Reviews for Bells and Wishes
Ealasaid Una chapter 10 . 2/17/2011
i love reading this story. i haven't read it for two years and then i read it again and realize that it doesn't end. Could you please finish it?
secondchance123 chapter 10 . 9/21/2009
you should finish! you were doin so good!

i like the way you write. i hope you finish it :D
clio21000 chapter 10 . 5/9/2005
I've really been enjoying this story - Race is one of my favorite characters - and I'm so glad you're updating again! I hope the next chapter comes soon!
mistymixwolf aka Perch chapter 10 . 5/8/2005
OMG! poor annie..or bell .. or wautevr lol thats so sad!and also poor jack i feel bad for him too :P lotsa sad stuffs in this chappie :( well i gotta run

FlamingYingYang chapter 10 . 5/4/2005
Wow i just... Wow. i like this story a lot. Sure i might say this to a few people but you know what i mean it. THis one is particuarlly good. Can't wait for you to updat again. Hawk
antiIRONY chapter 9 . 2/20/2005
OH COME ON! YOU HAVE TO UPDATE.. now that im all hooked on this story, you cant leave it like this! PLEASE CONTINUE! Also, Im pushing for Race... just so you know, lol.
antiIRONY chapter 7 . 2/20/2005
This is a very good story... Sorry I took so long to review, but honestly, I would finish one chpater, and go straight to the next... Very good story... Im still trying to figure out if your going to put her with Jack or Race. I like Jack, but Race doesnt get much romance, so Im pulling for him. Great story!
antiIRONY chapter 4 . 2/20/2005
Good story so far... interesting how she suddenly develops a "Newsie" accent around the boys.
koodles4you chapter 9 . 1/6/2005
So great! and i'm glad to hear that you are still writing, i almost gave up hope. But i didn't. I loved that chapter, as usual, you do such a great job with the relationship between her and her father. I mean if my dad was always drunk and my mom had left, i could totally feel her pain, i'm sure if that did happen to me the emotions would be the same. you do a great job capturing emotions. and i can't wait to read more of this story.

Autumn-Park chapter 1 . 12/7/2004
thank you for your review! unfortunatly, for a reason still uknown by myself-ive recieved an infraction? for my other story- i have NO idea why and im pissed bc its gone and the characters in it were inspired by some of my real friends...anyway im not allowed to update or anything till the 13th-i think i might cry. so im sorry-but on the 13th there will be LOTS updated so PLEASE dont forget about me! :)

koodles4you chapter 8 . 12/1/2004
i love reading your stories. i feel like i'm reading a book. speaking of books i should be reading my report book, but i'll do that in the next 4 days before its due. lol

i expect it would take a while writing this kind of story, and with your amazing writing (which gives it some of its already amazing-ness). Its so correct and nicely writen, i can't explain it really, my best bet is, it's like reading a story out of a published book.

Sarah chapter 8 . 12/1/2004
I really like this story. Please continue..
koodles4you chapter 6 . 9/27/2004
Happy b-day, I know it's kinda late and I did forget to find you a stupid b-day forward...sorry. I reviewed, happy birthday! I’m cheap what can I say?

I was cracking up at the conversation at the beginning between the boys before they pick up Annie. And the joke was so stupid that it was funny all over again, but for its stupidity? That made no sense, sorry.

Great chapter and I hope to read more soon

TheAngryPrincess13 chapter 6 . 9/27/2004
lol...Ok...Another great chapter! Update Soon..Rock On!
koodles4you chapter 5 . 9/18/2004
*Brushes away a tear* that's so sad. A teary moment story...I LOVE IT! I always love reading your stories. I'll try to e-mail you the ABC's tonight. My scanner is evil so I have to type them up.

I hope you write more soon, and the stupid hurricane totally missed us except for a little bit of rain, which made it totally humid! I ran cross-country in it and almost died! (Well almost)

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