Reviews for To Rewrite Destiny
LadyofTheBlackWings chapter 16 . 5/14
you know a story of this timeline's promise day may be interesting with Subaru, hokuto, seishiro, and kakyou trying to change kamui's fate would be interesting
hwayangyeonhwa chapter 16 . 9/4/2018
Oriental Otaku chapter 16 . 7/20/2017
*good deeds and
Oriental Otaku chapter 16 . 7/20/2017
oh my. well that was... sad... but at least kamui did many good changed the future for the better. interested to see the final chapter/chapters turn out. love this fic. keep it up!
Oriental Otaku chapter 14 . 7/20/2017
I so love this fic. its awesome. so glad things went differently. now onward for more
Oriental Otaku chapter 6 . 7/20/2017
oh poor seichan and his dreams. I cracked up imagining it. property of seishirosan oh yes no one can take his subarukun away lol. priceless ending to the chappy. lol
Oriental Otaku chapter 3 . 7/19/2017
3 chapters in and I can already tell that this fic is gunna b awesome. Onward.
Cherie Mason chapter 16 . 4/18/2016
Is this fic seriously just on HIATUS?! I thought it was finished! What more do you have in store for us?! Oh my god, the possibilities are hard to imagine. If you can come up with one, then damn!
Ignis76 chapter 16 . 4/20/2013
That was a real gutsy way to end the story you know that? T_T

But overall, it was brilliant!
Kouaka chapter 16 . 12/25/2011
ireally loved the story! just sad that kamui died. When are you putting the epilougue? I think i spelled that wrong.
Yougurholic chapter 16 . 4/11/2010
aH..i LOVE your fic! Its simply addictive and marvellous! But I've noticed you've stopped writing it since 2006. oh why oh why? Dear Kiaran, please be back soon!
KitsunePan chapter 16 . 2/10/2010
update please? or atleast write the epiloge as another story I kinda like the fact that hte last you updated was 06-06-06 XD but eh *shrugs* up to you, just please update its a really good story!
tsumari-chan chapter 16 . 11/21/2009
Hm. I read this like a year ago and enjoyed it, but now that I read it again it falls flat. Maybe it's the excessive Subaru crossdressing scene, maybe it's the author note reading "((Author's Note: XD Poor naive Subaru-chan.))" IN THE MIDDLE OF A CHAPTER. I know the beginning was "from a dream" and it's "one of [your] stranger fanfics", but I really don't get the right vibe from it.

Kamui's suicide was overdone. I can believe he'd kill himself and be buried next to where Kotori would be. I can't believe that everyone would break out sobbing. It's like the funeral for a Mary Sue, everyone crying like the baby in the Volume 7 epilogue, it was before their time, etc etc.

Also, he's basically a Pairing Sue in here, trying to get them to get together. It's sort of irritating.

I don't know, this was last updated on 6/6/06 (what an appropriate date to up Kamui's suicide), and you've probably grown as a writer, but it feels rushed.
kei-v3 chapter 16 . 1/30/2009
This, makes me way more than happy.

At least things go well for Seishirou and Subaru... for now. There will be many, many angst in the future and I'm sure Seishirou and Subaru will get it, although now, not as the archenemies.

Poor, poor Kamui... he deserved happiness. And poor him to die on something that is not supernatural... Maybe he wants to just get as far as he can from supernatural things that brought him the future he holds.

But, but he deserves a chance! with Dark Kamui! With Fuuma! Oh, well. One cannot have everything, right?

Write the epilogue please... (it will have it, right?)
azab chapter 4 . 1/8/2009
i loved it
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