Reviews for Harry Potter and the Last Goodnight
stonyshovelface chapter 64 . 4/9/2018
The story was really good, until the end. The ending was very rushed. But, still I am very happy with the rest of the story. There were some funny moments which made me laugh. I was a bit surprised that HBP wasn't released when the story was at its early stages and still a lot of details matched with HBP. Overall this story was more about romance and not adventure. Its definitely worth a read though.
stonyshovelface chapter 17 . 4/6/2018
I have just completed a quarter of the story, but can confidently say that this is the best fanfiction I have read till now. While reading I often forget I was reading a fanfic. Somehow, I like how the author deals with romance between the characters, it just feels very natural. Without revealing any spoiler, I can say that if you are a vegetarian or vegan you have extra reasons to be interested in this story. I am gonna post another review once I finish this.
Last Harper chapter 28 . 11/27/2017
I really like the romance and the self-doubt that goes with it in this story BUT, WHY IS HARRY SUCH A MILKSOP? At 15, 16, 17, I would of have (and did) pitched a bitch fit about the SPYING, Condescending Attitude and general lack of compassion for my feelings. I got in to a fist fight with my older brother over the same things, I'm still pissed some times and it's been over 40 yeaes.
Exivus chapter 63 . 2/23/2016
Wow, Harry in this story is more of a wimp than even canon. He doesn't cast a single spell in the entire fight. It's like he's just an observer.
Jen chapter 64 . 1/10/2016
Soki711 chapter 6 . 3/23/2014
Story is well written and very, very boring.
Malenk chapter 1 . 9/21/2012
are you aware that in the UK you need to be 17 and not 16 to get a driver licence that will allow you to drive a car?
Thot84 chapter 64 . 7/19/2012
Very good, that you avoid to make Harry "next step to perfect", where he only makes mistakes when it helps the plot, like so many others do. For example Harry's jealousy about Ron being made captain. This whole "Harry has to be perfect, independent, rebellous all the time" is getting sometimes on my nerves, and your story was a nice vacation from all that.

Congratulations: Your OCs (Eva Nora) are well done. That's really an accomplishment considering that one of them is the big love interest of the main character. Okay, Eva clearly brushed along the line of being a Mary Sue some times, but you keep it tasteful.

But concerning Harry's change of heart in chapter 59: Personally, I'm not convinced of this switch of opinion. That doesn't mean that in Harry's shoes I would totally oppose any involvement of Muggles, since there are surely some who simply stumble upon it or get drawn into it by their families (families of Muggle-born wizards/witches) and I also share the notion that "enlighted" Muggles can be involved into serious issues and shouldn't be treated as defenceless sheeps by wizards.
But from Harry's point of view there are several issues not addressed in your story or handled in a way I could never see Harry doing:

1. The way Harry declares the deaths of four Muggle in the cafe ("Meeting in the café did not cause the horror to happen. Not having it wouldn't have prevented Lucius from tracking her down. No, she could have been alone at the Hog's Head with no one to look after her.") leaves only two interpretations open: Either Harry starts to think that people simply die by Death Eaters' hands and that's the way it is (in other words 'colleteral damage') or he doesn't really care about their deaths since the alternative would have been Eva getting into danger at the Hog's Head. Both point of views clearly contradict Harry's "saving people" tic. In addition, at Hog's Head there would have been several wizards and witches capable of defending themselves to some extent, while in the cafe it only was as you have put it "a slaughter".
2. Shouldn't Harry at least loose some thoughts about the fact that once again he lead a group out of Hogwarts, once again he is faced with Death Eater and once again people are dead in the end?
3. There is also the possibility that beginning to tell some muggles could cause an avalanche of Muggle getting to know about the wizard world, since it seems unlikely everybody keeping silent about it. I mean David himself already did that by telling Sam and Rose. In addition, why didn't Harry use Legilimence to check their trust-worthness like with Marietta and Michael for the DA? The stakes are clearly high enough (breaking the law in some way)
4. On a general thought: Which muggles do you choose to be told? How many are the right number of people? Personally, for myself I would find it proposterous to decide all by myself to determined the number of people who are to be dragged into this life changing event.
5. What did the Muggle way of handling the fight in the cafe accomplish in the end? They didn't get killed. If they would have caught Lucius, then you could argue that in the end you could get the things done with success without magic as long as you are ingenious enough. But that didn't happen here. Therefore, no use of magic doesn't enable to overcome Death Eaters (at least in this case).

