Reviews for Ophiuchus
Guest chapter 2 . 4/17
Holy shit I just realized this was written when dudes thought looking like edgy faggots was cool
Guest chapter 1 . 4/17
Great now your going to make him look like a fuckboy who’s taken in up the ass to many times with earrings.
Guest chapter 1 . 4/17
This whole slytherian family crap is well crap. Their couldn’t be a heir ring for the family. When the family ran dry with no more proper heirs they don’t lock down the vault till a direct descendant appears but the closest relatives would seize the assets which would be the gaunt family which were the direct descendants of salazzar. Cause unlike what everyone think the family wasn’t called slytherian but gaunt.
mumphie chapter 14 . 10/22/2018
Too bad you discontinued the story - would've liked to see where it would go.
mumphie chapter 1 . 10/22/2018
ch. 1 - And the Potter ring went...where?
Penguin Thug God chapter 10 . 7/25/2017
Ahhh somehow every fic with Slytherin Harry has Hermione a pureblood and in the wrong house or just a pureblood related to Harry or someone else... I'm sorry it's just it gets quite old and people usually use it to pair her with Blaise Zabini, Harry, Draco and/or Snape... I pray that's not the case here it's a really good fic so far
Hellfire-Princess chapter 14 . 2/11/2017
I do enjoy your story, I hope to see an update sometime in the future. I will demand nothing of you, (I'm not an uncultured mudblood who demands "update" in all capital letters) and encourage you to either update in your own time or keep this story on hiatus until you see fit.
kuroyuki96 chapter 14 . 1/3/2015
This is very promising! Please continue it!
Sai the Ink Master chapter 14 . 10/22/2013
Tell me something please. Why in the worlds would you discontinue this? I would have loved how the year finished at least.
Guest chapter 11 . 1/20/2013
LOL! I love the last part.
LycanTheWriter chapter 14 . 11/26/2011
great job
Caroline the Poet chapter 14 . 8/4/2011
I really like this story I wish you would update!
Old-Fashioned-Time-Lady chapter 12 . 6/23/2011
its a nice change to read about harry playing chaser
Tenages chapter 2 . 5/20/2011
What the fuck is this shit? Does not compute. Methinks you need cranial-rectal inversion therapy.
Vicki219 chapter 14 . 1/27/2011
Cool story!
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