Reviews for Our excellent adventure in Pitch Black
suinamodnar chapter 3 . 6/20/2007
Yay i lurve ya fic. crazy random phsyco gals in PB yay;) I wish Bizzy could be in PB or COR. I need to watch da movies again. Wicked Fic update so we can all bask in tha funnyness of your Fic and know what happens
Kiie chapter 3 . 1/5/2005
A very hypo story! LUV it gals! heh write more!
cutleryismyfriend chapter 3 . 12/22/2004're potentially going to maim some innocent woman. That's mean (even if you hate her profusely-no, i don't actually know what that word means. To the DICTIONARY! .com .



; copious.

or given freely and abundantly; extravagant

Wow, for once my choice in words was right. oo yeah, uh huh weren't supposed to see that )

And for spoongirl1, MARILYN MANSON SUCKS! there that's in print and it overrides your statment because it has 4 (yes FOUR) more exclamation points then yours!

Anyways, even though i haven't seen the movie (yeah, i know, sacrelige, eternal damnation, mocking with monkey pants yadda yadda yadda)this is incredibly funny and I am willing to help you get Riddick back (if I can have sexy, sexy scott speedman. m scott speedman ).

Love you, Kisses and bye!

P.S. Brando asked me if you wanted to go out with him.

P.P.S. no not really.
Blue Skies Rusty chapter 3 . 12/15/2004
Aww why can't Jack die? I'll admit that a broody Riddick is sexy beyond belief but Jack is so ugh! Please say Carolyn dies... she's going to anyway, I hope. I really like this fic, keep it coming please!


P.S. Exams are as evil as the Barney song.
Chaotic Jinx chapter 3 . 12/14/2004
Coolness, just up date more. I dont care about dialog. What would be better is if U 2 changed something small and then showed how much the story changed from that little mistake. That would be clever!

Anyways, u 2 are pretty nuts, so coodo's 4 u. Now, HURRY UP AND UP DATE!

Catie Kerwood chapter 3 . 12/13/2004
Pitch Black wasn't a funny movie (well 99% of it anyway) but this is so friggen hilarious. I love it when someone squee's!
Chaotic Jinx chapter 2 . 12/7/2004
*Snorts* U two are a couple of dickheads! You no that? And i mean that in the nicest way possible.

(Now when u read "dickheads" think of it how Austrailians say it, b/c it sounds more lighter that way)

You two DO realise that in 'real' life Riddick would proberly just kill you both? Pft, but i wont rain on your porade, by all means, please! Continue!


~*Chaotic Jinx*~

P.S. i REALLY want to no how u 2 intend to survive the night! *Luff*
Kristen00 chapter 2 . 10/4/2004
They started running away, but Riddick heard one of them call back.

"Sorry Riddick! We'll save you later! Besides don't you like survival instincts in a woman?"

LOL. I would hate to imagine crashing on a isolated island with you two, goodness you can talk! As you can see above, I have quoted that piece from your story into the review because that is what got me laughing so hard. You two have a great sense of humor, do you know that?
Walking In Circles chapter 2 . 10/3/2004
this is so freaking hilarious, keep up with it!
AriRashkae chapter 2 . 10/1/2004
::wipes tears from eyes while giggling madly:: Oh, goddess, this is too fricking good! Please finish?

And I agree, Riddick is going to need major therapy after this.

Riddick (on couch): And there were these two *crazy* girls...

Psychiatrist (nodding): Tell me about your mother...
Oh Eurydice chapter 2 . 10/1/2004
HI! Finally you managed to update! And again a good chappie! I've read it in the lesson of information technology and was HIGHLY afraid that my teacher'll kill me from all the LOL- ing I've done!

Hasta luego


PS: Say to Spoonie that if she won't answer my email I'm gonna x her out!:)
Casey Toh chapter 2 . 10/1/2004
I'm starting to think that Riddick will need long-term therapy after this...
bladdyblahblah chapter 2 . 9/30/2004
*is on the floor dieing of laughter*

I love it. "so would you."

I would just melt into a puddle of goo.

You girls are great. I really needed to read something funny.


gbmarie chapter 2 . 9/30/2004
Muahaha! I have captured the lawyers and the stolen Riddick. I will kindly return him to you ladies, but in return you must give me more story.
limpet666 chapter 1 . 8/30/2004

and lucky...



Riddick is mine!


*see's big flying monster thing*

Oh you want a piece of me too? Fine!

-5 mins later-


*hides behind tao ren*

Write more, and make the big nasties go away.
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