Reviews for First Day Back
thechibbygeekgoddess chapter 1 . 6/16/2013
This was so beautful and so perfectly put.
Rowena Zahnrei chapter 1 . 7/30/2004
[quote]Sex creates a bond, Ororo. The bond is very strong. If you are the kind of person who can just throw that bond aside, if you can ignore your emotions and your partner's emotions, that selfishness is a sin unto itself. Men and women who do not form bonds, they see others as objects, and they are seen as objects themselves. That is why prostitution is such a sin; it reduces people to objects. Even when there is love behind the act, sex changes the relationship. You don't see each other the same way anymore. Only a mature, committed relationship can stand up to this without being changed for the worse."

"…And getting married is one way to try and make sure the couple know each other and are committed beforehand..."[end quote]

I've never seen it put so eloquently before, but that's it exactly. That whole thing about Solo Scriptoum, that it's only a sin for 'you'...well, I'm a Catholic and that just hit a chord. Very powerful, and very well-expressed. Excellent story.
Poetic-Mind chapter 1 . 6/14/2004
Aw... so sweet! Great job.