Reviews for Forewarned isn't always Forearmed
WanderingRain chapter 1 . 6/8/2008
Wow, your a really exceptional writer, and I love the idea of using [I]Between[/I] for this story. I'm a huge pern fan myself. Anyway, please write more of the story soon, I can't wait.
tales123 chapter 11 . 6/9/2007
Very well written, I highly thought out. Everyone seems in perfect character. You mentioned in one of your notes that you were trying to keep Kumori from Mary-Suedom. This is what I say: Son of a Pollicle, she's fine the way she is. She's a real character. Don't worry, if she had been a Mary-Sue, I would've stopped reading it.
Hope and love chapter 11 . 3/19/2007
i love it!
Aerryn chapter 11 . 7/29/2005
Dude! How could you let Macavity do that? Although, I guess that it is YOUR fanfict, so it is YOUR decision, but hey! I wanted to complain a bit. LOL.
Aerryn chapter 7 . 7/29/2005
But why? And how? How could you do something like that to Mungojerrie?

You need to come and read my stories. They are 'Mistoffelees Revenge', 'Trishe', 'The Last Battle' and 'Yummun' (which isn't done yet)

But why would you do that? *sigh*
xorie5 chapter 11 . 3/6/2005
aw... what about Misto? did he live? And Rum Tum Tugger? hm?

Hurry and update soon!
Anneka Neko chapter 11 . 2/4/2005
keep writing please! i love the story! just 1 thing, i cant really picture munkustrap cursing. oh, and, u know that if shes 15 shes actually a very old cat, right? average lifespan for a cat is 12-15 years, so...
Super Poet Gurl chapter 11 . 2/4/2005
Damn JL, this is dark! I mean wow! I love it. I mean I didn't think I could possibly hate that Macavity more, but your love for his insanity has created a really warped one! What was up with the six queens, that seem to resemble Kumori? WHAT HAPPENED TO MUNGOJERRIE! I love it! Choices will be up soon.
bompalynx chapter 9 . 2/1/2005
I like the whole idea of the guy being a shadow. Oh, I am registered at that sight, but I can't figure out how to post or how to change any of my setting. EEP!
Mystitat chapter 11 . 1/29/2005
Happy ending? That's a riot...

Oh, look what you've done. "Self-sacrifice for the good of the tribe" is another ms-qualifier. Please listen to Nabooru! She knows stuff. Other than that, let me guess...Macavity has "fun" with Kumori, the Jellicles (or what's left of them) group together to form a plan to save her, Plato valiently comes to her rescue, there's a big, happy ending, and Plato and Kumori end up as mates. Am I right? Please don't let me be.
bompalynx chapter 8 . 1/28/2005
This is gettin odd. This chapter was kinda hard to get into. But, I'll keep reading...
bompalynx chapter 7 . 1/28/2005
NO! Don't mutate Mungo! he's my buddy! How dare you! Oh, I am gonna HURT YOU!
bompalynx chapter 6 . 1/28/2005
Uh huh... well, my favorite characters in this thing is still rt and mj. Yay for them! If ou kill them off, I will personally hurt you... how, I have no idea
bompalynx chapter 5 . 1/28/2005
Friday? What the...? Anywho. I luv the suspense so far. And that wasn't very perverted, so shut up. Just cuz he's gonna rape her... big whoopy. Hehe. Just kidding.
bompalynx chapter 4 . 1/28/2005
Cool. Almost all of the stories I've read of yours have battles. Guess that's just you tho...
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