Reviews for Lord of Junior High
ThurinRanger chapter 7 . 8/26/2014
Oh yes! This is so clever! Screen names...that was...GENIUS!
Omg, please update! I love these sorts of clever parodies, they certainly do make the world go round...
Archet chapter 3 . 6/26/2012
This is awesome! Please update, even though I noticed you're not on fanfiction a lot anymore...

Still, if you get this as an email or something, PLEASE update!
Akrakataastreifa chapter 7 . 12/28/2008
oh my effing god, this is brilliant! you must update! soon! sooner than that, even!
Kitty-la chapter 3 . 5/12/2008
*must not make a really obscure joke... must not... submit review... in... Spanish...*

Ah, screwit.

Hola entonces. Este cuento se me parece bien chido, pero hay muchos errores de ortografia. (perdon, mi compu no tiene accentos.) Quizas necesitas una "Beta"?

pues, sigue escribiendo...

Liah Cauthon chapter 7 . 11/10/2007
I like the story! Could you send me the script form?
Frodo's girl chapter 7 . 7/22/2006
I just found this story - and I totally love it! You seem so sure that you're going to keep going with this when you're answering your reviews - why'd you quit?

it's one of the most creative ideas i've seen on this site - totally awesome. I love the way you spoof things but it's still a lovely story by itself. I wish i knew what happens!

you told someone else that you could email them the script version (i agree with you - they totally should be allowed! unfair!) and i was wondering if you could do that for me, as well. I just want to know where you're taking this! why'd you stop writing?

please, please, please?

my email is snowbunny7926 at comcast dot net if you would consider it. I would totally love to read your story!

I'd like to tell you every single thing that I love about what you've written so far, but I'm afraid my hands would fall off before I would finish. So let me just say that I absolutely LOVE this story! i usually don't like spoofs - they're mostly just pairing up Frodo and Sam and making Legolas be all girly - i'm glad you've stayed true to the characters while making it a cute and funny story.

I also love how you've made Freda and Samantha - another lovely idea!

If you ever keep writing... please tell me!

BOBO chapter 7 . 6/7/2006
this story is hilarious!

update soon!
Lunasariel chapter 7 . 1/8/2006
So... it's been over a year. Are you dead, or just ignoring this fic?
Guest chapter 7 . 8/4/2005
OMG write more! this is a riot!

They're taking the pen of power a little seriously, aren't they? But the situations are bang-on!

Melethe Nostalwe Hastriel chapter 7 . 3/28/2005
This is great fun! I can't stop laughing! Update soon!
Romen chapter 7 . 2/18/2005
Please oh PLEASE continue writing this! It is such an enjoyable read! PLEASE!
Asmodeus1389 chapter 7 . 1/28/2005
this is aboslutely hysterical...I can't believe that it took me so long to keep start reading this...We are you going to update again?
Asmodeus1389 chapter 1 . 1/26/2005
Ha HA ha hA! it's about time that I read this. Absolutely hysterical. Well spoofed.
Teazer9009 chapter 7 . 12/30/2004
That sounds like lunch at my yeah, last chapter the dont trust friedas crazy cousins line, I one time said something like that about this girls shannon's cousins. in school i showed her that chapter and we both started laughing and got in SO much trouble. PLEASE update soon. this chapter made my day.
blue3ski chapter 7 . 12/28/2004
Terrific, as usual. :) Sorry I haven't reviewed lately...been busy. Anyway, please oh please update soon!

God bless!
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