Reviews for The Fine Art of Failing
kayleigh101 chapter 4 . 10/29/2011
this is really good and funny
XfallenstarO chapter 4 . 5/18/2008
Awesome story!
cheesestick chapter 4 . 9/7/2007
Awesome! More, please!
ponyrox chapter 4 . 8/21/2007

its funny
Uzamaki-Girl chapter 4 . 7/15/2006

Update asap.
angelps7 chapter 4 . 1/16/2006
aww, i really like this story! will the get together soon? its really different and psycho-ish, i like it. i hope u update soon.
malaga chapter 3 . 3/4/2005
Hahaha! That is really funny. I am v. violent too, especially when I am cold. I know lots of deaths! How about turning Draco Malfoy into a ferret then going "Ron! How could you turn my husband into a ferret?" Either he will die of a heart attack or Draco will kill him!

harryp rules chapter 1 . 2/14/2005
*screams* *screams louder* PLEASE UPDATE THIS STORY! I LOVE IT! *screams again*

i just love your stories! i love your style and your details and THEY'RE SO FUNNY! OMG I HAD TO FIGHT OFF MY LAUGH OR ELSE MY PARENST WOULD BE LIKE "woah..." plz plz plz plz update this story k? u just GOTTA *whines* :) okee
Leoking chapter 4 . 12/21/2004
Okay, you really frightened me *desperately looking around the room for a place to hide*.

I was already wondering from where you get al these creative ideas. Now I know, much to my despair. I am actually happy that a big pile of water will most likely prevent you from coming over and killing me right away.

Anyway, hilarious, irrational, irritating and very, very good. And to the everlasting discussions about Harry Potter Books 6 and 7. If Remus should be killed, which I dont believe, I am sure it will not happen before the grand final. Anyway, I expect book 6 to be slightly more set back than book 5 was. And I definetely due not agree with the opinion - that in saving the world - the series should end with Harrys death. But of course thats just me *threatingly waving a baseball bat*.

Apart from that a new years advice (totally not aimed at personal gain): You really want to keep on writing these amazing stories! Right? And if you should find the time some day to write a short response - as my e-mail Inbox is starving and waiting for mails from dangerous and crazy authors.
Shinegami's Little Sis chapter 4 . 12/8/2004
...ek... Ginny can be quite scary can't she? Poor Ron!

luv lots,

deews chapter 4 . 10/24/2004
Hahahahaha, that girl is amazing. Absolutely "spiffy". :-D More, more!
Harryandginnyforever chapter 4 . 10/23/2004
"Honestly, even if he had looked them in a small room for hours on end" Is this supposed to be locked? LOL jk! I love the story and i agree! Ginny is pure evil! Oh and 1 thing KILL RONALD WEASLY! (well atleast make him so paranoind we have to admit him to an insane asiluim *i KNOW i didnt spell that right, sry*) lol! byes (dosent my name make u think of this story?)
A Paris Romance chapter 4 . 10/22/2004
Wow! This is really good! I love sadistic Ginny...kind of reminds me of me. And beleive me, I know what evil teachers are like. My vice principal hates me. I hate her to. She must die. ...Bye bye Mrs.
account chapter 4 . 10/18/2004
lol wicked chapter! please update soon!
TreeTopRoyalty chapter 4 . 10/18/2004
Yay! Ginny is Evil! And I thought of the perfect revenge! They can tie Ron up, dress his up in a really, really tight dress, and make him flirt with Malfoy, and then go show Hermione pictures! Yay!
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