Reviews for Cerulean Lights
Megxolotl chapter 4 . 6/3/2019
Hey, I know I am like, a decade and some late, but I want to say that this is a really good story
Megxolotl chapter 3 . 6/3/2019
*fondly rolls eyes* If it helps ya sleep at night..
FarewellOldAccount chapter 4 . 6/15/2008
Aw, I liked the direction this story was going. It's a shame you discontinued it.
Penname wa Silver B chapter 4 . 9/16/2005
Penname wa Silver B chapter 3 . 9/16/2005
Yay! Such an intriguing story, and even moreso now that my favorite characters have entered it! This is exciting!
Penname wa Silver B chapter 2 . 9/16/2005
Man that was sad! So cool though! Not enough stories with Professor Membrane in them, I tell you, and definitely not enough playing off Dib's origins. So, Dib's going to see Zim now? Awesome...
Dibsthe1 chapter 4 . 8/23/2005
When I read that this fic was dead, my first reaction was to go NNOO...OO!

Then I realized, hey, what a logical place to leave it! All of humanity rejects Dib, so Dib rejects all of humanity. We should only read an IZ fic that ends like this more often.

And it even stopped before it turned into yet still another zadr!
Reigning Fyre chapter 4 . 7/25/2005
E! Please continue!
mongoose chapter 1 . 7/14/2005
aww, man that does suck right there. But I've been reading your other stories in the meantime. I have to say, "Exacly What You Wanted" is definatly a fav fic of mine. It is good that you're leaving it up, though. It's a good timekiller to think of what COULD have happened... Anymoose, I understand, I've had fandoms die down before, but somehow, even if I don't watch ZiM for a couple months, I'll always watch the DVDs again. Plus, the fans are GREAT at writing! And from what I've read in Exacly What You Wanted and CL, you seem like a good writer! I need to read EWYW again. Then I'll review a good review.
mongoose chapter 3 . 7/12/2005
Say...when you typed "dead fandoms"...that doesn't mean you'll never contunue on this? Does it? This has been nagging me for some time now. I love this story, It's so emotional and has such an awesome may very well be, hell it IS, my fav ZiM fic yet. If you could, could ya respond to this by e-mailing me? I mean, if it is true that this ZiM fandom is dead. my e-mail is Hope this isn't dead and over.
mongoose chapter 4 . 7/10/2005
Wow...this story is well writen. I love the idea behind this one. I was wondering when someone would take advantage of the ZiM Interviews. The fact that Dib isn't realy what he's been rotecting the whole time is a hard blow. It's expected of him to be a bit different (as people call it OOC) ZiM is still ZiM though, and the idea that he'd be a bit possesive over someone else hurting HIS enemy is just like him. I like that it ends with "What other reason would there be?" I'm trying to patiently await the upcoming chapter. But I suck at being patient... I'll be awaiting your next chapter! And I'll be sure to review it!
Capra hircus chapter 4 . 4/25/2005
I'm already in love with this. I'd say more, but there isn't any more to say. You have such a wonderful talent and a creative mind, and I cannot wait for the next chapter to be up. This is definitely going on my favorites.
chickens chapter 4 . 3/31/2005
I do hope you have this up soon. It's really intresting.

Sorta ironic that Dib can't go in the water now eather
iamyell0w chapter 4 . 3/19/2005
E~ I am loving this story! It kinda made me cry though x Poor Dib.. but interesting. Hope you update soon. )

demongirl12000 chapter 4 . 2/26/2005
sqwee! *stares at computer, waiting*
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