Reviews for Of Honey and bees
Luckygirl21 chapter 2 . 7/29/2018
I read all the chapters of this fanfic and I'm reading them again because it's funny!Love your story!
Luckygirl21 chapter 10 . 1/4/2018
Hi!I really love your your little brothers doing
Luckygirl87 chapter 22 . 12/6/2017
That was a good chapter
clairissazeniarosele chapter 5 . 3/16/2013
Can I just say that I love you for making this fanfic? Yes? Yes, okay.
So I'm wondering if you are a big Yu-Gi-Oh fan because you mention the cards some. (I love everything about Yu-Gi-Oh. *Sinks a little into depression because I have no life*) Also, upon reading your instructions to make an Otto doll, I thought the straws was a very good idea. I made an Otto doll, but I used some black, starched felt for his tentacles.
Decepticon Alchemist chapter 19 . 9/30/2011
This is by far my favorite Otto fic! Please keep it up!
Lord Commodore Norry chapter 1 . 6/17/2007
Oh, My, gosh! this is such a good story! Please write a sequel to it sometime. Pretty, pretty, pretty please?
NuttyFluffer chapter 9 . 2/23/2007
well, im sure that cookie is like stale now, but 19 times.
The Master Planner chapter 25 . 12/19/2006
Ah, I have finally had the time to read this and it has exceeded my already high expectations.

-The Trickster

p.s. You've read Quirk of Fate, right? I thought you would have reviewed by now...
SyntheticEuph0ria chapter 13 . 12/14/2006
I'm enjoying this fic so far, but I just thought I should mention something. . . Although, someone may have done so already. I don't know. ;

You seem a little confused on the meaning of "heterosexual". Being heterosexual means you're straight, being homosexual means you're gay or lesbian, and being bisexual means you like both guys and girls.

Just thought I should mention it. _~
Song with no soul chapter 25 . 7/6/2006
Pwnsome! I loved this story! S'cool, and easily one of my favourites. (I will now do a Happy Dance for you to prove how much I liked it. *Music* Na-na-na-na!*Music* All done.) I was really overjoyed when I noticed that it had a sequel, Octopus High. What happened to it? And what happened to Timeless? Did just delete them? I just wanted to tell you that I really liked this one and I would definitey read any sequel that may come, so you know it's not a complete waste of your time. I'll even review, if you'd like- I'm bad at that, though, as you can tell. It's hard to be well rounded when you see no problems. Happy writing!
Veniamin Sorokine chapter 16 . 7/2/2006
Dear author of this wonderful fanfiction. I really enjoyed your work so far, but as a Physics Major( why yes, people do call me Otto now! )I have to point out that Tritium does exist-it is an isotope,however, and is not part of the P.T. The only real difference between the fictional Tritium and the real one is the fact that it cannot be obtained in any quantity even close to an ounce...either it blows up, and you get really radioactive pile of ashes where O.O. used to be, or you end up giving the poor guy cancer. Again, a great work, but, annoying scientist that I am, I must bother you with this minor detail!

Yours truly,

Veniamin "Otto" Sorokine, of the University of Colorado.
Mixyk chapter 25 . 10/15/2005
This was one of the first Spider-Man fanfics I ever read and let me tell you that it has to be my absolute favorite. For the past few months I have been telling myself to write a review for it, but 1) was too chicken to do it and 2) didn't have an account. I read this some time in January I think.

Anyway, great fic! I wopuld ask you to work on the sequal, but I understand that you're probably out of ideas. Again, love the fic, and keep up the great work!
Kahoko chapter 10 . 8/25/2005
nice story i read all of it by now and i really like it i love how u make then feel and such srry i'n not really good at comments but really good work!
Sparda's secret demon 133 chapter 25 . 3/18/2005
i love Otto like shit and hell. I love him and no has him MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Anyway, love the fiction please right more and i love the song as well, American idiot i was going to do the same DAY ROCKS... i'll right to you later when you come up with a nwe fic. ]
Moon Avenger chapter 9 . 12/14/2004
I think you said bloody 20 times counting both author's notes. _'
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