Reviews for Caught Off Balance
Als chapter 10 . 7/8/2005
"Draco shook his head. “It wasn’t me that sent that hex. Warrington did it before I could stop him. But Ron turned around, saw me, put two and two together and came up with five. I guess you know the rest.”"

Is the "...put two and two together and came up with five" possibly some obscure (or maybe not so obscure.. hm) reference to Radiohead? :D
Sunday-Morning chapter 14 . 12/9/2004
Ha ha I'm the one hundreth reviewer! And it's my first review for this as I've only just found it on portkey and decided to see if you've completed it.

I really enjoyed this story. Draco was completely in character and Ginny wasn't a pathetic drip who let him walk all over her.

You explained the relationships in a very realistic way and really made me feel for both of the characters.

I loved the way you ended it. Not completely happy and not completely sad. Definitely worked for the story as this wans't complete roses and flowers.

Anyway can't wait for the sequel.

Love Sunday-Morning
aria.parry chapter 14 . 11/13/2004
I LOVED IT! loved it loved it loved it! Twas good, very good :) I love ur work
prongslives chapter 14 . 8/31/2004
You have to write A secual to in Between places NOw
prongslives chapter 1 . 8/23/2004
I swear you have a tendency to take the worst possible couples and make them into really good storys
FemmeDraconis chapter 2 . 7/23/2004
The ending of this story was very, very intense. I loved it. Ginny is just so drawn to Draco and she can't help it. Anyway, I'm going to the second chapter. Very nice job.
Lisa chapter 14 . 7/10/2004
What a beautiful story and it was so real. You have a talent for making people really feel the emotion of the people in the story. When Draco went of with Patsy at the ball I actually yelled out NO! and now everyone in my house thinks I am crazy! You are a fantastic writer, I cant wait to read more of your stories.

hermione-991 chapter 1 . 7/8/2004
couldnt you get another epilogue up cause i want to find out what happens next
luv-draco chapter 14 . 7/5/2004
you're the best.. you're the best.. you're the best! write a sequel to this! pls! ~M
rosi chapter 14 . 7/2/2004
OMG! THAT WAS SO PRETTYFUL!OMG!I'M LIKE IN TEARS RIGHT NOW. THAT WAS THE GREATEST STORY EVER! I JUST LOVE THAT PART WHEN DRACO SENDS HER THE ROSE ON V.D AND IT SAYS "DONT FORGET". OMG THAT WAS SO NICE. *SNIF* Omg i cant even write right now. That was such a good story. Even if u didnt put the epilogue i still would have loved the story. Omg if ur gonna write another part to this story (if not too much trouble)pls, pls, pls, pls, email me to tell me that u have wroten another part. Thanx.

ur fan thats crying,

Rosi (-_-)


Ur an awesome writer! Keep on writing storys.

**starts to stand up an claps while tears are running down her cheek*
IdUnNoXx chapter 14 . 7/2/2004
You have to write more. And more. And so much more. I like it, if you couldn't already tell.
Admiral Lily chapter 14 . 7/2/2004
I'm like you. I need happy endings. :D Fab story btw. You know, I was conversing with someone about being a multi-shipper (as in not minding if one person ended up with one of two people). I'm not a multi shipper where Harry's concerned. It's Harry/Hermione all the way. But Ginny . . . yeah, I like her with either Draco or Neville. :D

Again, fab fab story.

Lady Godiva chapter 14 . 7/1/2004
Oh please don't leave it here! This is such a good story! I hope you write a sequel or continue or something! But, should you be totally against above ideas, thank you for a wonderful story!
Kiku2 chapter 14 . 7/1/2004
nice ending. it leaves us hanging just a little, but lets us think that everything will work itself out in the end. good job. can't wait to see what you come up with next!

RelientKroxmysox721 chapter 14 . 7/1/2004
Ah! I hope a plead you make a sequel! PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE!

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