Reviews for Zeitgeist
The Black Sluggard chapter 13 . 2/10/2017
It's tragic that this story is unfinished. It's so different. It's kind of got a vibe of surreal cosmicism that reminds me of some of Stephen King's fantasy works, like Insomnia and Hearts in Atlantis (and the man with the sunglasses reminds me a lot of Randall Flagg). While I tend to side-eye stories where an OC carries most of the attention, you've created such a compelling mystery for Kevin that at times I honestly let the canon characters fall to the back of my attention. And leaving off on a cliffhanger with a bunch of baddies (I'm guessing githyanki) bearing down on them...

I don't usually comment on unfinished work, but I had to, because what -is- here is brilliantly done.
barron nightfall chapter 1 . 5/19/2012
wow! this is really a very high-quality fanfic! Oh God,brings back so many good many good memories of my teenage years playing Dnd! I cant believe how you so kleverly re-invented the series!
Lady Razorsharp chapter 13 . 10/31/2011
I love it! What a rollercoaster ride, no pun intended ) I wonder if the reason Kevin has always been attached to Looneyland is just for this moment in time, to be the pocket where the young ones and Venger slipped into...

Fascinating and mindbending.
Lady Razorsharp chapter 7 . 9/22/2011
So far I have been absolutely thrilled with this story! However I will have to say that I did an honest to goodness heebie jeebies dance when Looney came to life. Brrrr. That's worse than clowns.

Now to read the rest )
Lady Razorsharp chapter 7 . 9/21/2011
So far I have been absolutely thrilled with this story! However I will have to say that I did an honest to goodness heebie jeebies dance when Looney came to life. Brrrr. That's worse than clowns.

Now to read the rest )
Polgara of Erat chapter 12 . 10/27/2008
Nice explanation of why the ride took the kids back to the Realm in the box episode... I'm enjoying this story a lot, can't wait to see what's next...
Polgara of Erat chapter 11 . 8/26/2008
Those are some scary dudes you've got at the fence... I love Reggie's reaction to what's happening.
Sealgirl chapter 10 . 7/25/2008
Hi Chance!

Has it really been four years since I last reviewed this? (Better keep that as a rhetorical question!)

This was one of the stories I promised myself I would read on holiday - and it was great :)

I especially like the way you have used the basis of the cartoon to create a whole new world on top of it. Your two original characters Kevin and Reggie are totally believable, and carry the story along where it would have been easy to let it wander off.

And the reappearance of Josef is one of my favourite parts - I love the idea that he would know the future, and also be part of the present. It has a lovely circular feel to it.

And I still can't help thinking of "Happy-World Land", but that is just me :)

Looking forward to more.

*presents Chance with the Salmon of Continuation*

Polgara of Erat chapter 10 . 6/16/2008
I saw your post on Helix a while back, and finally found the time to read the whole story. I love it! The hints about what is going on in the realm with the young ones are lovely, it really gives the feel that it's all connected. I love the way you write Kevin and Josef, they really come to life for me. Please continue this soon, I can't wait to find out what the Box is up to.
Gabi Web chapter 5 . 5/15/2005
This story was awesome! It kept me guessing for so long, but it's just amazing! Nicely done!
N.L. Rummi chapter 5 . 11/7/2004
Amazingly awesome! (But then you know how much I love this story. However, since today is International Fic Feedback Day, I thought I'd remind you yet again!) It is a rare gem, indeed, that can revolve so completely around the characters we've grown to love from the show, without even featuring them centrally in the story. (And I love Kevin, Reggie, and all your other creations more and more with every chapter.)

Wonderful job with such a complex and riveting story; I'm honored to be associated in any way with something of this caliber. And when you have more completed, you know where to send it! *VBG*
Sealgirl chapter 1 . 7/5/2004
Hi Chance,

An excellent story so far!

Loonyland sounds like wonderful fun. You describe it very well and capture the atmosphere. I had to smile at the description of the logo and the uniforms. (Had flashbacks to ‘Happy-World-Land’ from the Tiny Toons, it’s the closest I’ve been to the real thing.)

I like the way you casually drop details that we all recognise from the show into your writing (and I won’t give any spoilers here!). The ending was great, definitely not who I was expecting. That makes it all the more fun to read.

You’ve set the story up so well, and I am looking forward to reading more.
