Reviews for Road to Kyoto
kirei chime chapter 1 . 6/23/2010
misao kissed kenshin? cute!... i like the pair!
skenshingumi chapter 1 . 3/14/2009
This is a great antidote for your lovely but so sad "Exit Trilogy." It has a wonderufl combination of wistfulness and humor. I like how you make vividly clear that while Kenshin can survive the road, he is not happy to be on it again. The way he takes care to provide food for Misao is a sweet reminder of the pride and enjoyment he took at providing for his unacknowledged family. My favorite part though, is the idea of Kenshin zipping to the other side of that fire. Misao's impulsivity and Kenshin's reaction seem right on.
Russe chapter 1 . 1/23/2007
This was cute.
ilikebluepineapples chapter 1 . 4/11/2006 was just SO adorable, I swear! GREAT job with this one.
sueb262 chapter 1 . 6/12/2005
I really liked the idea that Kenshin doesn't find wandering to be attractively romantic. If often seems like that to those of us bound to the blessings of "normal life", but ... "How many years worth of days and nights had he spent entirely in his own company?", indeed!

And the solemn little talk about the consequences of actions was right on target, for both him AND for her.

The symmetry of Misao's "you better not have forgotten me", and Kenshin's "not forgetting" about each of his friends was touching, and just the right ending.
iluvulaceylou chapter 1 . 5/7/2005
SO PURTY! O.o You are an awesome author. Keep up the good work.
omasuoniwabanshi chapter 1 . 2/8/2005
Thanks for the tip! You were right, I DID like this story. The idea of Misao stealing a kiss from Kenshin, and his panicked flight in response had me in stitches. That's Misao for you - act first and think about consequences later! I really enjoyed the first part of the story too. You've a gift for description and your writing is very easy to visualize. Not many authors have that knack. Good job!
Lucrecia LeVrai chapter 1 . 11/18/2004
Hmph, I still can't decide whether it was a bit OOC for Misao to do what she did... or maybe it was perfectly understandable (given her open nature and Kenshin's stunning looks)? Sure, a kiss /can/ be pretty meaningless – especially nowadays, between close friends. It doesn't have to signify love... but then again... why did the girl go straight for Kenshin's /lips/? :p And what about Aoshi? :p

Anyway, I liked your fic a lot. Interesting, well-written Kenshin-Misao /friendship/ fics (and yours still counts as /such/, I hope ) don't happen very often. I'm glad I stumbled upon this one, then. _ Thanks for sharing!
Terry-McElrath chapter 1 . 10/23/2004
A very nice story, with an interesting view of Misao. I particularly enjoyed the part about Kenshin knowing how for forage for food. You addressed an important aspect of Kenshin's life as a rurouni, one not usually mentioned. You are right, too, Kenshin would not be open to casual kissing, for a number of reasons. A hug, yes. A kiss, no. I laughed when Kenshin zipped to the other side of the fire! I'm off now to see your page and read any other stories you might have posted. Thanks!
White Rabbit Tale chapter 1 . 10/22/2004
Awesome one-shot. Had some cute Misao/Kenshin fluff while staying canon AND in traditional pairings. Not many people can say THAT.