Reviews for How Old Are You?
WillowTree chapter 1 . 7/25/2006
I like it...a lot. But one question; wouldn't Rikku notice that she's not 10 by her body, height ect... and wouldn't she notice that gippal looks a lot older... and didn't she start the pilgramage when she was about 16? It's a really cute fic, but I'm just curious, because how you have it, you make it sound like it's not AU, like cid saying she had saved the world twice...So wouldn't she remember her beeing a guardian once she reached that age? But anyways, I must sound like a horrible critical person, i'm sorry! my mind is just...well it makes me stop at every detail and think if it's probable or not, lol...I'm babbeling i'm ...yea.
asga chapter 5 . 4/14/2005
good story love it so much
Pikachu chapter 5 . 3/13/2005

The Adversary chapter 5 . 1/28/2005
I ALWAYS read your fics after they're completed some how. _ No fate never lets me read them as you write. Gr. Poo on fate!
Mistress Dizzy chapter 5 . 1/15/2005
*sniffle* Oh, it was so beautiful... *grins* I'm such a sucker for this sort of stuff. Cid's gonna see his girl down the aisle soon, eh? Wonderfully ended.
Kiyoteh Kiaira chapter 5 . 1/12/2005
*tear* KAWAII! (If thas how you spell it, heh ;) THAT WAS BEAUTIFUL!
reviewer chapter 5 . 1/10/2005
Aw *sniffs* what a cute ending to a cute fic -
Master Thief chapter 5 . 1/10/2005
omg! What a happy ending! Good job! I hope you make more good stories! _
Flametongue chapter 5 . 1/10/2005
You're really great at making fluffs, you know that? You're really describing their feelings in a great way...with those kissing scenes and stuff...

I had a really great time reading this fic, you're a great writer, and I really hope that you'll write more RikkuGippal fics...

Good luck!

/the swed/
kingleby chapter 5 . 1/9/2005
*wiping eyes with hanky* oh man that was so beautiful! i was holding my breath near the end! the ring bit was great! oh man i can't believe its over! *sniff* love this story! _
Jamie chapter 5 . 1/9/2005
aww that was adorable!

I can't wait until you make a new storyy, i promise to read it!
lste chapter 5 . 1/9/2005
Da KeR MysTeRr chapter 5 . 1/9/2005
aw mann that was so cute... lol i love the story it was greaTt from beginning to end! i lvoed every minute of it.. im kinda upset its already over [ but thats ok cuz it was greaTt while it lasted!
Mistress Dizzy chapter 4 . 1/2/2005
He's not leaving! NO WAY IS HE LEAVING! Come on, Gippal, get in there and get your angel back!

*sigh* I love a love story.

He'll be back.

I know he will.

And if he isn't, then I'm gonna take my staff to his head and knock some sense into him. *snort* Ruin a good love story, will you Gippal? Doesn't know who he's dealing with, I tell ya... *grumble*

Have an awesome new year! _
Mistress Dizzy chapter 3 . 1/2/2005
Heh. I've been away for awhile and missed my chance to review. But still: AW! That was absolutely touching. Just.. Gippal's love and yet pain that Rikku won't remember loving him.

But something tells me she might, so off to the next chapter I go!
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