Reviews for Balance
Lexi Jones chapter 1 . 8/5/2005
Your story have been nominated in the CSI Fanfic Awards of 2005 for Sara/Grissom

Please email us csifanficawards so we can give you the link to the awards so you can pick a banner for your webpage - and nominate some of your favorite authors.

If you do not want to participate please email us and we'll take you off the list.

Awards Committee - Please spread the word to fellow authors and CSI Fans.
geeklovegirl chapter 7 . 6/22/2005
Great job! This is so...perfect!
sam chapter 7 . 5/13/2005
I luved it, can u finish an other story called 'unbottled' i rely like that one to but it's not up-dated
Anamin chapter 7 . 3/9/2005
Good Chappie, please update soon.
Wiccamage chapter 7 . 2/3/2005
GAsp! I can't believe it's all over already! How sad for me! oh well. The ending was good, if a little abrupt. Are you writing any more stories soon?


Wiccamage chapter 6 . 2/3/2005
I love the "disaster struck" line, it just gave me a case of the chuckles. Sorry it took me so long to get to this story, I've been on a rigorous course of homework for months, I should be doing it now, but I just can't bring myself to do it.

buffygirl52789 chapter 7 . 1/30/2005
Great the whole bowling thing. You should definitely write a sequel, because there is much more of this story to be told. I loved the way you portrayed Grissom and his feelings towards Sara, if only he could be like that on the show. -sigh- Great fanfic.
jbr12476 chapter 7 . 1/25/2005
*claps loudly* Yeah! A happy ending! Awesome job on this story. I'm thinking Sequel. LOL
Hobbesw chapter 7 . 1/25/2005
You did a fantastic job with the story. It was a wonderful read and I hope you keep up the Great work!
jtbwriter chapter 7 . 1/25/2005
Okay-well worth the wait!

Too many angsty G/S stories out there-this one is satisfying because it's realistic and because it's a start!

Thanks for a good fic!
scullyseviltwin chapter 7 . 1/25/2005
I must apologize. I don't think I've reviewed this yet. I'll admit, I was incredibly skeptical when I read the summary but took the chance and was pleasantly surprised.

Way to bring it all together; the humor, the wit, the fluff. Great piece, loved reading it.

inmate23 chapter 7 . 1/25/2005
I'm glad you're back in commission, Shannon;-) This was a great chapter and all in all a perfect ending to your wonderful story. Would you perhaps consider a sequel? Well done!
TrishG chapter 7 . 1/25/2005
Good finish. Are your writing a sequel?
untapdtreasure chapter 7 . 1/24/2005
the end! no more kissin no nothing else! you can't do that to us! at least give us another kind of story picking up where this one left off please!
BeckettFan chapter 7 . 1/24/2005
Cool! this is really good! yay! theyre together! yay! plz post more soon! i wanna kno wot happens next!

Love Megan
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