Reviews for How could I not love you?
Guest chapter 18 . 6/13/2017
Middle school writer...
rubylove957 chapter 18 . 12/13/2013
Type your review for this chapter here...
The Queen Unicorn chapter 1 . 7/13/2012
Can you stop doing or do _ instead?:)
InuFan21497 chapter 18 . 8/2/2011
It's hard to comment when the chapters are so short but all in all it's an ok story.
SapphireKageKyuura chapter 18 . 5/6/2011
I know how you feel about Lemons, I too am not that good at description of the Lemons. I loved the story, though you could have kept writing it. You did well. I am good at writing stories, but Lemons, I am not so good at but I can at least try. I don't write stories on this site because its confusing and frustrating. So I write them on .com

Its a pleasure talking with you, Spirit-Huntress.
avid-reader21 chapter 18 . 8/14/2010
i like your story so far and can't wait to see what happens next. :)
Sesshy's Mate2012 chapter 18 . 6/10/2009
MORE! Send next chappies to (its altogether) aniece brown yahoo .com
RyuukTheHatter chapter 18 . 6/9/2009
i'm pretty good at lemons or so i'm told. if you need help just mesagge me. kk?
The Midnightmoonflower chapter 18 . 8/13/2008
my name is paper YAH chapter 2 . 7/17/2008
one word for this chapter: weird
Bookworm chapter 2 . 5/9/2007
it's spelled Sesshomaru
Punk Dog Demoness chapter 18 . 11/12/2006
ow ow get it kagome! lol love the story. please update soon
Punk Dog Demoness chapter 2 . 11/12/2006
hey um his names spelled sesshomaru...just so you know
White Dragon 50 chapter 18 . 7/13/2006
that was really good. But the other chapter where it said lemon that was not a lemon it was the beginning. But other then that it was the best story ever.
rikku542 chapter 18 . 6/25/2006
Ya! Good job. Anyways UPDATE So yeah )
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