Reviews for Father, Captain, and King
Cedarlight chapter 1 . 9/13/2019
Wonderful! This is a well-written, heartwarming story that is worth reading. You have captured their characters and created a poignant moment in time. I love a good Thranduil story where he is portrayed with more depth than just an icy, one-dimensional jailor of dwarves who also lusts after jewels. Thank you for a delightful read this evening.
lDragonElf chapter 1 . 5/25/2018
That was so sad! But also very sweet, living in Mirkwood would be so hard!
Rookblonkorules chapter 1 . 3/14/2018
Holy crap, this was an incredible piece of writing!
TimeturnerJasmy chapter 1 . 8/12/2016
Wow. This reminded me that sometimes, there are no right choices. And that Legolas, as a Captain of Mirkwood, surely has gained a lot of horrible memories. How is he even still able to feel? I wonder what the Fellowship and his other mortal friends would say if they knew his past...
Seschat chapter 1 . 8/12/2016
I absolutely loved this!
Sarahml chapter 1 . 1/13/2016
Ah I rarely see portrayal of Thranduil as a kind and loving father, so this particular novelette was so refreshing!
Der Erlkoenig chapter 1 . 9/15/2015
What a fantastic, well-rounded characterisation of Thranduil - not a one-dimensional villain, but not the fluffy, emasculated "daddy wuvves Legolas" sap that so many other authors present as an alternative, especially after the backlash against the movies. He's the absolute ruler of very dangerous realm during a very dangerous time, carrying the weight of a difficult past, and it's fantastic to see someone placing his ruthless decisions in this light!
Guest chapter 1 . 4/17/2015
It was so wonderful that when i wanted to cry i couldn't since it still had such a warm glow in it
PercyJacksonAlways chapter 1 . 3/26/2015
I know this review is very late considering your story was published in 2004. I just happen to come by this fic, and I found it really entertaining and well written, so I just had to leave this review.

At first, I wasn't really expecting it. I couldn't tell much from the summary, and the genre wasn't classified. But it seemed popular and in the actual books, Thranduil and Legolas relationship were never really stated, so I was kinda curious how you would pull it off.

Turns out, it was great. Better than great even. You paced the story nicely, the writing flows smoothly, and the choice of words were perfect to give the effect. In fact, I like your writing style so much that I'll be taking a look at your other stories really soon! And I'll definitely keep an eye out for subsequent LOTR fics :)

If I could add, my favourite line would be just one word. 'No.' - by Thranduil. Short but nothing else need be said.
Tithi chapter 1 . 3/1/2015
Can't get the sheer beauty of this out of my mind. You made my day. Thank you.
Eirian Erisdar chapter 1 . 11/7/2014
Thank you for tearing my heart to shreds and scattering the pieces over caradhas. :P
IsoldeAhlstrom chapter 1 . 10/16/2014
Seriously, Thranduil and Legolas need more moments like this one. This is wonderful! I love it!
EvenstarWarrior chapter 1 . 9/4/2014
Aaaaawwwwwwww. This story was so sweet! It was brilliant. Great job! :D :)
Lavendelslekta chapter 1 . 1/31/2014
So sad, but still beautiful written, good work :)
skele-gro chapter 1 . 1/8/2014
i love this!
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