Reviews for Half Pain
TyKa lover 202 chapter 19 . 6/4
I loved the ending of the story.. Great job!
Ellaorants chapter 19 . 3/19
You should make a sequel for this.
Panicchannel chapter 17 . 11/19/2007
;_; GAH..! They're all such badasses. Man, srsly, I feel like slaping Boris and then boil him in water or something like that DX WHAT AN ASSHOLE! He's an even bigger asshole than tala T_T'
Panicchannel chapter 8 . 11/19/2007
;_; *sobs* WHAT AN ASSHOLE! How can he hit Kenny?T.T How can you hit something so cute as Kenny?T_
Panicchannel chapter 7 . 11/18/2007
MAN they're ecil V_V poor little tyson.
Panicchannel chapter 4 . 11/18/2007
.. Kai's such a [insert random swearword} V_V
Panicchannel chapter 1 . 11/18/2007
Man V_V you're srsly my favorite author
Celtic-shadow chapter 19 . 5/2/2007
... I had to download the song 'Brothers' from FMA and then listen to it while reading the last two chapters didn't I.

Unless you want to ball your eyes out I don't suggest anyone try it.

This was a beautifully written story. If you were to ever have your stories published (I realise you would have to tweak a few things so you don't run into copyright) I would so buy them. You really are a terrific author.

Now I am off to read Aster Falls (which I said I would do back at the end of Oleander Summer, but I had to finish this story first.)
Liah-chan chapter 19 . 6/7/2006
I finally got the time to read this fic and i want to say overall i loved it! The ending was perfect

Keep up the good work
Plastic Prince chapter 19 . 5/26/2006
You know, I don't know whether to smack you or make sweet love to you.

This was certainly a treat for my eyes, though the tears were bitter.

So...Can I start chanting for a sequal? Ha, this story couldn't have a sequal that did this piece justice.

God...I can't believe it's over...I wonder which of your works I can stalk next.
cherry fantasy chapter 19 . 5/23/2006
Whoa, that's kind of a sad ending... But it was good too... I don't know how to explain it... All I know is that I liked it ! -

Great work on this fic ! _ I enjoyed reading it ! Keep up your good work, and take care !
Prosopopeia chapter 19 . 5/23/2006
Oh my gosh, I can't believe I missed Chapter Seventeen. When I came to check up on this story I was like, wait, it's done already? When did that happen? xP So I got the extra bonus of reading two chapters back-to-back. And wow, I am amazed. Angst until the very end. Beautifully and spectacularly done. Tala standing up to his father was what really moved me. I don't think he even realized that this was probably the most selfless thing he ever did, and that's what made it so profound to read. Ah, I haven't read some serious angst in a while and this one really makes me think. xD That's why I hate reading them sometimes. They always make you wonder! But a great job to you for spending as much time as you did with this epic. The ending holds quite a bit of promise, or should I say, half promise? HAHAHAHAHA! (Pardon the cheesy pun.) :P I had a delightful time following this story. I'm so sad to see it go! *Sniff, sniff* But I'll be keeping an eye on you in the future. Good luck and thanks for the wonderful story!
evilgoddess1990 chapter 19 . 5/22/2006
my, such a sad ending!

*cries* tala had to die *cries*

i woundner if ur gonna do a sequal.

i loved this story, u did very well!

-evilgoddess1990 loves ya
Tiamat Atardecer chapter 19 . 5/22/2006
Though I want to comment this last chapter with you in Y!, but I'll try to do my best here.

First of all, thanks for mentioning me XD. It's just part of my job (?) being your friend, you know it buddy. I'm glad finally you ended this project.

) Okay, now on to the review:

I loved the first part a lot, the battle between Kai and Tyson. In the last one, I wasn't expecting what you did to Tala, but I kinda think that maybe it was better for him. Maybe I'm a sadist, but I liked the way he ended. On the other hand... ( maybe it was only me who thinks this could have made better in two chapters? ' *giggles* Forgive that, I know that I'm a pest.

I liked the ending, though I think I'd have liked a better ending for Kenny. It's understandable that he would be so attached to the red hair, but the people also needs his help in a way. ' At least that's the way I see things, but maybe it's just my selfish me.

) And I really loved this story of yours. It's one of my favorites...along with Oleander, I think. Maybe I'd have liked to read more about battles, but maybe it's just me, tee hee.

D And I really hope you liked the drawings I did for this story or I will be very I hope you update your other stories soon.
Lusikka chapter 19 . 5/22/2006
Aw.. I cried in the end *snif* I so hoped that Kai and Tyson would get together in the end. *sneezes* This was beautiful. Thanks
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