Reviews for Longing
Nysha chapter 5 . 5/26/2008
This was good. I miss Seth & Ryan and the old days when we were all young and innocent.
kat chapter 5 . 4/10/2008
dude, is this finished? cos i seriously want it to keep going. full of awesomeness! n yay! kissing! um, the only thing i didnt get was when did seth get back? cos ch.4 he was still sailing, n then ch5 bam! he's home n ryan knows that cos he goes to see him n, its all yay n stuff, but when did seth get home? slightly confused... thats it. keep writing tho!
krip chapter 5 . 1/31/2006
loved it.

love it all.
Qalets chapter 1 . 5/23/2005
Hey, I've read many a ryan/seth fic but haven't found many worth a review. Yours was however, thought your capture of the characters was perfect. Some cannot resist the temptation to allow Ryan to babble (in a seth-like way) which is so out of character. I like that when we heard Ryan speak it was his thoughts and not his mouth. Well done, i really enjoyed it
Icy Flame chapter 5 . 1/14/2005
*squeals* This was awesome, I loved it. You did a great job. It was cool how everything linked back to Seth. Greatness. Ooh and Playstation is like a million times better than XBOX. Duh. *grins* Anyways I thought you did a smashing job, the description and plot were delivered flawlessly. Bang up job brotha. *grins goofily* Awesomeness. I hope to see more of your work in the near future, I'm addicted now! *grins* *glomps author* *waves*

Later yo,

broken-angel-gurl chapter 5 . 12/10/2004
is that the ending of the story? this is reallie good en i want you to continue mostly because i want to see what happens
goldencompass chapter 2 . 8/18/2004
I have to tell you that this story made me start liking the Seth/Ryan.

Thanks for that.
wakaba-chan chapter 5 . 8/18/2004
you don't know how happy I am to find so much ryanseth slash here at ff.n. You wrote this so well, and with so much emotion that wasn't melodramatic nor shallow. I haven't watched the show in a while (to be honest, I'm just in it for the ryanseth, hahahaha), but this really brought me back to the first episodes, and the first interactions between these two characters. Really well done.
silver-sunn101 chapter 5 . 8/16/2004
Fluff! This was beautiful. I loved the ending most of all. The part where Ryan trys to tell Seth what he realized while they were apart. The small touches and reactions to them were so intimate and caring. Loved how you wrote this!

alopecia chapter 1 . 8/16/2004
I like your snippet into what Ryan's life and thoughts will be in Chino. When will our sleeping princes realize their feelings for each other? Your other snippets (you have on LJ) should be posted here, too. Share the joy!