Reviews for Freak Romance Accident
Guest chapter 13 . 4/24/2018
this is wonderful one of the best fanfics I've ever read. reminds me of the one Bubbles x Him one but that person's grammatical and spelling skills ruined my life hahaha
Guest chapter 13 . 4/24/2018
sonic rose my man you spelled omoshiroi wrong first off second that's cringy since suddenly using another language was unnecessary since there is an English word to convey its meaning accurately
Guest chapter 13 . 4/24/2018
Guest chapter 2 . 4/23/2018
Guest chapter 1 . 6/9/2013
Holy crap. This chapter was so wonderfully descriptive, and i'm so excited about reading the rest. Amazing job!
Bob the Flying Monkey chapter 13 . 5/23/2011
why must this be the end? why! anyway, it was a great story, and if you ever think of continuing it, i will be your most happy fan. keep writing.

KawaiiKilala77 chapter 13 . 10/26/2010
The ninth dimension was open/destroy/collasped. Why am I not surprised. Anyway this story is adorable and I love it. I hope you bring future chapters one day.
BlueShift5 chapter 2 . 9/18/2010
I noticed you have no disclaimer up (-1 point),several misspellings (-1), and you forgot that in the very first episode, Grim (his skull, anyway!) slept in Mandy's bed! Minus another point! Bwahahahah! Plus that pervert got to see her in her nightie! I hate Nergal, and his black business suit(-1), and the Aqua Hunger Teen Force, too! Toast that french fry guy! Roast that underdone meatball! Suck the life outta that shake! Burn baby, burn! What? Isn't this what they mean by 'flaming'? Rats. Is a flamer the samething as a cross-dresser? Double rats. Let me start over from chapter three!
BlueShift5 chapter 1 . 9/18/2010
I am BlueShift5, and my flames burn hotter than hell! Bwahahaha! I'm on a mission to read and review all the stories that seem 'decent' at first glance, old and new. Let me get my fire any lighter fluid on you? No? Are you...afraid now? No? Rats. Actually, because your story is going on five years now, I figure I can say anything I like since you'll probably never read it! I just like to review to keep practicing writing and also to entertain the budding writers! I'm new to this, and so this is the only way I'll ever get to submit anything to . I'm such a chicken. Ah! I've found my torch! Shall we proceed? Heh,heh!
CalibornLordofTime chapter 13 . 8/31/2008
Awe...Poor Junior...

I wanna kiss him!

* hugs Junior*
Goldenstargirl chapter 2 . 1/28/2008
This chapter was very pleasant to read as well _ Great job!
Goldenstargirl chapter 1 . 1/28/2008
Wow your writing skills are quite amazing! I really think I'll enjoy this story immensely as it is written so very well. Everyone's in character and I like the twist with Nergal appearing in the tv screen _ Now that I've posted my first review I'm on to chapter 2!
TrickyTiara chapter 1 . 10/29/2007
How did Mandy manage to wake Grim up by kicking him with her shoes? Wasn't she sleeping when Nergal kidnapped her? Her shoes are called Mary Janes, by the way.
Tiara chapter 13 . 10/23/2007
ew... but quite good. hey, how did mandy wake grim up by kicking him with her shoe? wasn't she sleeping when she got kinapped? chapter 13 . 2/11/2006
Aw, Mandy and Grim kissed! And was Junior going to kiss Billy? That's slightly queer if I do say so myself...I like this, it's funny. But it is a little rushed
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