Reviews for Golden Vanity
1sunfun chapter 16 . 2/7/2018
Ebenbild chapter 16 . 6/21/2015
Hu? How did Elrond know? I mean, all thought that Glorfindel died so how did Elrond recognise him?
I liked your story and how Glorfindel and Erestor slowly came to be close, just your ending was a little bit rushed, I think. I would have like an explanation how Glorfindel was known by Elrond and such.
Anyway, wonderful story, thanks for sharing.
Emmaandorlando chapter 16 . 8/6/2014
This story is amazing, beautiful ansd special
bob chapter 16 . 4/1/2013
This fic was so awesome until chapter 15 and the end of chapter 16 was so romantic :P

Aye, wish that you would add those fluffy cute chapters but i'm sure you'll do wonders in your other fandoms ;)

Ty so much for this piece of art
Larisya chapter 16 . 4/1/2013
Awwwww. How sweet.
elsa3beth chapter 16 . 2/9/2013
*sigh* what an exceptionally well written, delightful read. I love the entire angle you took of a poor tortured Glorfindel, who in trying to avoid his greatest sin becomes even more guilty of the sin itself. Sorry to see the middle chapters un-finished (what a cliff-hanger of a reveal scene when he's finally unmasked!), but glad you could upload the final chapters. Bravo and thanks!
Teldra chapter 16 . 11/1/2011
This was sweet :)
Jenna Linda chapter 16 . 7/4/2011
awww! super sweet, incredible well written, well structured - loved it!
Freddie23 chapter 16 . 1/2/2011
I really liked the beginning of this story and I was so looking forward to the end but for me it seemed so rushed. Why did you abandon such a lovely, beautifully written story? Your way of writing is so polished and enthralling and yet for me the story was ruined because so much of the middle was missed out (although the end chapter was brilliant, apart from the fact that it seemed very rushed.)

Please don't take this as a bad review because I love your writing and this story but I am merely alittle disappointed by the end.
princessmysterion83 chapter 16 . 9/2/2010
omg i love this story..i wish there could be more, but i have to applaud on what was done..
PilotIsis chapter 5 . 5/30/2008
OMFG! i love this story. the imagery is so bloody vivid i got so stuck into it that i forgot to review the first four chapters. keep up the standards hunny.

timme chapter 16 . 4/10/2008
this was a great fic. i'm sorry you didn't finish it; i would have dearly loved to read erestor's reaction to seeing glorfindel's face for the first time in the sparring match. but i'm glad you posted the ending; most authors don't bother with it when they abandon a fic.

it's surprising erestor would actually wait for permission when varyar was bleeding to death to take him to a healer. respect for his decisions is one thing, but when a loved one is refusing to live for a paltry reason, any reason, one does not usually sit around and try to argue otherwise. they save them, and deal with the consequences, for it's better that they survive and hate you, is it not? and wouldn't erestor have faded had the one he loved died? in any case, if fit well with the story. it was a nice ending too. kudos.
timme chapter 5 . 4/10/2008
glorfindel punishes himself beyond excessively for no true crime. sure he was a little vain; what of it? did he not have a right to be? he was beautiful and brave and powerful and took pride in what he did. if that was a crime, he more than paid for it by dying, let alone being reborn with nothing but duty and disfigurement.

on the same note; this is a brilliant story. i understand a century or more passed for need of development; it just seems harsh for poor glorfindel.
Ice7 chapter 16 . 2/28/2008
This is such a great story. I'm going to have to say one of the best I've read. You really should write the middle chapters or at least the chapter that tells of Erestors' reaction to Glorfindels' face. I'd like to see that at least. And it would be a shame to not finish such a great piece.
Faoiltierna chapter 16 . 1/30/2008
I am very sad that the middle of this fic got cut short, but thank you for providing at least some ending-especially a happy one. In a perfect world, (a world I call Theory, for everything works there), your muse would strike and you would at least finish the scene where Erestor sees Glorfindel's face for the first time. :sigh: :-)
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