Reviews for Love Forever Silent
Mashkai30 chapter 15 . 8/16/2014
Wonderful story! Thanks for sharing!
sterekdrarry chapter 6 . 11/15/2013
Great story. Really it is. Except for the grammar and spelling. Hermione not Hermoine.
TaiyoukaiKelly chapter 15 . 10/20/2013
Kalsifer chapter 4 . 6/30/2013
actually Harry means 'ruler of the home' but as i am greek i'll forgive you for renaming harry! lol!
Allie Danger chapter 15 . 12/27/2012
I loved it
Definelly loved it
Charlie Raey chapter 15 . 9/23/2012
i read this lemon, and let me just say, OH MY GOOD FREAKIN DAMN you make good lemon. (more dialogue from draco though. especially with that kink:3)
Charlie Raey chapter 5 . 9/23/2012
DELETEDFORGOODDDDDD chapter 1 . 9/14/2012
It's Grimmauld not Grimswauld
SinGrin chapter 15 . 1/8/2012
What's the point of rating a story under M when you take out the mature content? Anyways the link to your journal is dead. I'm a filthy little perv, I admit it. Try to work on your spelling and grammar. Sometimes I had to struggle to find out what the meaning of some awkwardly worded sentences were and it's never good when a reader has to do that. Despite those flaws the story itself was wonderful, Thank you.

Renchikolul chapter 1 . 3/23/2011
i literally read this story 3 years ago its the one that convince me to jion fanfic writers. though i was stupid enough not to save it. then when i finally got an account i couldnt find this story ive been searching for 3 years and at last i found it. your an awesome writer !
cethmistmyk chapter 15 . 2/25/2011
426752 chapter 15 . 2/22/2011
I know this story is long completed but it's one of my favorites of all time. Great job
WishesintheNightSky chapter 5 . 1/19/2011
"I'm not mooing Ron I was just worried about him."

That's an epic line. (:
halfpennybuddha chapter 15 . 12/29/2010
Omg I thought I was gonna have a heart attack (in a good way) when I saw your name whilst perusing HP/DM (a new obsession for me) fics! I'm squealing right now, just to let you know. I've been a 1x2x1 fan for forever and a half and used to read your GW stuff all the time so imagine my surprise to see you in Harry Potter Land! A familiar... er... writer! XD nyesssss! Excellent story, your writing style is extremely unique, even in GW, always recognizable (at least to me!) yaaaaaaay!
halfpennybuddha chapter 15 . 12/29/2010
Omg I thought I was gonna have a heart attack (in a good way) when I saw your name whilst perusing HP/DM (a new obsession for me) fics! I'm squealing right now, just to let you know. I've been a 1x2x1 fan for forever and a half and used to read your GW stuff all the time so imagine my surprise to see you in Harry Potter Land! A familiar... er... writer! XD nyesssss! Excellent story, your writing style is extremely unique, even in GW, always recognizable (at least to me!) yaaaaaaay!
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