Reviews for Pirate Princess
zedille chapter 30 . 3/16/2009
This story is a lot better than I thought it would be given the summary, which makes it sound like just another of the many poorly-written Mary-Sue fics (you might want to work on changing that a bit). No real spelling/grammar issues (my eyes thank you). The OC characters were all fairly believable given that they were OCs, but the whole pirate thing is a bit overused if you ask me.

The story seemed a bit off though since it's fairly obvious that the main OC character is the Alec's love interest. That was a bit Sue-ish, perhaps.

I enjoyed the canon characters: your Flauvic and Elestra was very sweet, though I would have thought that they would have stuck to more canonical family names. Mel, Danric, Tamara, Russav and all the rest (and their children) were also quite OC and believable, very sweet :). I'd like to see more of them from you two.

All in all, good job! You've added another believable, convincing dimension to the Remalna that was described in the novel and the story is readable and flows nicely. I will go read Gypsy Queen now.
Jammya chapter 30 . 3/15/2009
GOD! I've been looking forward to that kiss for about 5 chapters! Goodnees, you gave them enought times to do it! And they know they want to and LIKE eachother. This was way better than I thought it was going to be. I havent read any of the Books by Sherwood, But after reading this and a few Summarys of the books Im going to check it out! :]] Really great story!
Arquenniel chapter 30 . 8/10/2008
What an impressive piece this is! it is easy to see the work that went into it - it is exquisite. What is more amazing to me is that two people wrote it. I tried writing a story with another person once and it didn't work at all. :) major kudos to you!
citygirl129 chapter 32 . 8/9/2008
You guys asked for critique but I'm afraid I'm not that great of a critic...instead I'm wondering if you'd like/need a beta or editor? I'd be more than happy to help you guys. But if you don't need an editor and there's something else you need help with, let me know. :)
paisley is a kind of pattern chapter 23 . 4/6/2007
red lantern (the ship)? as in the boxer rebellion? as in zirelliapirate version of the boxer red lanterns? gosh, i'm such a nerd.

great story! i love it and your characters are great. alec's a hottie! :) no, it's not too predictable. well, good stories have to plausible enough to be a little predictable, but you do a wonderful job.

thanks for writing!
fliccolo chapter 30 . 12/1/2006
Wow. I really love this story. The plot is so different and exciting and the writing is simply amazing!
okori-makuri chapter 31 . 11/19/2006
dammit! why couldnt the sneak peak be a little longer? anyway, sneaky... very sneaky flauvic... well, i hope alec takes the bait. i look forward to/am dying for GQ's release!
piwqefjk chapter 31 . 11/15/2006
I just read your story. Can't wait for Gypsy Queen - Flavic's clever. I like the way you haven't gotten them together yet, and the fact that you acknowledge it won't be simple. All to often, some people write Cinderella type stories - you know "Who cares what her blood is, the prince is in love, so it's all good".

Plus, thankyou for the Pirateness. I adore pirates xD
Erkith chapter 31 . 11/10/2006
CANNOT WAIT! lol such obvious bait! bad Flauvic! would be hilarious if he won a wager over

May the plot faeries bless you!


OnceUponATime170 chapter 31 . 11/10/2006
I've been waiting for this to come out and i can't wait to read it. It sounds like a awsome story.
Willow-41z chapter 31 . 11/10/2006
I think Flauvic is trying to hook up Alaerec and Ezra by convincing her to come to the palace.

I can't wait to start reading Gypsy Queen!
Sheyana chapter 1 . 10/28/2006
Just finished re-reading this and had to find a chapter I hadn't reviewed yet, so decided to start at number 1. I still think it's a great story and got hooked till the end.

What's happening with GQ? Is it going to get posted any time soon or is it no longer happening? It was sounding like a good story last time I heard!

Bluebird757 chapter 30 . 7/12/2006
This was a good story too. But how could you give up on heart duel! You must keep updating that story or i'll go insane.
Marie chapter 30 . 7/6/2006
This story is really good. it literally kept me on the edge of my seat, my eyes glued to the computer screen. it took me a day and an hour to read it thru. i loved it.
burgundyandlace chapter 30 . 3/23/2006
Wow, a know they always say think big, but in this case maybe a little smaller would be better. Still...hey now you have ME imagining it. How, scary. Anyway, I loved the kiss, quite nice though it'd be even better if maybe you could finish the sentence with the card. Sorry, I REALLY hate cliff hangers though...GR. Well, post Gypsy Queen soon. (Wait Gypsy, I thought she was a pirate...) *is very confused* Great chappie, by the way I loved it. As usual.
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