Reviews for A Garden of Roses
GnCdwll chapter 6 . 9/1/2017
This is a very unique story and beautifully written; well-researched and I thank u for that 3 tho I hope u made it longer. hope to read more of titans, hive and raven moments in St. Agnes's... really really interesting take. hope to read more robrae from u!
AngeNoirRae chapter 6 . 6/24/2016
T .W .Stunning
AngeNoirRae chapter 4 . 6/24/2016
AngeNoirRae chapter 4 . 6/24/2016
This is so interesting OOOOOOOH
victoriadam chapter 6 . 8/23/2015
Jesus. Fucking. Christ. Holy Shit. I'm just. I can't even speak rn. Trippy as hell. Amazing.
GrumpyShaman chapter 6 . 1/9/2015
Wow. I truly enjoyed! Great plot for first fic.
al chapter 1 . 7/9/2014
great story. I really lilke it ;)
Guest chapter 6 . 3/1/2014
I KNEW it would be a dream! yay
btw this story rocked i wish you'd make a sequel
Jose1400 chapter 6 . 7/2/2013
This reminds me of the Smallville episode "Labyrinth" (Season 6 episode 12)
a nalu fangirl chapter 5 . 1/1/2013
hell yes! a raerob story with bbstar! i love that pairing, but no one ever seems to mention it anywhere! whats so wonderful about speedy and aqualad being with starfire? well excuse my rant but i felt it necessary to express my joy of when jinx found them in the closet. thank you! and goodbye. :)
Guest chapter 6 . 7/7/2012
Lovely story
Tainted.Cherry chapter 1 . 9/18/2011
This story wad absolutely amazing but I could sooooo kick your ass fir the ending! I wanted to see how Robin would react in the real world. And ughhhhh why did you di that! But over all excellent

Her Head In the Clouds chapter 6 . 5/17/2011
You kinda failed with the ending but everything else was ABSOLUTELY GREAT! Never before have I read a twist story like that. Nice! :)
Appassionata 5723 chapter 6 . 10/3/2010
I read your story in its entirety, and it was a sufficiently interesting take on this type of alternate reality tale with decent grammar. However, I feel the need to point out that with regards to the copious medical details of the story, most of the terms do not mean what you seem to think they mean.

For instance:

1)Schizophrenia is NOT characterized by having alternate egos/personalities and should not be conflated with dissociative identity disorder (formerly known as multiple personalities). Schizophrenia is a psychosis that is rooted in a breakdown in the actual process of thinking. Its most common manifestations are in the form of delusions, hallucinations, disorganized speech, or disorganized behavior. Furthermore, a patient must be observed to be experiencing CONTINUOUS signs of schizophrenia for a period of AT LEAST 6 months before such a diagnosis can be made.

Therefore, Robin could not have been diagnosed as a schizophrenic when he was a child on the basis of his "alternate ego" since that is not a characteristic of the disorder, and Raven could not have been diagnosed with it since she had not been observed by a psychiatrist for 6 months.

2) As with schizotypal personality disorder, being that it is classified by the DSM-IV-TR as a PERSONALITY disorder rather than a psychosis, Robin's approach of drug therapy rather than talk therapy Aqualad is VERY ill-advised. Personality disorders are characterized by maladaptive personality traits rather than a break from reality; therefore, psychotherapy works to change a patient's behavior and interpersonal patterns.

3) Citromax is not a drug that I've ever heard of. The closest I can come up with is Zithromax or Cipro; neither of which are psychotropic drugs. They are azithromycin and ciprofloxacin respectively, different classes of antibiotics. I suppose you could have made up the name for the purposes of the story, and if that's the case, then no harm, no foul.

There are a number of other problems with the medical aspects of the story, but I do not imagine you are very interested reading in my continued critique. However, if you do take an interest, a lot of information with regards to mental health disorders and the US mental health system is available online.
angelluck14 chapter 6 . 6/26/2009
Wait wait wait wait what? It was all just a dream? Didn't see that coming!
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