Besides I find the way the whole meeting in itself is composed, peppered with quite some logical loop holes:
1. How did Lucius know that Draco met one of the girls in Hogwarts, and therefore was aware of their ware abouts to some extent, in the first place?
2. Why should Draco have had the backbone to face Voldemort, to plan the demise of his father (including letting the Finnigan girls go in the first place), to pull it off in the end and have the guts to kill some people, but face-to-face with his father while being harmed/threatened he caves in? Out of fear?
3. How the hell did Lucius get to Draco after his fall from grace? If it would be so easy for a Death Eater to waltz into Hogwarts, why didn't one of them with a house elf transport himself into the school and simply kidnap Harry to bring him to Voldemord? How did Lucius get into the Slytherin common room? In addition, Draco planned to disgrace his father for at least a year and he didn't make any precaution to keep him away after the deed? Either out of simple common sense/cleverness, which you try to point out during the story the Malfoy son clearly posses, or out of fear of his father, it's clearly unconvincing for Draco not making precautions for this case.
4. Why would Harry casting a spell outside of Hogwarts mean an automatic expulsion? He already did it during the fight at the Department of Mysteries and there obviously wasn't even a case study by the Ministery. Add to the facts the "while in mortal peril"-clause for under age wizards, the already once given permission for exactly this mission to use magic in front of muggles and the circumstance that Lucius already totally broke the law of non-exposure by throwing killing curses around and Harry's position in an court case would have had quite some persuasive arguments. On top of that Harry got away with using the Patronus charm on Lupin during Christmas, although he wasn't in immediate danger of death (Lupin was focused on Eva) and several adult wizards were around to handle the situation, but he still did it. Therefore, I find it really inconsistend for Harry getting automatically expelled. I don't argue that they avoided some trouble by not being caught openly casting spells or getting caught out of Hogwarts, but is this really so different to the Department of Mysteries incident?
5. Ron is already of age since March. So he has no age restriction problems like Harry, since you stated two chapters before that it was already pass April ("The May sunshine peaked through clouds and sparkled of the grounds of Hogwarts." chapter 57)

Concerning the Lily/Snape "affair": I'm quite perplexed how easily Harry handles the thing, and I'm a little lost why you as an author included this thread into the story. I guess you did it to show the "human side" of Snape, but for one you don't really stay on this issue long enough to take advantage of the conflict/developement, for two it clearly throws the basis of the figures known in canon out of the window for no apparent reason, and for another one it takes quite away some of the tragic "beauty" of Snape (loving her from afar for all his live, because he screwed up any chance all by himself).

I hope you get, that this is meant as a way of honest and hopefully constructive criticism and not an outburst of distest. If your story wasn't any good, I wouldn't bother with writing this in the first place.

All the best of luck,

lilmisadiva chapter 48 . 6/18/2012
aw that this chapter ..he is a man now lol
lilmisadiva chapter 18 . 6/17/2012
this is so interesting
DnG The Blind Guy chapter 11 . 11/27/2011
How appropriate, no visions all summer and as soon as Snape mind rapes him again...what the hell is Dumbledore up to? Are you going to give Harry a back bone, or are you just going to keep him as a little weakling? I hated the fact the JKR kept him alone and loveless, please don't do the same thing. Having someone to share feelings with and to fall in love with is what helps everyone survive, trust me I know. If I didn't have my wife to steal strength from daily, and vice versa, we never be able to survive on our own, we'd become spiteful and hateful of the world around us...just like Moldy shorts.
Leggo 16 chapter 64 . 6/23/2011
its time 4 the next story! Please write it! and thnx for finishing this 1.
First Lady Lestat chapter 1 . 11/15/2010
I'm like 4 years too late, but I loved this story and would totally love to read a sequel to this one day
EskimoKisses1 chapter 64 . 1/15/2010
I must admit that the last chapter was my favourite, right at the very end. The thing with the watch was just so darn cute it made me wanna cry! ]
Josean7link chapter 64 . 1/4/2009
it's great I reading in two days. I can't let got without finish her. thanks. is a good history.
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