Reviews for Education
Zo chapter 1 . 5/27/2017
I adore this in its entirety.
athenz chapter 1 . 10/18/2011
Sweet story...It's make me cry. Love it so much story like this...I want more of them
And MY Hat Enterprises chapter 1 . 12/12/2008
I love this! The way you craft their developing relationship through a repetitive, yet simple and easy-to-read format makes it a very enjoyable fic to read.

I love the process that you take them through over the course of this fic; people don't ten to think to much about what they learn when they spend excessive amounts of time together, but this showed just how much you can learn.

I love the way you characterise both Jack and Will - giving Jack an unpredictable, soft side without losing his brash nature is an impressive feat which not many writers can manage! Also, the way you draw Will out of himself and show how he changes from uptight blacksmith boy to easygoing pirate (although still with some morals) is highly realistic. I've always been a firm believer that Will would one day follow his pirate blood (if DMC & AWE never happened) and end up at sea on The Pearl and I love how you don't make him a blushing virgin like many other writers do!

An altogether amazing fic! Have some virtual rum!

And MY Hat Enterprises
Gelly Belly chapter 1 . 6/2/2008
LOL! shit this story is hilarious!
little dumpling chapter 1 . 1/20/2007
oh my gosh! that was amazing! probably the best fic i have read that has considered each of their feelings and shown how they probably would have felt to the other IN CHARACTER! in that situation! wow i am so impressed! can't wait to read more of your work. LD
xxzombiesglow chapter 1 . 1/7/2007
Very, very, very good.

I loved it, totally, completely, awesomely.

Although some things are out of place, because of the second movie having been released {things like how you've written Will can't swim, though he did so quite a bit in Dead Man's Chest}, that was bound to happen. So I don't think anyone could really give much of a damn about it.

Anyway, I loved the whole 'Will Learned, Jack learned' theme, really gave the entire thing personality. The dialogue was totally right, no out of character in the slightest. Jack's 'Pirate' quotes really set it all off, I reckon. It made it seem all the more awesome.

And the ending was just fantastic
Serious Fan chapter 1 . 1/2/2007
This was extremely well written. By the time I got to the middle of the story I didn’t care if they became an item or not, because their devotion was so overwhelming. And I say that in a good way. Their relationship was as realistic as a fanfic could be, but still had that happily-ever-after feel to it. It was a pleasure reading it.
Lucky Dragon Smile chapter 1 . 7/21/2006
That was AMAZING! I loved it! It's perfect in every way. You did a smashing job on this, it's fantastic! It was so cute and funny and beautiful all at once. I can't stop smiling,, lol. You're a fab writer!:)!
Edward the spiderqueen chapter 1 . 7/16/2006
oh boy, you make me laugh with this fic. I can't stop! it's just so damn cute and funny and awesome! I say awesome too much...thank you for reminding me why I love this pairing so much. (that was not sarcasm I swear)
Briiiing chapter 1 . 6/22/2006
Well, it's about time I reviewed, seeing as you're on my favorite authors list.

I loved the style that this story was written in. Even though it was almost like a list, iI was suprised at how engaging it was. I had to stop for dinner halfway through, and it was very, very painful, so I'd know.

I liked the balanced and varied blend of quirkiness, romance, marginal fluff (written in a refreshingly non-fluffy way), and slight hints of angst. I appreciated all the details, as they added to the depth of the story. Anyway, I loved it. Not "really like" as I usually say, I honestly love it.
FFTI3 chapter 1 . 6/22/2006
hahahaha...I enjoyed reading this story! I thought it was amusing and funny... P Write some more soon!
FireAngel375 chapter 1 . 1/29/2006
*mouth agape* Well.. I.. wow... very...GREAT...I can't express how much I love this in words. I LOVE!
Funky Nassau chapter 1 . 12/27/2005
Webster and all his words just isn't doing it for me. Let's invent some... Spendiforous, abso-fucking-lutely.

Your pirates have induces melted puddles of goo which once were my brain cells.

I would have your babies.
Saena chapter 1 . 10/11/2005
Beautiful! It's treated very lovingly, and the imagery is perfect. Every action, and everything we learn about the characters, is so like the characters you see in the movie that you believe that it's true. The great part is that reading this story, you fall in love with the characters' love. And that's a good feeling. It resonates even deeper, because it ends with the statement that by telling one another that they love each other, it somehow makes things all right. A sentimental ending for a quietly loving story. Very nice, and going on my favorites.
suckers love chapter 1 . 8/11/2005
I love it. :)
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