Reviews for Deeper Water
Mistress Kasumi chapter 1 . 3/17/2006
I have been a faithful reviwer of this fanfiction site for many a year and in all my time there have been about 10 fanfics thus far I have named Best of All Time. Congratulations, it seems you possess skills which deserve avid recognition. Your fanfic has earned the LAPS Networks "Best Fanfic of All Time". Not many have tried to tackle the wonderful concept of Comic Party with a fanfic but I must say you have done so with remarkable flair and a tenacity which I just had to write about. I only wish there was more but far be it for me to restrict your creative flair. Keep the stories coming. You have gained an ally in this field of writing. Your work is nothing short of Professional grade. Well, at any rate keep it up, your doing fine.

Laserai Out

Founder of the LAPS (Laserai Anime Preservation Society) Networks LTD
Dizzy Gear chapter 12 . 3/9/2006
Such a beautiful story there. Loved all the elements that were placed within the structure of it. Very, VERY enjoyable to read.

There were a few parts, though, that seemed to confuse me somewhat in how they were written within the last few chapters that were not beta'd. A few rough spots like that, but other than that, this was an awesome KazukixYuu fanfic that I'm quite glad to have read. D

I Think I have read some of your FMP, though. xD It has been a while since I last had TRULY logged onto and actually read stories again. . I'll have to check again to see if I did or not. 3 But j00 are good! Able to do MUCH better than I can at writing. Hehehe, then again, you have more years to mine. *nod*

Just thinking about it, I need to watch the first series again and get the manga. . I want to know what is up with them. The Comic Party Revolution anime is AWESOME, too! It seems to focus more on the people and humor. Also based off of the Dreamcast version of Comic Party. Gar...I wish I had that copy. I NEED that for my collection. _

But reading this story has given me a few ideas I would probalby like to try within the realms of Comic Party. *nodnod* Plus it has helped me to get out of my slump of not wanting to write. Seeing how you did this has given me some motivation to go on in my writing. 3 *adds ya to favs list* _
Ayhac chapter 12 . 6/28/2005
Very, very well done! The ending was tremendous, might I add.

In your A/N, you offered coaching? Could I take you up on that offer?
gamer19720 chapter 12 . 6/3/2005
I LOVE comic party and after reading this well done fanfic It's even better, Yuu is my favorite. Keep up the good work!
Rhysande chapter 12 . 5/16/2005
Very well written. You did have a few errors in grammar and a few typos, but they were rare and were not severe enough to pull me away from the story. The only thing I'm going to mention is the incorrect use of the word complement in your author's note. You should have used the word compliment. It is one of those things about which I am positively a**l (where an error such as putting a preposition at the end of sentence has me merely constipated).

The pacing was quite good. I really liked the way you brought in cultural aspects, especially the bits about different teas, Nabe, and the stay at the ryokan. You did an excellent job capturing the personalities. Taishi was so dynamic I could see him standing, one foot uo on a chair as he bloviated about some point or other.

I realize that the last chapter was meant to show how Yuu finally came to her decision to tell Kazuki her feelings. IMHO I feel that you could have either switched the last two chapters or skipped the last chapter and had a stronger ending.

Overall, it was a very good story and I look forward to reading more of your work.
Rhysande chapter 4 . 5/15/2005
Well, it has taken me 3 whole chapters to finally stumble over an error. It wasn't much of one, but it is the best I have been able to find so far.

MJP wrote (in the 5th paragraph from the bottom):

"But how do I deal with it? I'm no lilting violet..."

I believe the word you want to use is wilting, not lilting.

You aren't exactly a gold mine of mistakes, nevertheless I shall pan further. ~
Tuan Anduril chapter 12 . 5/10/2005
wot yeah good on ya man hell yesh

took ya long enough, but it was worth it

lol, it's great, have fun with every story you write for you deserve it

i will give ya something like a pat on the back or something if your at otokon this year lol ya jewish wolfwood (i'm right, right?)

lol have fun man may your life be great, cuz you gave every reader of this story a bit of happyness
Verdot chapter 12 . 5/9/2005
Nice. Very nice. Her smacking down on "I'm a cute singer" guy. I love that. Just a great ending, MJP, you've done me proud.

Glad to see you finally finished something. _ Great feeling, ne?

Zefrn chapter 11 . 4/6/2005
AWESOME! I can't begin to say how much I enjoyed this. Where's the conclusion? Do you have more coming? I absolutely loved it and your writing is superb! Keep 'em comin'!
Sumiyoshi chapter 5 . 3/24/2005
Ooh, one of the few fics on Comic Party- and one that I -really- like, as this one of the fewer fics actually focused around Yuu. Awesome work. ... by the way, in chapter 5- Maki-yan is Minami's nickname because (as said in the games) her last name is Makimura. I never caught Yuu calling her that in the manga, though.
Daniel Shinigami chapter 11 . 3/18/2005
Amazing. I have read and seen many Fanfiction and never have I seen someone make a fanfic such as someone like yourself. You make this Anime come to life! One of the greatest fanfiction I have ever read, although I haven't seen one where Aya & Kazuki get together :) GREAT JOB!
Ayhac chapter 11 . 2/24/2005
I have been obsessed with reading your fanfiction. I feel as though I can really relate to the characters emotions. You've done a really good job out of a series that most can't write about. I commend you.
Tuan Anduril chapter 11 . 2/10/2005
OH MY GAWD! finally took you long enough *pats you on head* i am content, though i still think you should have finsished ealier my comrade. anyway good luck with all that you write and if you ever need another beta reader just email me have fun and may the power of anime be with you
Verdot chapter 11 . 2/10/2005
I LOVE the bold italics part. That's what it was missing... and it's so lovely.

The akwardness is amazing. I can't tell you how many times I appreciate how realistic it is.

*dances around*

Well, one more to go. You've officially made a dent in Comipa fanfiction. You've got me wanting to write another now...

Verdot chapter 10 . 2/7/2005
O...the plot thickens. Yuu is tricksy!

Did I miss this somehow? Oh, right I didn't have internet when you updated this. Well, it's good stuff!

And whenever FMP! no longer pwns you, I'll be waiting. Or I'll find someone to loan me FMP!. Whichever comes first.

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