Reviews for In the End ENGLISH
q.thews chapter 1 . 10/1/2009
A very nice sad story.
Sacred Beast117 chapter 1 . 8/9/2008

that made me sad that harry died but hell he went out with a bang :)

great story
Reader128 chapter 1 . 11/25/2007
This story is awesome! Your grammar was really good. There were a few spots where some words were switched, but most of the grammar was perfect. My grammar is horrible most of the time, even if English is the language I've been speaking since I learned to speak... Ironic isn't it? I know I've been ranting a little bit, but you did a really good job for your first English story!
Olaf74 chapter 1 . 6/26/2007
Brilliant. Absolutely Brilliant. Please continue it very soon!
anti-thule chapter 1 . 2/19/2007
THat was sad, i almost cried. Good one-shot.
Jamie46 chapter 1 . 6/21/2006
So sad! I knew he was going to die, you could tell right away, but you played it out so wonderfully. Good job. You made me cry at the end, with that letter and all, so touching. Good job, and bravo for writing in another language! :) (I won't comment on mistakes or anything b/c (1) you were writing in another language, (2) this was written quite a while ago, and (3) there weren't that many. :-D So good job.
Zarz chapter 1 . 5/26/2006
This is really good, especially for someone with English as a second language. I'm learning German, and there's no way I could write something this good in German. The plot was really good as well. I think that it would be very likely for Harry to find some way to defeat Voldemort that involved killing himself and go through with it anyway. He's that kind of self-sacrificing person. Please, keep up the good work, you're a really great writer. If you'd like, I could go through your story and point out any places where we'd say something differently. I'm an American, and thus speak American rather than English English, if that affects anything. The only reoccuring thing is that when we write quotes both double lines are at the top of the words: "like this." Anyway, good job!
SPECIALGUY chapter 1 . 3/15/2006
so sad wahh no really though you are a truly talented writer and write English quite well (better than me and it is my first language lol) continue writing your stories and update that damned necromancer story or you shall face my wrath
Raver Styx chapter 1 . 2/11/2005
Bloody Hell that was sad! I like it...
Titanic-HarryPotter-lvr chapter 1 . 10/6/2004
Wow! This story is amazing! I love it!
H-hr-unite chapter 1 . 10/3/2004
you had me in tears and i loved it thank you
opiem chapter 1 . 9/28/2004
Nice story, thank you. Your english is excellent, but quite formal. You also have a small problem with english sentence construction but it's charming in it's own way. The construction problems are interesting and poetic.

I don't know your native language but you shouldn't worry about your english. Your english is better than 95% of native english speakers. My only suggestion is to find a good beta who has english as a first language. They can help you with the idioms and meter of informal english. (we use contractions much more than you do in your writing.)

Good luck and thanks again.

Vawkes chapter 1 . 9/18/2004

Hi! *schüff*

Schöne Story! Wie immer. Ich weiß nicht was ich sagen soll, du kennst ja meine meinung über dich. Eine FF besser als die andere und sogar auf Englisch erntest du noch meine Bewunderung! Danke das du mir den Tag versüßt hast! *umarm*

Meine FF nehm ich grad wieder auf. hatte ein bisschen den faden verloren, darfst also bald Betan. ;-) (Hoff ich doch mal...)

Werd immer mal wieder vorbeischauen ob mal wieder was neues da ist... bis dahin,

toodloo! Vawkes (Vroni)