Reviews for As Clear As Mud
cara.seismic chapter 23 . 8/13/2009
this chapter was so funy! Hahah i LOVE this story though. good work. (:
whyworryxxx chapter 20 . 7/28/2006
thats the end? not much of an ending... are you sure you're not done?
Eliniel chapter 25 . 12/21/2005
HAPPY CHRISTMAS, EVERYONE! lol I LOVED the ending. It worked out absolutely flawlessly. Sequel?'s entirely up to you (obviously), but I can't think of what material you have to write a sequel with. wrote about Cho and Draco. But in my opinion, that should be a separate story entirely. You could totally play on Cho's previous attachment to Cedric, and how she still deals with that. (it's making ME want to write a story about it! lol) And that relationship isn't really ever used (at least, I'VE never seen a story with it). It could quite possibly be very popular.

But, enough of my ranting! I admire the fact that you can write 25 whole chapters...I myself am struggling with my own story- so it's cool to read someone's story that is both finished and excellent. Writer's block really is a terrible thing, and I'm glad that (for this story, at least) you have overcome it! I lift my fictional glass to you in triumph!
Eliniel chapter 22 . 12/21/2005
Yay! Things are certainly shaping up nicely. This scene reminds me of a drawing (I can't remember the website; otherwise I'd tell you what it was so you could see the picture) of Hermione and Ron having a snowball fight and making a snowman on Hogwarts grounds. Great chapter!
Eliniel chapter 14 . 12/21/2005
Aw- Draco's so sweet! I don't want him to get his heart broken, and yet...I still want Hermione to get together with Ron. *cries in agony* Is there no solution? lol
Eliniel chapter 11 . 12/21/2005
“When did you ever have dignity?”

Ron grinned wanly. “When I wasn’t falling for the one thing that won’t be there when I hit the ground,”

I LOVE this line for some reason. Anywho- great so far! You've done a great job with the whole 'love triangle' thing- I really feel like I've been tugged into the tension myself.
Eliniel chapter 2 . 12/21/2005
Well, well...the plot thickens! At least we know that Hermione had hoped that a 'certain someone' *cough* RON *cough* would ask her first. Too bad he still hasn't scraped up the courage. Cool flashback- it gives loads of insight into Malfoy.
Eliniel chapter 1 . 12/21/2005
Wow! I love the beginning of this story so far! Especially how you incorporate Ron's view into it, and the new legimency twist. Yeah, writer's block does suck. Incredibly. Onto the next twenty five chapters! *marches sternly forward*
ERNEST chapter 26 . 10/11/2005
Well, I didn't really feel like writing too much, so I just elected to have one review at the very end. I liked the story, and the ending was good. I liked the part with the dream, and all the legilimacy stuff, or however thats spelled. Fun story, I know this is the end of it, for now... Sequel... that sounds fun. Good story though, it kept me entertained for a rather long while.

PsychoHaired chapter 4 . 8/14/2005
Hooray once again! Great Chappy. But Now I feel bad, I find myself siding with Draco... what about Ron! I feel like I'm cheating on him or something like that! That doesn't even make sense o.o! *keeps reading*
PsychoHaired chapter 2 . 8/14/2005
Great chapter once again! I must congratulate you because you are the first person who has persuaded me to take a liking to Draco in a fanfic. Good Job
PsychoHaired chapter 1 . 8/14/2005
Very interesting beginning! I shall continue to read! Yay!
knownhiatus chapter 25 . 7/25/2005
knownhiatus chapter 20 . 7/25/2005
This is really good! I see Harry and Ginny together more of Harry and Luna though.
SarcasmRox chapter 1 . 7/25/2005
Cute. I liked it. I really want to read the rest. Alas time is not on my side at the moment. Thanx a bunch for reviewing my story.

:)- Cydni
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