Reviews for Dinner With Me
easycome chapter 3 . 11/10/2018
And honestly it's pretty inspiring to read about Kai working through his guilt and accepting himself

“Well, you're Hiwatari Kai. I wouldn't want to settle for anything less than the whole package."

easycome chapter 4 . 11/10/2018
This is so good! I could see this as an actual episode

The characterization is really great! I think you got the right level of romance, plot, and action and didn't make it too cheesy

This is a great read
sharon chapter 3 . 9/20/2017
It is such a romantic chapter. Actually I'm jealous bout it as u r able to write such romantic fanfic . Especially that kissing part . Trully I loved it . Awesome chapter . Actually to be more clear one of the best kaihil fanfics I've ever read . Pls do continue to write fanfics
I'm so happy I got to read it . Thanx .
TakaharaShiori chapter 4 . 8/6/2017
Awwwww... It was so sweet. Awesome fanfic. I so did loved it.
blankit chapter 4 . 2/14/2016
Wow awesome story. Love kaihil...
k chapter 4 . 1/5/2016
This is awesome.
DAIMYO chapter 4 . 4/15/2011
First of all it's ''Shell Sharks'', not ''Shell Killers'' and second, it's ''3,2,1 ... LET IT RIP!''.
jazzy starlight chapter 4 . 7/28/2009
awesome story loved it so much!
Anime Onnanoko chapter 4 . 8/19/2008
i loved this story it was so good! I love KaixHiromi pairings, you wrote them together really well
allconspirer chapter 4 . 4/8/2008
Really great story! I loved it.
sayam chapter 1 . 6/23/2007
the best story i have ever read.
Nubia chapter 4 . 4/9/2007
I have to say that this is my favorite chapter. Yes, I liked watching Kai squirm and all as he struggled to define his feelings for Hiromi but I liked this chapter better. My favorite part was when Eri remembere what Kai had told him about "The day I ..." etc ..that was my fav! I dunno if I reviewed the last chapter the last time I read and if I did I don't remember if I told you my favorite part...If I might have changed now heheh.

Anyways second I liked how Hiromi found out about Kai and how he felt thinking he would lose her. But over all I loved the story as a whole. Like I said before I just loved the way you portrayed Kai because even though he was struggling with his feelings he was still were able to pull it off and for that I congratulate you.

Anyways I was listening to some Snow Patrol song and I thought it fitting to this when Kai referred to Hiromi as being Magic herself. I also remembered you newest story 'Secret of the Pop Star' since the song is titled "You're All I Have". Well now I'm off to read 'Resurrecting My Darkness' and I'm just wondering how that story will go about. Here in this chapter at the end we have Kai and Hiromi and all especially when she said she 'couldn't hate him'. oh and the last two sentences too.

Well wonderful story!

keep up the great/amazing work!
Nubia chapter 3 . 4/9/2007
Stupid Kai! Hurting Hiromi like that! lol Hey I like how you portray Kai like this...its so fun to watch him struggle! lol. So first you decide to kiss her and then you leave her...tsk tsk tsk.

anyways hehehe great chapter/story!
Nubia chapter 2 . 4/9/2007
Kai can be so so so ..hmm what's the anyways haha great chapter! I love the Kai and Hiromi interaction! Its awesome, they are both in character and I love how you give their thoughst and stuff. Like when Kai was reflecting on how they first met to how he felt he needed to protect her. One can see the feelings manifesting themselves!
Nubia chapter 1 . 4/9/2007
Haha. I had forgotten how much I loved this story! Its so awesome and the interaction between the characters flow nicely! Hehe. the little conversation between Yuuya and Kai was funny. Kai is just so funny...trying to ignore all the little signs and stuff.
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