Reviews for Bubblegum Crisis: Innocent Guilt
antagonist99 chapter 11 . 10/19/2009
A very interesting prequel here.

I really like how you picture Priss in this one, I guess nobody would know how they'd react confronted with a situation like this. Drowning one's sorrows in liquor...well, that's one way of handling it. I'm just glad there were people around her who pulled her out of her denial.

Not wanting to abort the pregnancy is just what Priss would do, IMHO. She wouldn't blame that lump of cells for anything that happened, and she wouldn't project her hatred of the genetic...erm, 'donor' onto the result of said 'donation'...although she could've probably done without either, at least at first glance.

We all know how she changed her opinion later on, though.

BTW, ten years of Time flies, huh?

And I just went through this fic again in fast forward mode...

There are actually grammar mistakes and even some missing words in there...I thought I'd never see the day :P
The Minimalist chapter 1 . 10/18/2009
Priss is out of character. The writer presented her as an alcoholic. Many things weren't answered: rapist's identity or how Priss moved from trailer to an apartment. While Linna and Nene had their share of spotlight, Sylia is reduced to a talking head. The birth scene is disturbing. Crash is accepted as canon. Story had unexplored potential, but do to author's inexperience, we've got a lukewarm, character driven story that fails to capture the reader.

Analogk37 chapter 11 . 10/23/2008
Okay, just getting reacquainted with Yume-chan before I tackle FTA. :)

Innocent Guilt's a really well done story. I don't remember if I read all the way through it before or just the first parts you started out with. Either way, the finished version here is excellent. And you've got the characters pretty well nailed down at this point in the story. XD
Asami-chann chapter 11 . 7/9/2007
Aw... so sweet. I wanna hear a story Mama!

Starscream chapter 11 . 8/25/2006
Nice prequel, to your other fics, which I have back up to CD-ROM from a long time ago. Anyway, I figured Priss would never allow herself to get knocked up or at least put the guy in hospital for it.
El Portablay chapter 11 . 8/8/2006
I really liked it i mean i watched the anime and at the end i always wanted to know wat happened and this story made me think that this is one possibility well except for the rape part
breaktherules chapter 11 . 6/18/2006
I really liked your story. Your Priss was tough, but vulnerable and I really liked the way you wrote her. Very good story:)
Carrie Asagiri chapter 1 . 1/30/2005
I read this fic since you published it here and I forget to make a review. I love your story, I've been reading your other fic in your site and I just love it. You have a real good talent to manage the first person's stories and I love the way you manage the hard things in a story too.
The Charlatan chapter 8 . 10/14/2004
Good story, even if i already know the basics from BGC New Gen. The 'oops, I just gave birth!' thing is a little far-fetched, though. Maybe Karma was trying to make up for Priss being raped by having her experience the swiftest, least-painful labor in human history? :)
John Gavin Wilcox chapter 11 . 10/6/2004
As always your muse continues to amaze me.

Imagine my delight that after a day from hell at work, I find that you have completed the story of Yumeko’s arrival into the world. And yes it choked me up in the epilogue. (Grin)
Jonathan 'Hooker' Howard chapter 1 . 9/26/2004
This is one of the best story I have read in a long time, As I said before you had me all tearly eyed at the end. This would win an award if there had been one for BGC. I will add this story to my BGC C2 group for reviews by the other members. I can't wait for your next peice of work to come out Purple...


Robert 'Hawkeye' Howard