Reviews for OVERCOMING
sp4rkl3 chapter 4 . 11/11/2012
Sweet story!
Elsass-Lothringen chapter 4 . 5/28/2006
this is my fav. fic from now on... ~

BV forever!

TranquilSparrow chapter 1 . 5/15/2006
You probably don't read these reviews anymore, but I wanted to say anyway that I love you're writing, it's so smooth and full of intelligence. Bye the bye, I do believe that you're little duck refference was from Catcher in the Rye; a truly great book.-
Addict606 chapter 1 . 3/2/2006
I always come back to this story! Written like no other!

I also hope you can be lured back into writing more DBZ fanfiction, there's such a lack of good ones. Thanks
Bucky chapter 1 . 12/18/2005
This witty humor is awfully familiar...


Found ya.

How's Europe?
Walis chapter 4 . 2/28/2005
Very cute. And I'm glad you made the fact that this is the end loud and clear. Enjoyed this story through-and-through. Hope to be lured in by more of your work in the near future!
manga chapter 4 . 2/21/2005
Well... I still feel like you skipped too much. I wanna see more of them interacting! But you may not want to write it anymore, which is something I understand. As for this chapter itself it's very nice. A good wrap-up that deals with everything without melodrama and stays in character while presenting us with other sides of those characters. :)
Stef-chan chapter 4 . 2/20/2005
This chapter was written for me, right? When I complained how it needs to be longer? :) I love you, Meg.

I loved the chapter. I'd implore you to make the story longer and state the words "The End" on the chapter where Vegeta and Bulma pass away while holding onto each other in deep, un-Vegeta-like affection, but that'd be a bit too much, I guess. In any case, I liked how everything was wrapped up. Couldn't have done it better myself.

Now you only need to do one thing: Write more. I'm becoming Rae George deprived...
Walis chapter 3 . 7/6/2004
I do remember reading this story a long time ago, but I don't think I ever made it to the end. Beautifully written and very witty, I have to express how much I enjoyed it. That was the last chapter, right? Because I sure wouldn't mind if there were more! Once again, lovely job, and I think this'll be heading onto my faves list!
SnowEyes chapter 3 . 7/2/2004



Snowy loves you, Rae. Snowy loves you times infinity plus one and a half. HILARIOUS.
manga chapter 3 . 6/24/2004
*blink* That's not how I remember it ending. Does this mean that there'll be another chapter? :)

Glad to see you liked my suggestions, though you still need to tame your colons.

I like the way this last scene goes now; it continues the banter between them that we so enjoyed in earlier chapters plus establishes that there's still a connection between them. :)

Over all, good job. :)
KyLewin chapter 2 . 6/24/2004
This is good so far. At first I was a little unsure about the whole 'Vegeta needs knee surgery'thing, but I think you managed to pull it off pretty well. I also like that you've managed to keep your characters basically in character and still show the beginnings of their relationship. Great job!
Stef-chan chapter 2 . 6/24/2004
I wonder, Meg, is the purpose of this fanfiction to actually tell a story about Bulma and Vegeta? Or to promote the reading of banned books to your lovely readers? Lmao... So tell me, what was Bulma reading? I might pick it up today, as I am scheduled to visit Barnes&Nobles later on in the evening. *Grins* And another thing: This Darvoset thing-the medication from Dr. Taber at the end of the chapter in which Vegeta is not supposed to make any "life-changing decisions"-is it supposed to explain why in the world Vegeta and Bulma hooked up during the three years and out popped Trunks? Because it certainly is a better explanation than what romance addicts have been telling me for the past three to four years. *Snickers* Beautiful work, Meg. I have this baby bookmarked.
Stef-chan chapter 1 . 6/24/2004
LOL! Meg! This is absolutely genius! I love the pacing in this story. It's fast, witty, and, to some degree, suspenseful. I commend you for my new favorite quote, "...white lizard that had, for a time, a passing interest in the medical artis." LOL! That had me guffawing! You're an absolute inspiration and my favorite role model.
nobody chapter 2 . 6/22/2004
So... I love this story, but I've read it before.

Does that mean you’re the reincarnation of Rae George or something? No really, is that you?

I'm finding that this really bothers me. Also with your story Je nais se qua?.
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