Reviews for The Treachery of the Trees
coolcat12345 chapter 1 . 11/19/2014
Oh, awesome story!
MilanRouge chapter 1 . 2/18/2009
This was a great way to explain natural things. Nice job! So added to my community.
The Good Doctor chapter 1 . 1/18/2008
This is a very good example of how a myth can explain how things come to be. As a fanfic myth, this story does a good job of taking a story we're all familiar with and putting in a few extra details to show us why something is the way it is. While the Persephone/Hades/Demeter angle is overdone, I enjoyed this one. One thing that would've been a good compliment would be if the trees were represented by the hamadryads that lived in them, rather than the plants themselves. Just an idea.
Blackpen Enaru chapter 1 . 7/14/2006
wow. rather insightful, in a mythological way
Meggie Dodge chapter 1 . 12/1/2004
Less like Sophocles than the Brothers Grimm. Not that that's a fault: where do we think Ovid got all those Metamorphoses, if not from the fireside tales of ordinary folk?
Backroads chapter 1 . 10/23/2004
Beautiful. Absolutely beautiful. So I would like you to take away your author's note; it doesn't belong. I'm so amazed you could add that much more to the story of Persephone.
Alteng chapter 1 . 7/15/2004
This worked very nicely. It is told like the tales in mythology books, and without dialogue. It also works nicely with the reality of things and the folklores that a person could create about them. Nice piece.
Valiowk chapter 1 . 6/21/2004
Oh, this is absolutely, absolutely beautiful! I can't describe the sort of rapture that it throws people into!

I liked the idea of the story; the thought that even the trees would choose to side with a person.

And I love the Anti-Disclaimer ;) .
WindSPun chapter 1 . 6/11/2004
I read your story.

and guess what- i liked it too

you remind me of someone i know... even from the tone of your summary and all

I wouldn't have read it had it not caught something in my mind

I dunno

Since I read pretty much everything those who are kind enough to review for me write, i'm going to take a leap of logic and ask you to please not read my first story. the first ten chapters are awful and i'm doing a complete rewrite

It would be too much of a coincidence if you happened to actually BE the aforementioned acquaintence. But then, I'm not quite sure I believe in the idea of coincidences... so out of curiosity... does your first name happen to start with a H?

You don't have to reply.



i'm done now
