Mouse... i mean i'm so glad that the demon didn't kill mouse...

yeah... that's it
Guest chapter 28 . 6/8/2014
you know for all Genma's done that has been bad...
it is Anything Goes... and Ranma did turn out the way he did...
because and in-spite over everything

He might be a Panda... but he was the best Panda he could be.

Still an excellent story... I just wish Genma wasn't always painted so badly.
Guest chapter 26 . 6/8/2014
henry V ... was a perfect choice for Kuno and his "moment"
Guest chapter 24 . 6/8/2014
again beautifully written... great pace
Guest chapter 19 . 6/8/2014
Ranma calling Akane Achan or anything cutesy just isn't him. I mean I can see him giving anyone else except Akane a nickname and vice versa. she's no Ukyo.

the writing is solid. the plot perfect. good pace. good balance of progression and filler to make it all feel "all immersed" when reading. great tone. it's dark without smothering the sun. it makes you want to continue. it's really good.

the only issue I have is the nickname... so I can deal
Guest chapter 1 . 6/5/2014
Oooh, OCs are usually not taken to in fanfics but I already like this one and where the story is going
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