Reviews for Lies and Betrayal
Fi Suki Saki chapter 5 . 9/23/2013
I hope they do it! Finish it! No one can bother them! Please! DX


I honestly never hate or dislike Shizuka! In canon, she's fine! In many puppyshipping fic, she's fine! And because she's exit, Jounoichi Katsuya became a great and awesome Big Brother! And became like that mean he is in same level with Kaiba Seto! And then they had many similiar situation! And that's what making Puppyshipping is my Best OTP in Yugioh!


But i so much dislike her in this fic! She's so cruel! And blind of jealous and hatred now! But i didn't hate her... (As long as she didn't hurt both Katsuya and Seto physically; like try to hit, stab, kill)
Be thanks to Honda! If he didn't like her, i might hate her!


And to be more honest, i read this fic because...

Huff-! No offense... But that's just too impossible for happening...!
badnewsbabe chapter 5 . 12/4/2008
OMG! I love this fanfic so far! I am so adding! Good job so far! I am seriously begining to think that Joey is losing his mind because of this!
jeuxmungandr chapter 1 . 12/2/2008
I can honestly say what I think about this fiction.

I don’t- LIKE- it…

It has nothing to do with the pairing Jou x Kaiba (I actually love that pairing, seeing as how I’ve written some myself) but is it really necessary to give Shizuka that kind of treatment? It’s disturbing seeing her desperation and almost horrid behavior, and she’s severely out of character (sorry, Shizuka would not “slap” her older brother).

Also, take notice that your summary seems to be treating heterosexual pairings much like a majority of our own society treats homosexual pairings—and obviously, both situations (from any side) cannot be tolerated under any circumstances. It’s not cleverness; its prejudice.

Now I am not trying to violate your writing, darling, only “educate.” I’d honestly take this story back to the drawing board, tweak it a little bit or if possible, rewrite it entirely (starting with your summary) because the story itself is inconsiderate and quite frankly, immature. And everyone on this site is better than that, even someone like yourself… and I am sure that you can acknowledge this, understand what's wrong and fix it up.

-I.P. (Yamiko)

PS: Sorry for getting your hopes up with adding the fave at first. (I'm still not used to 's system) *bows*
melodyz07 chapter 1 . 10/6/2006
This is a great story! Truly...I liked so much the story and the style of your writing.

I hate Sizuka in this could she be so mean...she doesn't deserve kaiba nor jounouchi as her brother.

Kaiba and jou are so...KAWAII... I like so much the both of

them and I think that this couple rocks.

This fic is the first puppyshipping fic where I find Shizuka so crazy (I don't like her at all)...and I like that

I know that you updated from a long time but I want so much to khnow what will happen!

So I hope that you will update one day (in the near future) and that you will finish this !
Kalu-Chan78 chapter 1 . 10/28/2005
Keke... keep writing pls )
SeverusPotterSnape chapter 2 . 9/14/2005
once again! another great story! i'll read the rest later!
iloveatem chapter 4 . 9/4/2005
THAT B!TCH! xRuns off and kills Shizukax GREAT FIC!
Shellyraeleen chapter 4 . 4/11/2005
OMG THAT WAS SO FUNNY! it's also really sad T_T the eunuch part made me burst out laughing, which got me funny looks from people around me ; oh well heh... I hate shizuka T_T -evil glare- she's SUCH a hore in this, heh good job -thumbs up- update soon? o.o
Atki-kun chapter 2 . 4/11/2005
I was just cracking up at this line-

"Unfortunately, in all faeri-tales, this would be about the time where some PMS-ing chick in love with her brother's man comes in to crash the party. And that was exactly what happened."

I love pretty much everything i've read from you. I hope you continue this soon! XD
Saikki-Dono chapter 4 . 3/18/2005
oh i love seto/jouu!) Continue! This is an order!...yeah...they have to get back together
Celdria chapter 4 . 2/15/2005
This szory is great.

I cant believe I havent read it for o long.

Please keep the good work up, and continue!

I cant wait for the next Chapter

Loves C.
Steely chapter 4 . 1/21/2005
I love this story I love Jou x Seto or Seto X Jou or (JouXSetoXYamiXYugi) Lol. Great story and nice Shizuka bashing she is a bitch in this story lucky for me in my school they don't treat gays like that I'm just like I don't care let them live their life! BUT I LOVE JOU AND SETO PLZ CONTINUE IMMEDIATLY!
Starfishy-chan chapter 4 . 12/21/2004
*shudders* Wow, that stuff happens to the gays in your school? Man, that sucks...

XD Love that line, "The day you see my dick is the day I become a eunuch.”

Awesome chappie. Update! *foams* Or else I'll have to sic my hikaris on you.
Ragna01 chapter 4 . 11/30/2004
It was so great! Please go on! It's real fun to read! I don't want Kaiba to restrain anymore! Let him be!
Silver Wing Tamer chapter 4 . 11/7/2004
T_T I'm sorry if I offended you! I was just saying it doens't occur EVERYWHERE. I mean. In my school you get beaten the crap out of for that. I sincerely don't have anything against gay people though. So what if they have a different sexual preference? Love is love. No rules or guidelines. I wish people would just face the facts instead of being childish like that. Once again I'm real sorry. As for the chapter I really liked it. Especially Kaiba hitting Shizuka. She so deserved it. As for the whole plan thing with Kaiba being alone with Joey...please work! C'mon Seto! Get your man back! _ Please continue! And SORRY!
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