Reviews for I'm What?
Guest chapter 7 . 9/29/2012
Did you remove chapter 7? because everytime I come to read it, there is nothing here.
soratolove chapter 1 . 8/28/2012
Is anyone else having trouble seeing ch 7? I cant see it. It wont load. Can someone copy and paste it here please?
mahwish1 chapter 22 . 12/15/2011
OMG.. I loved this! This is my favorite story from now on.. You got the whole plot so perfect.. :) I hope you write more stories.. :)
stubbornheroine chapter 22 . 12/18/2010
this story is really for writing.
stubbornheroine chapter 20 . 12/9/2010
i enjoyed reading this fic. at 1st i thought basing this story on Princess Diaries would be weird and not that interesting. But I was wrong! it's wonderful!2 more chaps to go. )
Koko7180 chapter 15 . 6/20/2010

I really love it! )

Im Spanish and although I know the grammar you put is sometimes wrong i know you try, and that's enough now )

i'll keep reading now


37th Street Goddess chapter 13 . 6/16/2010
An early would surely make your already anxious day. LOL

And Mimi was being a bitch! Gah, she was so narrow-minded and she called herself Sora's bestfriend. Darn if she were mine, I'd truly give her some piece of talking!
37th Street Goddess chapter 12 . 6/16/2010
whew! Yamato is so good to be true, I wonder where I can find someone like him. Hmmm...

Sora's friends are annoying! Couldn't they get that somebody would want a privacy? It makes me so thankful that I have great friends; they won't badger me if I want to keep a secret by myself - they know I'd tell them eventually when the time comes. XD
37th Street Goddess chapter 6 . 6/15/2010
Naley! Yay, I know I'm gonna watch OTH all over again. The whole sharing thing is weird but I still love this!
Writingright chapter 1 . 7/22/2009
hi :)

i don't know if I've ever commented on your writing before, but i just thought I'd say that your stories are probably the best digimon ones I've read :) so, good job :) and keep up the good work :)
petites sorcieres chapter 22 . 6/2/2009
Wow I didn't think I would like it XD That was awesome
izzi626 chapter 3 . 6/12/2007
Oh man, this is a great story! I might have to read more of it tomorrow, cuz right now, I gotta go. But I promise I'll keep reading. :D

Sorry, I wasn't thinking and haven't reviewed any other chapters. .

Oh yeah, last year in my Spanish class, there was a guy actually related to Ryan Cabrera...I think he was like his second cousin or something. 0.0
Sorato-is-the-best chapter 1 . 4/17/2007
Omigod, this story is tootally sweet. It's heading off to a great start. And it's kinda based on the Princess Diaries
eternalwhimsy chapter 22 . 1/21/2007
omg i love the ending of the story. i also really like the story.
Reiiko-chan chapter 22 . 10/12/2006
i loved this story! it's one of the best that i've ever read!
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