Reviews for The Daimyo's Lover
Fan of fanfic chapter 8 . 11/27/2018
HELLLLLOOOOOOOOOO? Have you quit on us? This story is too good to let it hang like this. What can we do to help encourage you?
OMG chapter 8 . 10/8/2018
This is the most intense fanfic I have ever read...! What happened to it's author did they leave the site? Is there somewhere else I go to finish the story? Because this is just spectacular! chapter 8 . 6/1/2015
Poor Noata...

As for the story, unique and very brave considering the subject matter. Yes, and shocking at some times - naturally. There are some grammatical mistakes and typos here and there. Overall, I look forward to seeing where this author intends to take InuTashio and Noata. History repeating? Or a life saved and revelation?
Zozz999 chapter 1 . 11/14/2014
Would you update this already! *cries in a corner*
loved this chapter 7 . 10/26/2013
Please update this beautiful piece. You have a remarkable knack for drawing the reader in with this series. I simply refuse to move on from this series till its all done - so please end this torture!
HelloKittyThong chapter 8 . 11/19/2011
Congratulations! This fic has tied for third for Best Other-Coupling at Born For Each Other: an Inuyasha awards site where nominated fics are distributed and showcased.

To help increase the popularity of the site, please visit often to help nominate/vote for other fics, and remember to tell your readers!

Again, congratulations!
Black Dahlia chapter 8 . 11/12/2011
Congratulations! This fic been nominated for Best Other-Coupling at Born For Each Other: an Inuyasha awards site where nominated fics are distributed and showcased. To vote, please go to bornforeachother . blogspot (just remove the spaces).

Again, congratulations!
general zargon chapter 8 . 9/12/2011
I really hope that you decide to continue this story, even though it's been a long time. I'm a huge fan of it, and I love all the details, plots, and intrigue that you've put into this series. I especially love how you portray Inutaisho, Sesshomaru, Izayoi, and you're myriad of colorful and well-written OCs. I'm glad that you decided to include Myouga the flea in this story. Now I'm wondering what will happen to Naota. Will he live? Will he die? Will he live but be emotionally scarred? I'm curious about what way you'll go with it. I really hope you decide to continue this and keep up the excellent work!
My Hero Academiafan 27 chapter 8 . 12/30/2010
So what happens next?
secretselfyahoo chapter 8 . 8/3/2010
Please finish this story, even if it's been a while, it's just that interesting. It has so many dynamics and plot to it that you just can't stop reading. Well done.
Em chapter 8 . 8/12/2009
FANTASTIC! I am so pumped right now! I cant wait to see what happens with Naota, he is one of my favoite characters (next to Sesshomaru and Inutaisho), Please dont let it end here, There are so many questions left unanswered. all the loose ends, Naota and Inutaisho, OMG I love your work! I know its been a long time since you've updated this story, but please finish it, I am in love!
inustorm chapter 8 . 12/28/2008
it can't be over! Too many unanswered questions! Oh PLEASE! continue! Soon! I'd love to see you finish this!
Jamasunda chapter 8 . 10/13/2008
Please consider continuing this
applejioux chapter 8 . 8/14/2008
So dark and cruel. And in a couple of instances, I wanted Inu's daddy to try and take it far just to see Inu rip him a good one. kukuku... (ignores the fact that he can't.. o_o;) Wishful thinking? Meh, oh well. XD Still just the right amount of sickness for me to enjoy. Hope you update soon! :')
Hatsuya900 chapter 1 . 6/26/2008
UPDATE UPDATE UPDATE! in fact update em all! I luv them! u write spectacularly!
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