Reviews for The Cadaver Uprising
Troy Groomes chapter 13 . 10/3/2011
do 1 story where Lt eva and Kyle get married and have son name tony and the team disbanned.
Pasta Masta chapter 13 . 4/8/2009
That was epic, as usual. XD
Simba Kid chapter 1 . 9/3/2006
Gotta say, this is one hell of a great series. I read the other two, and they were amazing. Keep writing. You and Kit-Karamak are two of the best Star Fox authors ever
Jack Stryker chapter 13 . 5/27/2006
You misunderstand, Rock Raider. See, Pepper did know about the vaccine being able to restore zombies back to normal, but it wasn't made until after the zombies on Corneria were killed. Also, during the conversation, Fox asked Pepper if he knew about it and Pepper was surprised that Fox hadn't known.
Rock Raider chapter 13 . 5/27/2006
I would've liked it if Pepper HAD known tha vaccine could resurrect infected people. THAT way, he would've used it on the zombies in Corneria rather than just kill them. Though I hope that if you DO make a special addition, you alter the bit about General Pepper saying how he found out about the vaccine, so he says he found out AFTER he used the vaccine bombs on Corneria. Could you remember that? Well, anyway, I'll be looking out for it.
MisterChief chapter 13 . 5/21/2006
And just where have you been, sir? You know, I almost thought you'd dumped us.

So it's finally over. Wow. For the most part, this final chapter was satisfying, in that it tied up basically all the loose ends. One thing I thought was disappointing was the whole "Fox and James" moment at the end. Too quick, my man, too quick. Savor it, man.

Other than that, what can I say, except congratulations? What a way to end it.

Score: 9/10

Overall: Mazel tov. You've earned it.
Rock Raider chapter 12 . 8/3/2005
Nice. & I'm betting Krystal's baby will come in a later chapter. Though it would've been nice had Lupus come with them. I would've liked to see him meet woth his grandson. Well, anyway, update soon.
Jack Stryker chapter 12 . 8/1/2005
The baby wasn't born yet, but he/she will be soon.
The Wandering Wolf chapter 12 . 8/1/2005
Wait a cotton pickin minute... What happened to Fox and Krystals child?, was he/she born or what?
unknown chapter 12 . 7/29/2005
good chapter
Daniel Thwaites chapter 11 . 5/23/2005
I just read chapters 10 and 11 and I'm glad to see that you clearly haven't lost your touch to captivate your audience. in other words I LOVED THEM and I can't wait for the next chapters I confident that it will be just as good.

Keep up the good work.

Your fan Daniel
starfox fan chapter 7 . 5/7/2005
I smell1 a croosover!
Rock Raider chapter 11 . 4/19/2005
Say, perhaps Kyle could plant Vaccine bombs all over the place. Bombs full of Solarium vaccine so he could resurrect them as normal people, even the captive zombies. It'd be nice to see all those soldiers who lost their lives in previous Lylat Wars alive again.
Rock Raider chapter 10 . 2/13/2005
Nice to know 1 of them is alive. Now for the other. BTW, you know how the villain was planting bombs to spread the virus, right? Maybe the good guys could do that with the vaccine.
Wolf E. Urameshi chapter 9 . 1/12/2005

...Sorry, guess I got a little carried away. Anyways, thanks for the review, and best wishes to you too. Now about your fic, the idea is excellently executed and it has a lot of suspense (You've played Code Veronica before, right? LOL, try this on any RE game and in your fic: Have a character use a COMBAT KNIFE on a zombie's feet, this'll bring it down.) and drama, plus the characters relationships are marvelously amazing. But something I never saw was Chris being a bear. THAT was a shock to me. And to be honest, I didn't read your previous installments (sorry, lack of time on my hands) but I had a good idea of what was going on. PLEASE continue!

PS: Why not read my Digimon fic? And, why do I get the feeling that Wesker is somehow behind this and not just that rat doc...? *clicks on Submit Review and runs off to play Code Veronica*
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