Reviews for Love Pentagon
Openforsuggestions chapter 5 . 7/12/2011
I love it! This story is a mixture of cute and funny. The characters of Jack and Cliff are the best I've seen. Im interested in seeing them bond more and how they deal with the ladies. Hope you make a new chapter...even if its been 5years or so.
Sorceress Rinoa Leonhart chapter 5 . 4/18/2006
:) Me likey
sea kelp chapter 5 . 8/16/2005
Finish it! I love this story! Yay! So descriptive! I like that kind of stuff.
Tragedy Catalyst chapter 5 . 9/5/2004
that's so col! It's really funny too. hehe the hat is sacred lol. I hope you update again.
Jersey S chapter 5 . 7/24/2004
And there's even more depth. That whole bit about Jack being extra-perceptive was quite a cool feature there. This is shaping up to be even better by each chapter. By all means, keep it up!
Shelby chapter 5 . 7/24/2004
Update, please! Pretty please? I like the story and I want more! *puts on bookworm outfit and re-reads story*

Hey, Idlers! Review please! It's the least you can do. _ Reviews normally equal more story.
EM chapter 4 . 7/23/2004
Fun stuff, but I need more. Write, write, write!_
spidersilkx9 chapter 1 . 7/22/2004
Hey I think it's good. update soon
Jersey S chapter 4 . 7/22/2004
Enjoyable indeed. Keep writing more, eh? You've got Jack and Cliff's characters down pretty well too. Well, I'll wait around for part five!
Jersey S chapter 1 . 7/22/2004
Hey, this is actually quite well written, and I'd like to see more. Oh wait... there is more. Well, I'm off to read that, and I hope you get more reviews. I know as well as you do that reviews make me feel good...

What I like most of all is that you've got some damn good imagery going. You know how to decribe things. Most other writers would've said "He staggered around like a drunk... perhaps because he was drunk." or something of the sort, but hey. You're doing a good job.
Mystere's Bromide chapter 3 . 7/21/2004

Hey, wait a minute. Something's odd here. Oh, wait, I know: It's a well-written story in the Harvest Moon section. Wow. Not often I can say I've seen that happen.

So let's see here - the classic love triangle setup (I can deal - I've played enough RPGs and seen enough anime to finally warm up to the idea), characters with actual personalities (even Jack has one - and i can say that less often than I can say there's a well-written HM fic) - and, hey, if you can make me wanna smack Karen hard (I like Karen, but Christ. What a bitch), then you've got high marks in my book.

Hurry up and update, you bastard.

(And a tip - if you wanna get more reviews on this - reviews are good - might wanna make it so anonymous reviews are allowed. Some/most people are too lazy to log in or don't have accounts here to review with, so y'know...)