Reviews for Unbroken
creativesm75 chapter 1 . 9/13/2015
This is very good. I like it.
daily-chan chapter 1 . 6/22/2013
Nice story. I like how Sirius thinks. He isn't unbeatable, of course he's not. Every human being has his breaking point, except...for Sirius his breaking point would be losing his friends and if his own capture, he himself being tortured would keep those he loved so dearly safe...then Voldemort would never be able to break him the way he tried. I love it.
mermeow chapter 1 . 9/23/2009
I was rereading this, & I couldn't not review it! D

This strongly reminds me of when I have a lot on my mind, & I'd start writing it all in my journal. It's near & organised; Sirius's thoughts are not in a frenzy, they're calm & accepting. He knows what he's done, why he's done it & what he'll have to & will do.
Standing Wolf chapter 1 . 11/23/2008
How could I miss that story the first two times I was rereading the Promises trilogy? Bad me!

I liked this "oneshot" of sirius thoughts... and it has this nice none contradictory contradiction in it as well:

"I know that at that bitter end, it will just be me."

"Victorious or in death, we will stand together. This will not end with one of us left alone."


I just love your writings Robin!
Lily Lorelei chapter 1 . 9/14/2008
Yes! I officially love the UU. It's such a welcome contrast to the broken Marauders we see in canon. No matter how bad their lives may be, they are so much happier this way.

I took a look at your profile page, and I'm impressed by how much quality work you've posted. (At least I assume it's all quality, judging by the sample I've read.) Most prolific authors don't write such quality because they're too caught up in the quantity. Thank you for taking the time to make your work the best it can be.

Lily Lorelei
Shealtiel chapter 1 . 1/25/2008
It's good... an interesting take on it all... I like the fact that you made a point to say Voldemort taught him some things about himself and friendship and stuff.


truest-of-true-loves chapter 1 . 10/7/2007
i love your UU. this was great. i love you!
cirana chapter 1 . 7/15/2007
gd fic
thenewunderground chapter 1 . 7/28/2006
I just started crying... you are SO good.
kling124 chapter 1 . 10/9/2005
well.. the new version is alright.. the words are still as powerful as the old version. but i prefered the old one. :) the canon harry meeting sirius was a wonderful idea..this one feels more rushed? "Alone. In a storm, Remus says, and I know why" you still don't say how sirius knows it'll be in a storm? or do you mean he knows he'll be alone? :)

oh well.. but the new version is still good. i love the way you play with your words. really powerful and strong. all the best! update the UD quickly!
rockpaperscissor chapter 1 . 10/8/2005
this is rather good, as always. I noticed there's more friendship in this fic, and that's always good. However... I kind of miss the old version. Of course, I miss Harry...Hope that you put him in somewhere else. I really liked what you did with it last time, even though it was all too short. But there are also some changes in the not-Harry part which are somehow less poignant. My favorite part in the old version was -

"Was it worth it? Of course it was."

But in this one... it somehow sounds more rushed, less... something. I don't know.

Still, job well done.
rockpaperscissor chapter 1 . 3/11/2005
I like this. Please elaborate on how Sirius met Harry, though. This has potential.

UPDATE, please.
greenleaf-in-bloom chapter 1 . 11/16/2004
Oh wow Jesus wow

That's incredible.
Cestari chapter 1 . 10/9/2004
My gosh, you've got me in tears. Love it!

- Cestari
elvengirl9 chapter 1 . 8/21/2004
I'm crying. This is so sad! Everyone in the HP world is so tortured, by cages of the mind, the blood, the flesh. Cages that make them utterly, totally, alone. This is very true and touching.

If you happen to be reading this but haven't read the reviews for Promises Remembered, please read my review there, as I ask for permission to use two of your minor ideas and they affect my future plot greatly. Thanks again, and please keep writing!
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